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Monster This is the Spider Master’s lair,

a cavern filled with treasure and danger.

Its entrance is easy to spot and can be
reached after crossing the Silver River,

Anyone entering the cave will alert the
Spider Master’s minions: Giant Spiders
with large wicked men’s heads (Skill 2,

Stamina 3). The minions (1d6 creatures)

in the far northwestern hills, a day or two will attack invaders on sight using their
from a cosmopolitan and bustling citadel
 venomous pincers.

called Yrstaldt.

A minimalist Low Fantasy The Spider Master has captured Gerd,

In addition to damage, victim’s can be
poisoned (1-3 chance in 1d6) and lose
OSR TTRPG by Horos a master swordsman, and notorious
monster slayer. Zuma, his apprentice,

1 Stamina point each hour past until
cured. A rare venom antidote can be
is looking for him. She offers 3d6 silver prepared by a local priest who lives

coins to anyone who joins her quest. in Yrstaldt’s citadel (60 silver coins).

Describe your PC Success

Players describe their Player Characters (PCs)
 The player will roll as many six-sided dice (d6)

with 3 short phrases. The PCs’ occupations are defined as the PC’s Skill Dice against a Difficulty of 6.

first, then an idea about the PCs’ most developed This room is cold and has a high cavernous ceiling.

capabilities go alongside their main objectives.

Example: Zuma has Skill 6, therefore the player
 A stone coffin and a wooden chest lie on its eastern wall.

rolls 6d6 in order to accomplish a challenging task.

Example: Zuma is a warrior. She knows how to wield
 The chest lock is easy to pick (Difficulty 4), but the stone slab
a sword. She traveled to the neighboring lands to find
 To be successful the player must have at least one 6. 
 sealing the coffin is very heavy and way too difficult to move
her missing master, a well-known monster slayer.

If no 6s are rolled, the attempt fails. At the GM’s (at least 3 successes are needed, rolled against Difficulty 6).

discretion, success can be obtained by rolling 5-6

The Game Master (GM) now knows that Zuma
 or 4-6, depending on the task’s Difficulty.

The chest holds 1d6x10 silver coins. However, there’s

can fight with a sword and is looking for someone. an evil Undead Corpse inside the coffin (Skill 3, Stamina 4).
Example: Josh’s PC is Zuma (Skill 6), and his warrior
 The corpse will attack intruders on sight with its sharp claws.

is trying to attack a monster. He rolls 6d6 and gets

Roll 3d6 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, and 2. It’s a success and the attack

does some damage.

The stone coffin treasures are 1d6x100 silver coins, 1d6
bronze goblets (20 silver coins each), a Potion of Healing
(anyone drinking it recover 1d6 Stamina points) and a Potion
Players roll 3d6:

of Immunity (anyone drinking it is immune to any kind

•The highest die is their Skill Dice.

Damage of spider’s venom for 1d6 hours).

•The remaining dice are their Stamina.

Damage reduces the victim’s Stamina score.

If Stamina is reduced to zero, the victim dies.

This reinforced wooden door

Example: Josh rolls 3d6 and gets
 is locked (at least 3 successes
6, 4, and 3. His PC’s Skill Dice is 6
 At the GM’s discretion, a day of rest
 are needed to open it, rolled This old rotten wooden
and the Stamina score is 7 (4+3). can recover up to 1d6 Stamina points.

against Difficulty 6). door is stuck (Difficulty 4).

Damage is the number of successes obtained

Skill Dice by an attack roll against an opponent.

PCs can also suffer damage by other means: falling

Skill Dice is used when PCs are trying 

into a pit, inhaling toxic gas, eating spoiled food, etc.

to do something really challenging.

Example: Zuma got two successes (6, 6, 4, 3, 2,

Example: Zuma entered a dark and sinister dungeon 

and 2) while trying to attack a beast. This means
 This small chamber has A Huge Spider is hidden
searching for her master. She faces a creature with the

the beast loses 2 Stamina points. stalactites hanging from
 in between the stalactites
body of a giant spider and the head of a wicked man.

its ceiling. The floor is wet
 and will attack visitors on
The monster is trying to attack her with its venomous
and water drops occasionally sight (Skill 4, Stamina 5).

pincers. Zuma’s player describes the warrior will use

her sword to pierce and slash the creature. The GM

asks the player to roll the PC’s Skill Dice in order

Improvisation drip from the rock formations.

A careful eye will notice some Inside the wooden chest,
dried blood pools too. there are 3d6x10 silver
to define the success or failure of the action. GMs and players alike should improvise a lot
 coins and a key to open
and create variations to the given guidelines.
 the western stairs door.
How does magic work? How tough are monsters?
W ritten by Horos.
 What happens if players try to do something

Proofreading by Rossi Antúnez.
 unknown to their previously defined PCs’ This stair leads to Spider
Illustration by Gustav Sokol
 descriptions? It’s up to you to discuss
 Master’s room. Improvise
© Horoscope Zine, 2022. and decide about these topics together. what happens next.

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