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• Se refiere a preguntas largas y formales o corteses para solicitar

1. Where is the coleage?. Direct question.
2. Can you tell me where coleage is, please?. Indirect Question.
3. What is his name?. Direct question.
4. Do you Know What is his name?. Indirect question
Formar Indirect questions incluye una expresión formal o cortes y una
pregunta que se asume sin el orden de la estructura gramatical
1. What is his name?. Direct question.
2. Can you tell me What is his name?. Indirect question
La expresión formal o cortez es “Can you tell me” y la pregunta, “What
is his name?”.

1. Is she at home? 1. Do you know if she is at home?

2. Can you help me? 2. Do you thing you can help me?
3. Has she told them? 3. Do you Know if she has told them ?
4. (She is sick) How is she feeling? 4. Have you heard how she is feeling?
5. Did he understand? 5. Do you think he understood?
6. What did she said? 6. Do you know what she said?
7. When does our flight leave? 7. Do you know when our flight leave?
8. Where is she leaving now? 8. Do you know where she is living now?
9. Can you do that or not? 9. I do not know whether I can do that or not?
10. Has she send the letter yet? 10. Do you know if she has sent the lettet yet?
11. What does he do for a living? 11. Do you now what he does for a living?
12. Did he understand me? 12. Do you think he understand me?
13. How do they do that? 13. Do you know how they do that?
14. What does this Word mean? 14. Can you tell me what this Word means?
15. What has she been doing? 15. Do you have any idea what she has been doing?
16. How is that? 16. Do you know who that is?
1. On the left _________ a la izquierda
2. On the right _________ a la derecha
3. In the middle _________ en el centro
4. In front of _________ en frente de
5. At the back _________ en la parte posterior
6. In the corner _________ en la esquina
7. Opposite _________opuesto
8. Next to _________ al lado de
9. Behind _________ detrás de
10. Between _________ entre
11. Near _________ cerca

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