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SOP FOR PHD IN PHYSICS lve always thought of physics as the study of two completely separate fields - one which explained phenomena in everyday life, and one that explained phenomena that could not be fathomed in everyday life. As a child, | was fascinated by the former, which led me to study physics in college. During that time, | became interested in the latter, and became very interested in its implications on the environment and society. Luckily, my college offered an interdisciplinary degree, which allawed me to study Physics and Environmental Science. My goal is to become a researcher that worked on ways of containing radioactive waste generated by hospitals and industrial applications in a way that would reduce their impact on the environment as well as gradually convert them into inert material After completing my college degree, | worked for a few years at the Environmen Protection Agency, where | examined sites of radioactive leakage and measured the damage done. However, | still wanted to actively find ways to contain and control such occurrences. For this reason, | decided to return ta school to obtain a PhD in Physics, which enhance my knowledge base and equip me with the necessary research understanding to be able ta conduct meaningful experiments and develop new methods of disposing of radioactive waste. Faraday University is my first choice for graduate studies because of its reputation as a center of learning and social responsibility. | look forward ta the service projects that students are required te conduct, as giving back to the community and environment is at the core of what | hope to facus my research on. Additionally, the close mentorship will enable me to learn techniques quickly and conduct relevant experiments with accuracy and speed

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