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Every person has a

favorite personality and

as well as an idol person.
A person whom you
idealize because of
various qualities
prevalent in their
personality is considered
as your Favorite
personality. Like this, I
also have a favorite
person and he is my idol
too. There are certain
qualities and traits that
are a part of a person’s
character that makes him
different, attractive and
appealing in the eyes of
others. Every person in
this world idealizes
someone who is a role
model in their life. He is
my favorite personality
because he was a very
brave, honest and holy
man. He was a favorite
person of Allah.
My favorite personality is
our Holy Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H),
who is the last
messenger of Allah in
this world upon whom the
revelation of the Quran
was sent. In a Hadis
Allah says to Hazarat
Adam “I Muhammad
would not be created you
also not be created”.
Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) is the person
who encompasses all the
good qualities in his
personality, as Hazrat
Ayesha (R.A) wife of
Prophet (P.B.U.H)
narrated, “Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) is the living
example of Quran, he is
an embodiment of
Quran.” He is the last
prophet. He was born in
Makah in the year
570. Before the birth of
Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
people in Arab was
completely indulged in
every kind of malevolent
activities, darkness was
prevailing, whole Arab
was affected by the vices
of humankind, then there
came the time when a
ray of hope emerged with
the birth of Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
Due to his chivalry,
Prophet (P.B.U.H)
became very popular in
the city of Makkah,
people used to call him
honest because of his
pious characte

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