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Q.1. Write the common teachings of Bhakti Saints.


 Bhakti saints emphasized selfless love and devotion to one God.

 Knowledge is an essential part of Bhakti. It can be gained through a teacher


 They denounced elaborate rituals and ceremonies.

 They believed in the equality in all human beings, irrespective of caste, colour and

 They also emphasized Brotherhood.

Q.2. Who were the Alwars and Nayanmars (Nayanars)? Explain their


 In South India, between 7th and 9th Centuries, new religious movements were led
by Nayanars and Alwars.

 The Nayanars worshipped Lord Shiva and the Alwars worshipped Lord Vishnu.
They came to be known as Bhakti Saints.

 True Bhakti Saints composed the Book of poems and hymns in praise of the
deities in Tamil Language called Tevaram, Tiruvacakam (Thiruvasakam) and Divya

 There were 12 Alwars and 63 Nayanmars from different castes.

 They strengthened the links between Bhakti and temple worship.

Q.3. What were the main ideas of Saints of Bhakti Movement in South India?



 Adi Shankara was one of the most influential philosophers of South India. He
was born at Kaladi in Kerala.

 He gave the idea of Adwaita.

 According to the doctrine of Advaita, God is formless and without any attributes.

 There is no difference between the soul of God and the soul of human beings.

 The world, which is around us is full of Maya (or) illusion.

 He preached that salvation can be attained through knowledge (Gyan Marg).


 He was born in Tamil Nadu in the 11th Century.

 He was deeply influenced by the Alwars.

 He propounded the doctrine of Vishistadvaita.

 Everyone could attain salvation by the true worship and complete surrender to
Lord Vishnu.

 The soul remains distinct even after united with God.


 The Virshaivam movement was started by Basavana in the mile of 12th Century.
He was a Philosopher and the radical reformer of Karnataka.

 He strongly believed in the equality of all human beings and against Bhramanical
ideas about caste and mis treatment of women.

 He denounced the caste system, all forms of rituals and idol worship.
Q.4. Write a short note on Kabir.

 Kabir was a 15th Century Saint. He was brought up by a Muslim weaver. Kabir
also grew up to become a weaver.

 Kabir’s ideas of verses were collected and preserved in Guru Granth Sahib, Panch
Vani and Bijak.

 Kabir’s teachings are in the form of short poems called Dohars (or) couplets.

 Kabir believed in a formless supreme god and preached the only path to salvation
was through Bhakti (or) Devotion.

 He disbelieved in religious traditions and all forms of orthodox customs of

Hinduism and Islam. He had both Hindu and Muslim disciples.

Q.5. Give a brief note on life of Guru Nanak.


 Guru Nanak was the Founder of Sikhism (the 1 st Guru). He was born at Talwandi
in Pakistan.

 He was not interested in the family and business. He spent his money for feeding
the poor.

 Guru Nanak travelled widely and preached the message of love and brotherhood.

 He preached through Bhajans, Kirtans and Ragas. He spent the last years of his
life in Kartarpur.

 He disbelieved in creed, caste and gender.

 His hymns were compiled in a book called the Adi Granth by Guru Angad
Successor of Guru Nanak.
Q.6. Write the teachings of Guru Nanak.


 He emphasized the importance of the worship of one God.

 He insisted that caste, creed (or) gender was irrelevant for attaining liberation.

 He advised people to lead an honest life and help to others. His essence of
teachings are right worship, welfare of others and purity of conduct.

 He started langer (or) common kitchen, wherein irrespective of caste, creed and
gender all his followers ate together.

Q.7. What were the teachings of Sufi Saints?


 Sufism is a common term given to Islamic mystism.

 Sufis emphasized love and devotion to God and they rejected idol worship to
outward religious practices and rituals.

 They propagated strict monotheism or devotion to one god and lead a simple life.

 Sufis expressed their love and faith in God through music.

 They helped the poor and needy.

Q.8. Write a few lines on the Saints of Maharashtra.


 From 13th to 17th Century, Maharashtra saw a great number of Saints.

 The most important Saints were Jnaneshwar Mandev, Eknath, Tukaram, Sahubhai,

 These Saints rejected all forms of rituals in social differences based on birth.

 They focused their Bhakti on the Vithala (a form of Vishnu) in Pandarpur.

Q.9. Write a short note on Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis.


 The Nathpanthis, Yogis and Siddhas believed that intense training of the mind and
body through Yoga, breathing techniques and meditation was the path to attain

 According to these groups, God is formless (Nirguna) and one had to renounce
the world in order to unite with him.

 They criticized conventional religious and social beliefs based on rituals and


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