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Its been two months now that I have been using WebHorizon/Cloud-V's KVM DevCloud

VPS. Finally, has the time come to write a review.

> System Configuration

I have been using a custom version of their Xenon Compute VM with 17GB of RAM and
640GB of NVMe SSD Storage.

> Features
All of their DevCloud VPS' have native IPv4 and IPv6 support. Windows support has
also been recently added. To manage the VM, you get a Virtualizor Panel. It also
supports ISO uploading and has a VNC that you can use in rescue situations or for
installing an OS from a custom ISO. OS presets for Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS,
Almalinux, Rocky Linux, and Windows are available.

> Performance
As I mainly use the VPS for compiling AOSP, the CPU always stretches out to 90-95%,
but no slowdown is still noticeable. The network speeds are pretty great. 500MB/s
probably. You get infinite bandwidth along with it (I purchased it earlier, so I
have 16TB/month), and also, the SSD is fast, as indicated in the YABS below.

> Price to Performance Ratio

I say, fabulous!

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