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Level : Elementary School/class 1

Skill : Speaking and writing

Duration : 45 minutes

Purpose : 1. Students can identify the names of colors in English properly and correctly.

2. Students can say the names of colors in English properly and correctly.

3. Students can write the name of the color correctly.

Topic : What color this is ?

Media : Picture

Procedure : A. Opening ( 5 minutes )

Teacher greets student.

Teacher asks the leader of the class to lead praying
Teacher gives Brainstorming by asking several questions about related topic
B. Main activity/teaching procedure (35 minutes )
1. The teacher introduces color names for students.
2. The teacher shows a picture of fruit and say the color of fruits
3. Students repeated
4.The teacher asks students, what color is the fruit?
5. The teacher asks students to complete the missing letters on the questions
6. The teacher asks students to read the answers in front of the class.

C. Closing ( 5 minute )
The teacher summarizes the lesson that has been learned by asking the
students to come forward, retelling the material.

Reference :

Evaluation : Students to discuss the types of colors they understand well and correctly.

A. Material

Color names:

1. Red : merah
2. Blue : biru
3. Green : hijau
4. Yellow : kuning
5. Purple : ungu
6. Black : hitam
7. White : putih
8. Brown : coklat
9. Orange : oranye
10. Grey : abu-abu
11. Pink : merah muda
12. Light blue : biru terang
13. Dark blue : biru gelap
14. Light brown : coklat terang
15. Dark brown : coklat gelap

To ask about colors using a sentence:

A : What color is it ?

B : It is blue

A : What colour is the

banana ?

B : The banana is yellow


Complete the missing letters, so they can form a word !

Example :
This is a banana This is a …

This is a … This is a …
This is a … This is a …

This is a …


1. yellow
2. red
3. Orange
4. Green
5. Brown
6. Purple
7. Black


Writing: the score of each item question is 1

If students correct 7 items, the score is 7x10/7: 10

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