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was born in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1824 son James

Walker and his wife Mary Norvell. His father was a Scottish immigrant. His
mother was the daughter of Lipscomb Norvell.

William Walker was engaged to Helen Martin, but she died of yellow
fever before they could be married,[4] and he died without children.

William Walker graduated summa cum laude from the University of

Nashville at the age of fourteen.

He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and University of

Heidelberg before receiving his medical degree from the University of
Pennsylvania at the age of 19

was an American physician, lawyer, journalist and mercenary who organized

several private military expeditions into Latin America, with the intention of
establishing English-speaking slave colonies under his personal control, an
enterprise then known as "filibustering".

Walker usurped the presidency of the Republic of Nicaragua in 1856.

From the north, President José Santos Guardiola sent Honduran troops under

the leadership of the Xatruch brothers, who joined Salvadoran troops to fight
During this Civil War, Honduras and El Salvador recognized Xatruch as
Brigade and Division General. On June 12, 1857, Xatruch certainly made a
triumphant entrance to Comayagua, which was then the capital of Honduras,
after Walker surrendered. The nickname by which Hondurans are known
popularly still today, Catracho.

and ruled until 1857, when he was defeated by a coalition of Central

American armies. He returned in an attempted to reestablish his regime and
was captured and executed by the government of Honduras in (September
12, 1860).

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