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Part one:

Effective HIV prevention program and control needs the following elements. First,
these programs must educate everyone about the HIV and the cause of its
infection, in this way, the spread will be limited. Second, it need to be maintained
substantial funding since HIV patients need combination of expensive drugs and
use it regulary. Last, these program had better make everyone accept to live with
HIV patients because if they are shunned, they will keep secrets of their disease,
this make more others infected.

Part two:
I prefer attend a Master’s program right after their university graduation because
I want enhance my knowledge, have many job opportunity and social status.
Firstly, if I study master’s degree, I can advance my knowledge. The fields of study
at the master's level will narrow the scope to focus on expertise. This make me
deepen specialized knowledge.
Secondly, when I got a master's degree, I can find a lot of well job opportunity
with high salary. Due to the society is increasingly developing, the job positions
require people with high professional qualifications. With a master's degree, I
easily applied for these positions.
Lastly, when I was a master, I will have high social status and be respected by
everyone. In a company, my words will be trusted more because I have extensive
In conclusion, join a Master’s program not only help me have well-paid job but
also are trusted and respected by everbody.

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