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Wahyuni padu ( 2021).

” The Relationship between the Head Room Control Function and the
Implementation of the SOP for the Prevention of Fall Risk at the Maria Walanda Maramis
Hospital, North Minahasa a”. Essay. STIKES Muhammadiyah Manado Nursing Study
Program. Supervisor (1) Ns. Hj. Silvia Dewi Mayasari Riu, S. K ep., M. Kep.(2) Kristine
Dareda, SKM., M.K ice

Falls are an event that is not expected but has a high risk that it will occur if there is no
application of the SOP for the risk of falling, falling can result in bad things that will be
experienced by sufferers such as wounds to the skin, fractures, impaired mobility. physique
and death. So in this case the role of the head of the room is very important, especially in the
function of controlling the head of the room. The purpose of this study was to determine the
relationship between the Control Function of the Head of the Room and the Implementation
of the Fall Risk SOP at the Maria Walanda Maramis Hospital, North Minahasa in 2021.
Empirical design This is a descriptive analytical approach with a cross sectional
sample taken as many as 30 people using Total Sampling. collection using a
questionnaire.The results obtained are correct in the study using the Chis-Square Test value
= 0.000 where <0.05 which means Ha is accepted.
The conclusion in this study is that there is a relationship between the Supervisory
Function of the Head of the Room and the Implementation of the SOP for Falling Risk
Prevention. Suggestions for research are to bring information and motivation to nurses in
implementing SOPs to prevent falls and to build the spirit of the head of the room to optimize
nursing care in the inpatient ward.

Keywords: Control, SOP for Fall Risk


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