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Dawn Vocabulary Words with Synonym

Word Synonym
Idiosyncratic quirky

Supple flexible

Insufferable cannot be tolerated

Floridity floweriness in language

Steadfastness loyalty

Secluded lonely

Adroit skillful

Lackadaisical lazy

Affability friendliness

Plaudits praise
Dawn Vocabulary Words with Synonym

Word Synonym
Animosity hostility

Glacial icy

Encompassed included

Debunk throw out old ideas

found by
Gratuitous free

Paucity scarcity

Perquisites perks

Vindication proving right

Regressive moving backwards

Dawn Vocabulary Words with Synonym

Word Synonym
Subversive intending to overthrow

Distension swelling
intending to preach or
Thwarted prevented

Advocate support

Wistful sad

Bypass avoid

Despoiled plunder

Corollary consequence

Eulogy praise
Dawn Vocabulary Words with Synonym

Word Synonym
Multifarious having many aspects

Archaic old fashioned

Warped twisted

Futile useless

Consummate supremely good

Flabbergast shock

Magnanimous generous minded

Affluence wealth

Temporize put off

Obsequious slavish
Dawn Vocabulary Words with Synonym

Word Synonym
Insolvent bankrupt

Prudent wise

Vindictive seeking revenge

Squander waste

Soporific sleep inducing

Insolence lack of respect

Connoisseur expert with good taste

Naiveté innocence

Notoriety infamy

Irreverence lack of respect

Dawn Vocabulary Words with Synonym

Word Synonym
Endorsed supported

Vicarious experience indirectly

Rhetoric persuasive language

Callous cruel & unfeeling

Waning declining

Devious cunning

Curtail cut short

Excise cut out

Manipulative deceptive

Rancor bitterness and bad feeling

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