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4 March 2021 9:22 AM

Reducing the Generation Gap

We’ve all had our issues with our parents about independence, and we all know how devastating that can
get. Sometimes theses small conflicts can quickly turn into big fights, and cause us to do or say things we can
never take back. This is because of the generation gap. The generation gap is age difference between kids and
their parents, and it causes most of our issues with parents, however, there are a few solution to reducing this

One of the most common problems caused by this generation gap is points of views on children’s
independence. Children think they’re mature enough to take their own decisions, and come home late, or drive
a car. However, parents still see their children as kids who need someone to take care of them, even if their
children were in fact, mature enough to do all those things I stated above, and they will continue to see their
children as little kids, and their problems and issues will still happen, unless both parties work on reducing the

One of the best things parents can do is look back at times when they were their children’s age, it will make
them remember how they felt about their parents always being in control of their actions, and therefore they
will try and treat their children the way they wish their parents did. They will consider giving them more control
over their decisions.

Another thing parents can do is apologize for their mistakes. Parents apologizing for their mistakes doesn’t
make them look any smaller in front of their kids, in fact children will see how wise their parents are, and
therefore they will appreciate them treating them like adults, and from that point they will cooperate with their
parents, and maybe consider making a deal with them instead of constantly fighting over, for example staying
up late, or going out with friends on a weekday.

In conclusion, generation gaps can be a pain in the back, but when parents put their wisdom and experience
into good use, that gap can be greatly reduced. If you’re a parent, you better start acting now before it’s too
late, because like I mentioned before, small conflicts can turn into big fights, and you don’t your children saying
things they’ll regret, or maybe doing something as bad as running away from home.

( I got 5.25/ 8, highest grade possible is 6, and I got 5 mainly because of my outline. )

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