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1 Reading is an important way of communicating.

Reading develops your imagination, boosts your

vocabulary, improves empathy . Throughout the Literature, we can see the whole world from a different
perspective. Literature teaches the reader about life. In each story the reader will experience his or her
own journey through which he can become more thoughtful and more understanding about themselves.
From a young age, we are exposed to many ways of literature. First, we are introduced to picture books
and books with easy simple contexts that is served for teaching purposes and get us ready for greater
literature. As they grow older, they are starting to explore genres of books which send them to the
curiosity of the subject, and the whole book. The world of books prepares children from a very early age
to discover the true importance of literature.

2. Reading is a pleasurable activity that provides children with endless hours of entertainment and fun.
Books are excellent sources of amusing tales and interesting characters. It also allows us to dream,
freeing our imaginations and opening an exciting new world of fantasy...

3. Nowadays, many people think reading is not necessary, since there are so many sources of information
and types of entertainment, such as TV, cinema and the Internet. I believe they are wrong because
reading is very beneficial in many ways. Good reading skills are very important in learning languages.
Reading improves spelling because as students learn to sound out letters and words, spelling comes
easier. It helps to expand the vocabulary, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read.
Students learn new words as they read and put them in their mind for later use

4. It improves a person’s vocabulary and knowledge without the person even knowing it. Even if we do
not understand every word, we hear new sounds, words and phrases which we can then try out.We can
comprehend ideas, follow arguments and detect implications. Reading texts also provide good models for
English writing. Reading is extremely important in learning English, since it is the only way to “become a
good reader, develop a good writing style, an adequate vocabulary, advanced grammar” and the only way
to “become a good speller”. It means that students who read a lot are more likely to do well in school and
pass exams than students who are weak readers. Good readers do not just do better at subjects like
reading, English and history, they do better at all subjects and they do better all the way through school.

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