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- Topic sentence: In this set of picture, I can see four people doing different
activities at the weekend.
- Clue 1: In the first picture, there is The Smiths. They are standing outside
house. I’m not quite sure, but I think they go out for a walk with pets.
- Clue 2: In the second picture, there is a boy named John. He is lying on the
sofa and he must be sleeping at home.
- Clue 3: In the third picture, there are two women named Mary an Susan. I
see them have some cake and coffee. I guess they hang out at a coffee
- Clue 4: In the last picture, there are four people in Mrs.Linda’s family. They
are holding brooms and a vacuum. Maybe they clean the house.

- Topic sentence: The mind map is about how to study English well.
- Clue 1: First, we should improve listening. For example, we can watching
movies and news
- Clue 2: Second, we need enhance speaking by chatting with foreigners,
- Clue 3: Third, we ought to advance reading. To do this, we should read
newspapers and books.
- Clue 4: Last, we had better upgrade writing, for instance, we can write
diaries or status on Facebook.
- In short, those are what we need do to study English well.

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