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Unidade Curricular:Língua Inglesa Professor:Flávia Teixeira Turma: EBEP-20 Ano:3º

Aluno (a):
Data:28/04/2020 Bimestre: 1º
Read the text below
Text 1

1) Take from the text 1 a sentence in Simple Present tense


Read the text 2

Text 2

2) Get from the text 2 a sentence in the Present Continuous tense


Read the sentence that was taken from the article on BuzzFeedNews

“You make decisions first and then you correct later.”

3) Which Tense was used in it, Simple Present Tense or Present Continuous Tense?

Read the text below that was taken from the article on BuzzFeedNews written by Michael Blackmon

Text 4

Let’s Talk About Grooming!

How are you managing to keep your appearance the way you prefer it? We want to hear from you.

4) Retire do texto 4 a oração que foi escrita no presente simples e a que foi escrita no presente contínuo.
Explique com suas palavras o que cada uma expressa

Presente Simples: __________________________________________________________________


Presernte Contínuo _____________________________________________________________________



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