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06/11 / 2022

Computers are the most efficient calculation tools ever invented. They have enough computing
power, autonomy and processing speed to replace us in many tasks, or allow us work dynamics
that have never been possible before in history, to the point of becoming indispensable today.

Although only from the 90's onwards computers will be able to be recognized by a large part of
the population, and in 2000 they will obtain a part of people's daily lives, the truth is that their
history goes back many years with a wide generation of computers that, even in the 21st century,
are still unknown to them.

In the following document, its history will be described and explained through the passage of
time and its evolution, from computers without an operating system, built with valve
electronics, passing through transistors until reaching the microprocessors that we know today.
What is a computer?

Precisely, “Computer is an electronic device for performing arithmetic and logical operation.” Or
“Computer is a device or a flexible machine to process data and converts it into information.”
To know about the complete process that how computer works, we will have to come across the
various terms such as Data, Processing and Information. First of all we will have to understand
these terms in true sense.

Computer types

There are different types of computers based on their size: supercomputers, mainframes,
minicomputers, and microcomputers. And depending on the type of technology they use, they
can be analog, digital, hybrid or quantum.

Let us remember that a computer is a device capable of receiving, processing and storing data
through the execution of mathematical and logical operations. The result of this process is useful
information for the user: graphics, text, audio, video, games, etc.
Generation of computers

There are five generations of computers, classified according to their components or technology
used: vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, microprocessors and artificial intelligence.

A generation of computers is a period in which a group of devices with similar technology,

features and capabilities are launched on the market, even if they are from different
manufacturers. When a device is created that surpasses the rest due to its components or
technology, then a new generation begins.

For example, when the first computers with microprocessors emerged, which are the ones we use
today, they displaced those that were made up of integrated circuits and that were much larger,
heavier and slower. This change meant the arrival of a new generation of computers.

1st Generation of computers – 1946 to 1955:

At this time, the technology used was vacuum tubes, these same ones are famous for having
made possible the development of electronics towards the middle of the 20th century. For this
reason, computers were developed with electronic vacuum valves. They were mainly
characterized by their enormous size, not having an operating system, but rather a punched card
to store all the information, and they were used exclusively by the military forces and the
scientific industry.

Between the years 1951 to 1955, several models of computers were manufactured and built that
marked the commercial beginning of this great technological invention. To this select group
belong the UNIVAC I created by the same inventors of the ENIAC and cataloged as the first
commercial computer procreated in the United States and the Zuse Z22 also developed by
Konrad Zuse under the vacuum tube system.

2nd Generation of computers – 1958 to 1964:

The great feat of this generation was the substitution of vacuum tubes for transistors,
accompanied by the use of ferrite core memories and magnetic drums to store
information, which allowed the manufacture of smaller computers, characterized by better
power, speed and reliability. In this period, high-level languages such as ALGOL, FORTRAN
and COBOL began to be used, the latter two being the programming languages that the great
computer scientist Grace Hopper helped develop, thanks to her knowledge of FLOW-MATIC.
The most prominent computers during this time were:

IBM 1401: It was a general purpose computer launched in 1959 by IBM that had a system based
on transistors and punched cards. Due to the large number of copies sold (around 12,000) it was
considered one of the most successful machines of the time.

IBM 1620: It was a computer created mainly for scientific use and the first of its kind to be
estimated as cheap. It had a magnetic core memory and was launched on the market in 1959.

3rd Generation of computers – 1964 to 1971:

With the invention of the closed circuit or chip by American engineers Jack S. Kilby and Robert
Noyce, the design of computers is completely revolutionized. The first magnetic discs appear
and the electronic components are integrated into a single piece or chip that houses capacitors,
transistors and diodes inside, which help to significantly increase the charging speed and reduce
electrical energy consumption. In this generation, computers are characterized by having greater
flexibility and reliability, being smaller in size and occupying little space. The most outstanding
machines of the time were:

CDC 6600: It was created in 1965 by the American Seymour Cray and its main use was for the
investigation of high energy nuclear physics.

IBM 360: Designed by the IBM company, it was one of the computers that influenced the
development of the entire 3rd generation of computers.

4th Generation of computers – 1971 to 1981:

From this stage, personal computers become the protagonists of computing. All the elements
that make up the CPU are now stored in an integrated circuit known as microprocessors and a
wide range of these elements manufactured by the Intel
company, currently recognized as the largest manufacturer of integrated circuits in the world, is
beginning to emerge. The first microprocessor called 4004 was developed by Intel in 1971 and in
1974 the first designed for general use was presented to the market. It is in this generation where
the floppy appears.

5th Generation of computers – 1982 to 1989:

Two historical events mark the beginning of this stage. On the one hand, the 5th generation
project commanded by Japan in 1982, whose main purpose was to build computers with more
advanced technology under more powerful programming languages for machines and less
complex for users. On the other, the construction of the first supercomputer with parallel
processing capacity by Seymour Cray and his company Control Data Corporation called CDC
6600. In this generation, computers begin to carry out tasks that still predominate today, such as
the automatic translation of a language to another. Likewise, the storage of digital information is
processed in gigabytes and the DVD emerges.

6th Generation of computers – 1990 to the present:

Although there are some disagreements about the existence of a 6th generation of computers, the
truth is that computing has not stopped and is advancing on a larger scale every day. Artificial
intelligence, vector and parallel architecture of computers and the incorporation of specialized
processor chips to carry out certain tasks, predominate today. However, there is still a long way
to go for digital technology and according to industry experts such as the great Stephen
Hawking, the next generation will be marked by the maximum development of quantum
computing and its implementation.
Computer history

Man always searched for a fast calculating device, it took a long time to invent a digital
computer. A brief history behind the invention of computers is as follows:

1. Abacus :

It was the first computing device, and was developed in 600 B.C. It was used to perform simple
addition and subtraction.

Abacus is known to be the first mechanical calculating device. Which was used to be performed
addition and subtraction easily and speedily? This device was a first develop Ed by the Egyptians
in the 10th century B.C, but it was given it final shape in the 12th century A.D. by the Chinese

Abacus is made up of wooden frame in which rod where fitted across with rounds beads sliding
on the rod. It id dividing into two parts called 'Heaven' and 'Earth'. Heaven was the upper part
and Earth was the lower one. Thus any no. can be represented by placing the beads at proper

2.John Napier:

It was a cardboard multiplication calculator. It was designed in the early 17th century.

As the necessity demanded, scientist started inventing better calculating device. In this process
John Napier's of Scotland invented a calculating device, in the year 1617 called the Napier

In the device, Napier's used the bone rods of the counting purpose where some no. is printed on
these rods. These rods that one can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division easily.

3.Blaise Pascal:

It was invented in 1642, it could only add and subtract the numbers, division and multiplication
was done by repeated addition and subtraction.
In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented an adding machine called Pascal's
calculator, which represents the position of digit with the help of gears in it.

4. Leibnitz:

It was a the first calculator that could multiply and divide also, was invented in 1694. In the year
1671, a German mathematics, Gottfried Leibniz modified the Pascal calculator and he developed
a machine which could perform various calculation based on multiplication and division as well.

5. Charles Xavier:

It could perform addition, subtraction and multiplication as well.

6. Charles Babbage:

In 1842, he developed an Analytical Engine that was automatic, which could perform 60
additions per minute.

In the year 1833, a scientist form England knows to be Charles Babbage invented such a
machine. Which could keep our data safely? This device was called Analytical engine and it
deemed the first mechanical computer.
It included such feature which is used in today’s computer language. For this great invention of
the computer, Sir Charles Babbage is also known as the father of the computer.

Little is known about the generation of computers to come. Major advances in artificial
intelligence, quantum computing, and learning algorithms promise a highly automated future
with enormous industrial potential. In it, the computer can stop being an artifact that
accompanies us and become inside our own bodies.
References 2022. Introduction to information technology lecture 1. [online] Available at:



COMPUTADORAS. [online] Available at: < de-las-

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