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En todo amar y servir Colegio Javier

Second Period Third Trimester

Science Card #4

Name: ________________________________. Level: 1st _____

Date: ______________________________. Teacher: Evelyn Chavez

Planet Earth

Earth is the planet where we live, and it has special conditions for life.

Planet Earth is one of the eight planets we find in the solar system, and it is also called
The Blue Planet.

On Planet Earth we can find living and nonliving things.

There is a zone on Earth where living things develop and interact with nonliving things.
This zone receives the name of Biosphere.
❖ Answer the questions.

1- What is the name of the planet we live on?


2- What can we find on planet Earth?



3- What is the name of the zone on Earth where living things develop and interact with
nonliving things?


❖ Color Planet Earth

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