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House Keeping 2 (Performance Task #2)

Ramos, Aeron B. 11-HE Watermelon

Procedure to Collecting Guest Laundry

1. The guest will dial the

number of front desk written 2. The laundry desk
in the compendium to call
the valet service. They fill up
attendant will receive
the guest count column a call and He/She will
where they count the assign a valet runner.
number of clothes. that they
want to wash, dry clean or

Laundry Desk
Guest Call Attendant

Valet Valet & Guest

3. The same number

should appear as the
4. The vallet runner
guest count. This will
will proceed to the
be written in the
room and perform the
house count column
next to the guest
count column.

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