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ISSUE 2 | MAR 2021


L I V I N G F O R J E S U S | P. 4



A L I V I N G S AC R I F I C E | P. 5


F R O M T H E C H U R C H E S | P. 8

Reports and testimonies

H I S TO R Y I N A D VA N C E | P. 10


Often, when believers have awak- wish to do away with the system of L I T T L E H E AV E N S | P. 1 5
ened to the fact that apostasy in organization. But when we under-
doctrine and practice has crept into stand correctly the history of the A SACRED TRUST
the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, church and the principles of its orga-
some have been reluctant to follow nization, we will see that to recognize M I N I S T R Y & E VA N G E L I S M | P. 17
its organizational structure again. But God’s authority, as in a theocracy, GOD USES KIDS
just because individuals have become does not give license to work as inde-
lukewarm and ceased to walk in the pendent atoms, either for individuals,
ways of God, or because infiltra- local churches, or ministries. TO T H E F LO C K | P. 1 8

tors have been able to bring about a THE VALUE OF A MAN

change in its doctrines through the God’s order and system of organiza-
years, it does not mean that its orga- tion did not begin at the first advent
I N TO T H E G A R D E N | P. 19
nizational structure is wrong. of Christ. Lets begin with a look at
organization in Moses’ time. PREPARING THE SOIL
Some say that we need to go back to
having a theocracy like they had in “And Moses chose able men out of all TO T H E YO U N G | P. 2 0
the apostolic church, and point to Israel, and made them heads over the REACHING THE STANDARD
statements made by Ellen White that people, rulers of thousands, rulers of
there should be no exercise of kingly hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers
H E A LT H Y O P T I O N S | P. 21
power or to modern day examples of tens” (Exodus 18:25).
of abuse of power or corruption, and SOY MILK POWDER
During the days of the theocracy to be His representative on earth” ernments, diversities of tongues' {1
in Israel, able men were chosen (DA, p. 291.2). But after Christ left Corinthians 12:28}. But all these
as leaders of different divisions of and the church grew, further steps classes of workers were to labor in
the people, but they were all under in organization were essential. “The harmony” (AA, p. 91.2). Notice in
the guidance of one head—God. disciples of Jesus had reached a the statement quoted that organiza-
However, the mind of God was not crisis in their experience. Under the tion was “further perfected.”
revealed to each individual directly wise lead-
but through various channels, and ership of
all functioned as one body. An im- the apos- As the church grew and circumstances changed, adjust-
portant point to notice is that the 10 tles, who ments were needed in the organizational structure of
and its ruler were part of the 50 and labored the church. Organization was not to remain stagnant.
under its ruler; and the fifty and its unitedly
ruler were part of the larger group in the
of 100 and were under its authority. power of the Holy Spirit, the work The organizational structure entered
The 100 and its ruler were part of committed to the gospel messengers into in the Seventh-Day Adventist
and under the authority of the larger was developing rapidly. The church Church was not different from the
group of 1000 and its ruler; and the was continually enlarging, and this apostolic church but was simply an
thousand and its ruler were part of growth in membership brought expansion of it and a further per-
the whole and under Moses’ author- increasingly heavy burdens upon fecting of the organization to meet
ity. And, finally, Moses was under those in charge. No one man, or the demands of the enlargement of
God. even one set of men, could continue the work and the changed circum-
to bear these burdens alone, without stances. We read of the SDA orga-
The group of 10 could not be part of imperiling the future prosperity of nizational structure: “...O how Satan
the whole under God without being the church. There was necessity for would rejoice to get in among this
part of and under the group of 50 a further distribution of the respon- people, and disorganize the work
and so on. The principles of organi- sibilities which had been borne so at a time when thorough organi-
zation revealed in Moses’ time were faithfully by a few during the earlier zation is essential, and will be the
the same the apostles followed in days of the church. The apostles greatest power to keep out spurious
their time. And the SDA church was must now take an important step uprisings, and to refute claims not
built upon the same principles of in the perfecting of gospel order indorsed by the word of God. We
organization. in the church by laying upon others want to hold the lines evenly, that
some of the burdens thus far borne there shall be no breaking down of
Consider the apostolic church. Its by themselves” (AA, p. 88.2). the system of regulation and order.
organization was to be the model for In this way license shall not be given
all the churches. “The organization The election of deacons was a nec- to disorderly elements to control
of the church at Jerusalem was to essary step, but not yet was gospel the work at this time. We are living
serve as a model for the organi- order perfected. Again we read: in a time when order, system, and
zation of churches in every other “Later in the history of the early unity of action are most essential.
place where messengers of truth church, when in various parts of the And the truth must bind us together
should win converts to the gospel” world many groups of believers had like strong cords in order that no
(AA, p. 91.1). been formed into churches, the or- distracted efforts may be witnessed
ganization of the church was further among the workers. If disorderly
At the ordination of the twelve we perfected, so that order and harmo- manifestations appear, we must have
read that the first steps were taken nious action might be maintained. clear discernment to distinguish the
in organizing it. “And he ordained Every member was exhorted to act spurious from the genuine. Let no
twelve, that they should be with well his part. Each was to make a messages be proclaimed until they
him, and that he might send them wise use of the talents entrusted to have borne a careful scrutiny in ev-
forth to preach” (Mark 3:14). him. Some were endowed by the ery jot and tittle” (SpTA03, p. 60.2).
Holy Spirit with special gifts—'first
“The first step was now to be taken apostles, secondarily prophets, In 1909, after the SDA church had
in the organization of the church thirdly teachers, after that miracles, gone through several changes to
that after Christ's departure was then gifts of healings, helps, gov- further perfect organization, and

2 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
now included conferences, unions, In each of these cases, the pro- God wants all of His people to be
divisions, and a general conference, gressive steps of organization were actively involved in various capac-
the servant of the Lord added to the introduced as solutions to prob- ities according to their gifts. In the
quote above, the portion in bold- lems. They did not bring about exercise of their gifts, God is actu-
print below. the problems. They may not have ally working to sanctify them. But
perfectly protected the church from when we isolate ourselves and think
“... no breaking down of the sys- the problems they were intended to to serve God just between us and
tem of organization and order that solve, but they were at least a step Him, or between our local minis-
has been built up by wise, careful in the right direction and helped try or church and God, we miss an
labor” (9T, p. 257). to some degree. It should be recog- important agency God would use in
nized that no amount of safeguards our sanctification, and we are only
Examining the circumstances that can completely protect the church able to accomplish a small percent-
brought about the progressive against harm. As long as sin remains age of the work we otherwise might
changes at each stage, there are some and individuals have the freedom of accomplish.
interesting similarities we should choice, there is the possibility that
notice. It was a looming crisis that tares will arise along with the wheat, “The spasmodic, fitful movements
caused the change to happen in each but you don’t stop growing wheat of some who claim to be Christians
case. Moses was in danger of break- because there may be weeds that will are well represented by the work of
ing down under the strain when grow. strong but untrained horses. When
Jethro suggested to distribute the re- one pulls forward, another pulls
sponsibilities upon a larger number One of the underlying principles at back, and at the voice of their master
of people. It was the danger that the work in God’s organizational struc- one plunges ahead and the other
apostles would be looked upon with ture is brought out in the following stands immovable.
suspicion, and that division would verses.
be brought into the church, that led
to the election of deacons to help "There are diversities of gifts, but the
If men will not move in concert in
carry responsibilities in the early same Spirit. And there are differenc- the great and grand work for this
church. It was man-made tests and es of administrations, but the same time, there will be confusion.
doctrinal fanaticism that threatened Lord. And there are diversities of
the church in the years following operations, but it is the same God It is not a good sign when men re-
that made way for the formation of which worketh all in all. But the fuse to unite with their brethren and
the Jerusalem council made up of manifestation of the Spirit is given prefer to act alone. Let laborers take
apostles, elders, and representative to every man to profit withal. For to into their confidence the brethren
delegates from the different church- one is given by the Spirit the word who are free to point out every de-
es to decide such issues. It was the of wisdom; to another the word of parture from right principles. If men
accusations against the church knowledge by the same Spirit; to wear the yoke of Christ, they can-
leader, James White, that he was another faith by the same Spirit; to not pull apart; they will draw with
using donations intended for equip- another the gifts of healing by the Christ” (9T, p. 258.2).
ment and buildings for the pub- same Spirit; to another the working
lishing work to amass these things of miracles; to another prophecy; to “Some workers pull with all the
as personal assets, which inspired another discerning of spirits; to an- power that God has given them,
the urgent need for organizing that other divers kinds of tongues; to an- but they have not yet learned that
brought about the formation of a le- other the interpretation of tongues: they should not pull alone. Instead of
gal entity and a name, and a confer- but all these worketh that one and isolating themselves, let them draw
ence to own and run the legal entity. the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every in harmony with their fellow labor-
It was the danger of kingly power man severally as He will. For as the ers. Unless they do this, their activity
coming into the church that resulted body is one, and hath many mem- will work at the wrong time and in
in the addition of Union conferences bers, and all the members of that the wrong way. They will often work
and divisions to the General con- one body, being many, are one body: counter to that which God would have
ference in the first few years of the so also is Christ" (1 Corinthians done, and thus their work is worse
1900s. 12:4-12). than wasted” (9T, p. 258.3). Ω

W R I T T E N BY David Sims
T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021 3
Living for Jesus


“To the law and to the testimony: decision we make at home, at work, ing to keep out of sight the words of
if they speak not according to this in the church, or anywhere? God, to bring into view the opinions
word, it is because there is no light of men, that we shall not hear the
in them” (Isaiah 8:20). Like the Waldenses during the dark voice of God, saying, “This is the
ages, we should make the Bible our way, walk ye in it” {Isaiah 30:21} for
It has been the norm of the present only rule of life, and the light of Bib- he knows that its plain utterances
day to not consult the Scripture lical truth in our lives must shine in reveal his deceptions (MH, p. 439.1).
in regard to our day-to-day living. this present dark age. “Our watch-
When we look at social media, word is to be, ‘to the law and to the
we see millions of people sharing testimony: if they speak not accord-
opinions of what they think is right ing to this word, it is because there is
based on personal judgment and no light in them’” (CET, p. 249.2)
feelings, whether the issue is about
food, vaccinations, dress, someone’s This was the case for Christ. His life
behavior, government issues, or any was ruled by what is written. “‘It is
other thing that gets the attention of written’ was His reason for every act
the community or the whole world. that varied from the family customs”
For example, in several incidents (CSA, p. 9.2). “It is written” was His But Satan will not be able to gain
online a few months ago, many weapon in resisting the enemy. control of our minds if we educate
bashed those who pointed out that ourselves to regard the Word of the
the way a girl dresses affects whatev- The Bible is full of the most precious Lord as supreme, and test every
er happens to her and reasoned that truths, and is “profitable for doc- statement, every miracle, and every
we are in the 21st century and yet trine, for reproof, for correction, for experience by their testimony, not
victim blaming is still a thing. Even instruction in righteousness: that by what we think or feel is right or
in discussions about doctrines and the man of God may be perfect, by what everyone around us be-
church issues, discourses are often thoroughly furnished unto all good lieves.
tainted with personal opinions, and works” (2 Timothy 3:16). And to
the combative spirit that imbues leave us without excuse, God gives We should “examine the truths we
these conversations closes doors to us plain and pointed testimonies have been led to believe, until we
the entrance of the truth and grieves bringing us back to the word we know that they are without a flaw,”
the Spirit of God. have neglected to follow. (CSW, p. 33.1) be willing to “inves-
tigate in a candid way every point of
How do we distinguish what is right The question is: Have we fortified controversy, to know what is being
and true? How do we know which our minds with the truths of the taught among us; for if it is truth, we
side to take? The answer is simple. Bible? We are told that only those need it.” And “if the light presented
who have done meets this test, we are not to refuse
to accept it because it does not agree
Consult the law and the testimony, for everything this will be able to with our ideas” (CE, p. 43.3).
stand through the
that is needful for us to know regarding life and last great conflict
salvation is revealed to us in the inspired writings. because “the coun- Shall we obey God rather than men?
terfeit will so closely Are we prepared to stand firm in
But do we refer to the Bible and the resemble the true that it will be defense of the commandments of
testimony in regard to our choice impossible to distinguish between God and the faith of Jesus? Ω
of companions, the food we eat, them except by the Holy Scriptures”
our behavior, our beliefs, and every (GC, p. 593.1). Satan is ever work- W R I T T E N BY Samaritana Malinay

4 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
A Living Sacrifice

anencephaly (missing parts of the
brain) each year could be prevent-
ed by women of reproductive age
increasing consumption of synthetic
folate.10 11 (We do not recommend
this solution).

Some symptoms related to mineral

deficiencies include: for magne-
sium—muscle twitch, tremors,
anxiety, irritability, PMS, gastro-in-
testinal disorders; for iron—anemia,
constipation, brittle or spoon-shaped
On an average, Americans eat sev- doubled,
wheat and soybean yield nails, tiredness, reduced brain func-
eral hundred calories per day more nearly doubled, and tomato yield tion, headache; for zinc—retarded
than they did 30 years ago;1 and since nearly tripled. In
the Yuma Valley of growth, poor wound healing, poor
1994, it is approximated that an aver- Arizona, yields of
broccoli doubled sense of taste or smell, frequent
age of 40% of Americans use dietary in just the last two decades...cauli- infections, stretch marks, poor fer-
supplements.2 Despite the increase of flower yields tripled over the
same tility; for vitamin C—susceptibility
food consumption and supplemen- period. Strawberry yields...have to infections, easy bruising, bleeding
tation, mineral deficiencies in the jumped eightfold.”9 And this increase or tender gums, and lack of energy.
U.S. are on the rise. In 2005, less than is not just in the U.S. but around We are told that copper deficiency or
60% of adult men and women in the the world. How paradoxical then to imbalance plays a role in the symp-
United States met the AI [Adequate read that, with all this abundance toms of mood disorders. Obser-
Intake] values for calcium and mag- of food, we are still in- adequately vational and experimental studies
nesium....3 The Copper Association nourished?! have shown an association between
states that at least 20% of the popula- copper and Attention Deficit Hyper-
tion is copper deficient.4 It is estimat- Malnutrition is not only an Ameri- activity Disorder (ADHD), depres-
ed that a range of 44-87% of Amer- can epidemic, but a global one. Four sion, premenstrual syndrome, and
icans don’t get enough calcium.5 In to five billion people (66-80% of the schizophrenia.12
1994, up to 88% of women over 50 world’s population) may be iron de-
and 53% of men had osteoporosis ficient (with 2 billion of those being What then is the cause of our prob-
or pre-osteoporosis.6 Osteoporosis anemic), with hundreds of millions lems? If it is not the quantity of food
is a nutritional deficiency disease,7 also suffering from health-impair- we are eating, then it must be the
and if we were properly nourished, ing deficiencies of iodine (causing, quality of the food. “In 2003, News
osteoporosis could be eliminated. among other things, mild to severe Canada reported that today’s fruit
A study funded by Merck, Sharp & mental retardation), zinc (contrib- and vegetables contain far fewer
Dohme shows that as many as 64% of uting to 800,000 child deaths per nutrients than they did 50 years ago.
post-menopausal women worldwide year), copper, selenium, and vitamin Potatoes, for example, had lost 100%
are deficient in vitamin D.8 A (contributing to 500,000 children of vitamin A content, 57% of vitamin
losing their sight, and 70% of those C and iron, and 28% of calcium. The
In the U.S., our yields in dying). The Centers for Disease Con- report examined data from the US
production have greatly in- trol and Prevention published that Department of Agriculture involving
through the years. “Since 225,000 of the 300,000 children born vegetable quality. Over the entire
corn yields have more than with spina bifida (divided spine) and 20th century the average mineral

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021 5
A Living Sacrifice

content in cabbage, lettuce, spinach also
found under various other
 Glyphosate, however, is the way it
and tomatoes, declined from 400mg brand names, has been
found to works. It is a broad spectrum herbi-
to less than 50mg.”13 Data from the cause a number of
health problems. cide, not only by specifically inhib-
government of the U.S. and the U.K. Symptoms
of exposure to glypho- iting a single nutrient from being
have shown double digit percent- sate
include: eye irritation, burning utilized by the plant but by attaching
age declines of zinc, selenium, and eyes, blurred vision, skin
rashes, itself to positively charged ions in
other essential nutrients across a burning or itchy
skin, nausea, sore general. This is alarming when you
wide range of common foods.14 In a throat, asthma and difficulty breath- consider that all the essential miner-
study done on vegetables, comparing ing, headache, lethargy, nose bleeds, als for plants are cations (positively
certain mineral levels between 1940 and dizziness. Glyphosate and charged)!22
and 1991, there has been a decrease glyphosate-containing herbicides
in sodium by 49%, potassium by caused genetic damage in laboratory Dr. Huber explains: “You have to
16%, phosphorus by 9%, magnesium tests with human cells, as well as in realize that this mode of action
by 24%, calcium by 46%, iron by tests with laboratory animals. Studies immobilizes a critical essential
27%, and an alarming 76% decrease of farmers and other people ex- nutrient. Those nutrients aren’t just
in copper.15 Similar results are seen posed to glyphosate herbicides have required by the weed, but they’re
in studies done on fruits, meat, and shown that this exposure is linked required by microorganisms. They’re
dairy. Therefore, the same servings of with increased risks of the cancer, required by us for our own physi-
food today deliver much less nutri- non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, miscar- ologic functions. So if it’s immobi-
tion than what they would have 50 riages, and Attention Deficit Disor- lized, it may be present if we do a
years ago. der (ADD). For each of the hazards regular test. But it’s not necessarily
physiologically available in the same
efficiency that it would have been
Of the various agronomic practices we suspect as culprits, such as if it wasn’t chelated with glypho-
sate...”23 “But it’s the micronutrient
chemical fertilizers, irrigation and close plant spacing, it is our con- that’s a cation, that is, a transition
clusion that the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides, and the element or that element that really
genetic modification of plants are the most responsible. is critical for a particular enzyme
function.”24 Glyphosate affects about
25 different enzymes in plants, even
The use of chemical pesticides and identified in these studies, there are in genetically engineered plants
herbicides began as early as the 1940’s laboratory studies with results which made to resist it. In fact, GM plants
and rapidly expanded throughout the are consistent with the studies of are already known to be compro-
world. These chemicals have been people exposed to glyphosate. There mised in absorbing nutrients, which
noted as a major factor in contribut- is also laboratory evidence show- make them even less nutritious by
ing to the poor nutritional quality of ing that glyphosate herbicides can the application of glyphosate. For
our produce. And though there were reduce production of sex hormones.17 example: “Micronutrients, such as
claims from certain seed companies Glyphosate is a known endocrine dis- iron, manganese, and zinc can be re-
that their genetically engineered ruptor18 at even 1⁄2 a part per million duced by as much as 80-90 percent
crops resistant to herbicides would especially affecting thyroid, pituitary, in GE plants”.25 “It is well document-
reduce their use, it has turned out and reproductive functions.19 ed that...having that foreign gene
the opposite, for many farmers with inserted reduces the capability of
genetically engineered crops have The reason that pesticides and her- that plant to take up nutrients and
needed to increase their use of these bicides have been found to contrib- to translocate nutrients. Then, when
chemicals.16 ute so significantly to the nutrient you apply the chemical [glyphosate],
deficiencies in our produce is because you have a further compounding
Glyphosate, the most
widely used they are metal chelators,20 which in- effect in reducing the efficiency of
around the world, com- hibit the utilization of essential nutri- the plants at rates as low as 12 grams
known as Roundup, but ents.21 What concerns us most about per acre.”26

6 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
A Living Sacrifice

Some more facts about glyphosate: food or upon big Agra-businesses

• Its residue cannot be washed off to grow our food. In fact, they are
because it actually becomes part of more than just “inconvenient.” They
the plant. are downright dangerous to plant,
• Twenty percent of it migrates from animal, and man alike.
the plant’s roots into the surround-
ing soil. Brethren, we have been counseled to
• In the soil, it affects beneficial soil learn about agriculture, that it should
microorganisms in the same way be a big part of our education and
that it affects weeds: by inhibiting that of our children, so that we may THOMAS** Mineral Exploration, Fellow of
the Geo- logical Society, a founder Member of
amino acid metabolism in what is grow our own food. There is no time the Register of Nutritional Therapists p. 43
called the shikimic acid pathway. to waste. Let’s start now. 13.
The- Scientific-Evidence-of-Mineral-Deficien-
Furthermore, we have learned that “Again and again the Lord has in- 14. Still No Free Lunch: Nutrient levels in U.S.
glyphosate affects microorganisms structed that our people are to take food supply eroded by pursuit of high yields by
Brian Halweil September 2007 printed by the
(which are responsible for enabling their families away from the cities, organic center in a critical issue report p. 1
plants to utilize nutrients from the into the country, where they can raise 15. The Mineral Depletion of Foods Available to
us as a na- tion (1940-2002) – A Review of
soil) just as though they were weeds, their own provisions; for in the future the 6th Edition of McCance and Widdowson*
which gives rise to another problem. the problem of buying and selling THOMAS** Mineral Exploration, Fellow of
The proper ecological balance in the will be a very serious one.”27 Ω the Geo- logical Society, a founder Member of
the Register of Nutritional Therapists . 27
soil, which is necessary for nutri- ______________________________ 16. In 2008, GM crops required over 26% more
tious produce, is no longer available 1. Still No Free Lunch: Nutrient levels in U.S. food
pounds of pesticides per acre than convention-
al crops -Institute of Science in Society- http://
for the plant. Therefore, we cannot supply eroded by pursuit of high yields by Brian
get the proper nutrition from these Halweil September 2007 printed by the organic php
center in a critical issue report p. 8 17. Herbicide Factsheet Glyphosate - Journal of
plants for the health of our bodies. 2. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND Pesticide Re- form/ Winter2004 • VOL. 24,
Dr. Huber continues: “What we see PREVENTION / National Center for Health NO. 4
Statistic Series 11 No. 244 Use of Di- etary Sup- 18. Toxicology 262 (2009) 184–191 by Elsevier
with our continued use and abuse plements in the United States, 1988–94 http://
of this powerful weed killer is that 3. Magnesium in Drinking-Water Public Health uploads/2010/09/gasnier- toxicology-elsevi-
Significance p. 20, 2009 World Health Organiza-
it is also totally eliminating many of tion, ISBN 978 92 4 156355 0 (NLM classifica-
those organisms from the soil. We tion: QV 276) 19. The Hidden Epidemic Destroying Your
4. “Copper: Are You Getting Enough?” Copper-
no longer have the same balance
Gut Flora by Dr. Mercola, posted Decem-
ber 10, 2011, an interview with Dr. Huber
that we used to have. Consequently, 5. Calcium Deficiency: What You Should Know
we see an increase of over 40 new Wednesday, October 25, 2006 – 10:36am By archive/2011/12/10/dr- don-huber-inter-
Dena McDowell, MS, RD view-part-1.aspx?e_cid=20111210_DNL_art_1
plant diseases, and diseases we used 6. National Health and Nutrition Examination Dr. Huber is an expert in an area of science
to have under fairly effective control, Survey (NHANES III, 1988-1994 that relates to the toxicity of genetically engi-
7. Access Science by McGraw-Hill, Study Center, neered (GE) foods. He taught plant pathology,
which now all of a sudden is another Bioscience, Q&A soil microbiology, and micro-ecological inter-
serious problem.” studycenter.aspx?main=21&questionID=5438 actions as they relate to plant disease at Purdue
8. Vitamin D deficiency more widespread than University for 35 years.
previously thought; 64 percent of U.S. women 20. Chelator- a compound that can grab onto an-
These are very serious findings! And likely deficient Wednesday, June 28, 2006 by: other element and change either its solubility
they do not even touch on all of the Natural News or its availability for the critical func- tion it
019496.html#ixzz1gvytKr00 has physiologically. Ibid
areas of concern with agricultural 9. Still No Free Lunch: Nutrient levels in U.S. food 21. Ibid
practices. In the light of all of this, supply eroded by pursuit of high yields by Brian 22. Ibid
Halweil September 2007 printed by the organic 23. Ibid
the conveniences of herbicides and center in a critical issue report p. 6 24. Ibid
pesticides, and the supposed advan- 10. Ibid p. 8 25. Ibid
11. IMMPaCt - International Micronutrient Malnu-
tages to be gained from the use of trition Prevention and Control Program Centers
26. Ibid
27. White, E. G. Adventist Home, p. 141
genetically modified seeds, no lon- for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.
ger seem so convenient, and neither 12. The Mineral Depletion of Foods Available to
do the conveniences of depending W R I T T E N BY David Sims & Raquel
us as a na- tion (1940-2002) – A Review of Akens
upon the grocery stores for good the 6th Edition of McCance and Widdowson*

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021 7
From the Churches

Work While at Liberty We had one week of prayer as well, ents were thankful for the efforts to
REPORT FROM Gideon Avanceña and we were blessed to be able to teach their children. One parent said
kneel together and freely pour out her son stopped drinking soft drinks
our petitions to God. We were again and eating junk foods after the
It has been a year already since ECQ
reminded of God’s promises and camp, while another mother testified
(Enhanced Community Quaran-
love in the privilege He has given that it was good for their children to
tine) was declared in the country,
us to be able to freely communicate attend activities like these because
and when it was lifted, we began to
with him the contents of our hearts. they learn something good. She said
meet in our newly built, although
her son told them not to use Magic
still unfinished, church building
March 19-21, we camped out over Sarap anymore.
and enjoyed the fellowship with one
a weekend at the place we are now
another face to face.
living in the country. We adopt-
ed the theme “God’s Voice in His
As we were allowed to some extent
Handiwork,” the purpose of which
to socialize, we started to labor again
was to remind each of us to have a
here in our neighborhood. The peo-
special time for God in a quiet place
ple are a little more receptive now
where we can behold His wonderful
than before the pandemic. One of
handiwork and hear His voice more
the current activities that we do here
clearly. Most of those who attended
is the Voice of Prophecy (VOP) Bi-
were the young people who were
ble studies, where some of the young
the interests of the church and they
people and interests in the church
actively joined the programs and
are given lessons weekly. We are cur-
activities. Just after the camping, the gov-
rently on our third lesson now and
ernment again declared that the
continuing. These youth are also giv-
province of Laguna would be under
en doctrinal lessons every Saturday
GCQ (General Community Quaran-
during the afternoon program.
tine) from March 22 to April 4, and
social gatherings including religious
services are prohibited, and so our
work is constrained again to some
degree. The coming of our Lord is
truly getting closer than ever and we
only have a little time left to be able
to labor freely. I pray that God will
grant us the blessing of His Spirit so
we will still be able to work for Him
in the momentary freedom we are
given in this world. Ω

We have also started weekly visita-

tions in the houses of brethren. Ev-
ery Tuesday night, we visit one fami-
ly/house together to have worship. It
was good to meet the people in their Though we did not expect that this
place and get acquainted with them would be a program for the youth,
and their needs and be able to pray God still blessed us, especially these
and counsel with them. young people, and even their par-

8 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
From the Churches

Returning to the God Overrules it were not for His grace, I wouldn’t
Old Landmarks TESTIMONY FROM Estrella Demecillo have been able to overcome the
many trials that came my way.
TESTIMONY FROM Jovito Manlud First of all, I praise God for His
goodness and mercies, and thank When I went back to Bacolod, I
I am Jovito M. Manlud, 79 years old, Him that He has not forsaken me decided to go home with my son
from Brgy. Tinglan, Mutia, Zamboan- in all the trials of my life. to my parents. I left my son with
ga del Norte. my mother and went to Manila to
I came from a Catholic family, work. It was very hard and sad to
In 1972, I accepted an invitation of an and when I was a child, I won- leave him but I tolerated it so I could
elder in the SDA church to study the dered why there were so many work. It was difficult to find a job
Bible. We had Bible studies every Sab- gods. There were the saints and the without having to work on Saturday,
bath for 28 Sabbaths. After our studies, virgins and there were so many of but by God’s grace, I landed a job
my wife and I decided to be baptized. them! I had no one to ask because as a dressmaker. When my son was
From then until the year 2020, we my parents did not know anything old enough to go to school, I took
were members of the SDA church. also. him back and we stayed in Las Piñas
where I was working. This was also
As the years went by, I noticed that My father told me that the priests where I met many different believ-
the true keeping of the Sabbath was and the nuns are close to God, so ers.
not being held as important anymore. I told myself that I would be a nun
Most of the members of the church are someday so I could be close to It was a long story. I found out that
still shopping even after the Sabbath God. When I grew older, my dream my son’s father wasn’t able to fin-
has begun. Our district pastor said changed because I desired to have ish school because of women. By
that we should not be very strict in a complete and happy family that God’s grace, my son developed well
keeping the Sabbath, which left a big would serve the Lord. enough, and even more, I became a
question in my mind. Seventh-day Adventist and even a
However, when I met the father of reformer. I can only praise God for
In the year 2018, our church had an my son, my dream was broken be- His guidance and providences.
unexpected visit from a missionary. cause I was tempted. We had a son,
He taught about the old teachings of and we lived in his parents’ place. As of now, I have
the SDA Church, which can be found Not once did he mention what his two grandchil-
in the Fundamental Principles of the religion was. Whenever we would dren and their
early Adventists. Some of the other go out, he loved to eat batchoy family is staying
members and I became interested (pork). I only discovered that he in Negros. I
in these teachings, so we continued was not a Catholic when we moved always entreat
the studies until I fully understood to their house, and that was also them to be
the truth. Because of this, our local when I came to know that there is a faithful to God
church decided to depart from the church meeting on Sabbath. because our salvation is in Him. As
mainstream SDA church, to continue for me, I am living in the country-
to strive to obey and live the old truths His parents sent him to school in side here in Laguna and I am blessed
revealed to us, and also to be part of Bukidnon to be a pastor. He has a to be with the brethren in the faith
the 1889 Historic Seventh Day Adven- sister whose husband worked in here. I am hopeful that God will not
tist Church. Central Bosco in Valencia, Bukid- neglect those that I love, and I am
non, who took me with her there thankful for Him for overruling the
I thank God for His guidance and for where I was baptized. At that time, circumstances in my life, and for
helping us realize and fully understand I only knew that the Sabbath is the bringing me to the point of truly
the truths that weren’t taught to us for true day of worship. Nonetheless, knowing Him and His command-
the long time that we were SDAs. Ω I was thankful to God because if ments. Ω

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History In Advance


One prophecy that has been appli- of Matthew. But there is no evidence
cable on an ongoing basis through- of that. In fact, he mentions this
out the history of the church is the verse in various other places in his
prophecy that there would arise false writings and states it in three differ-
teachers teaching perverse things. ent ways, one of those times actually
mentioning the phrase in question
“29For I know this, that after my just as it reads in our Bibles—“in the
departing shall grievous wolves name of the Father and of the Son
enter in among you, not sparing the and of the holy Ghost.” It is obvious
flock. 30Also of your own selves shall that at least in two of these differ-
men arise, speaking perverse things, ent ways he quotes it, he is simply
to draw away disciples after them” paraphrasing portions of the verse
(Acts 20:29-30). according to his memory at the time
and highlights points he wishes to
Some have taken a position that this
The Greek word that is translated bring out and not actually quoting
verse does not belong in Scripture,
perverse things literally means dis- the text verbatim. In fairness to the
that it is an interpolation added by
torted or misinterpreted things. This subject, we would have to admit that
an apostate church after the time of
is not talking about really strange or if we take his mention of the verse
Christ and the apostles. Another class
unbelievable ideas but is speaking of as evidence, then we would have
believes that the text belongs and
a subtle misinterpretation of Scrip- to consider the following church
should be understood in the most
tures that may make the teaching fathers that predated him. Each of
literal way. A third group believes
plausible so that some will actually them quotes the passage the way it
that the verse belongs to the Bible,
believe it. reads in our Bibles.
or at least was allowed to be there by
God and should be followed, but that
Matthew 28:19 • Ignatius (30 AD - 107AD)
it should be understood in a way that
This prophecy, I believe, is meeting quotes this verse in The Epistle
harmonizes it with many seemingly
yet another of its ongoing fulfill- of Ignatius to the Philippians, in
contradictory Scriptures (for exam-
ments in a controversy among Chapter IX.
ple, those that speak of baptism in
Godhead believers over Matthew • Tertullian – theologian writing
the name of Jesus).
28:19 which is in danger of creating in Latin (b160 AD) also quotes
this verse in Against Praxeas,
yet another unhappy division. The Evidence
chapter 2 as well as in his writ-
Let us consider objectively some of ing On Baptism, Chapter XIII.
“18And Jesus came and spake unto
the evidence for the position that the • Irenaeus of Lyon (2nd-3rd
them, saying, All power is given
verse has been changed or added. century AD) Adversus Haereses,
unto me in heaven and in earth.
It is partly based upon the way that Book III, Chapter 17, 1
Go ye therefore, and teach all
Eusebius (c320 AD), an early bishop • Cyprian (200-258AD) quotes it
nations, baptizing them in the name
of Cesarea and a church historian, in The Seventh Council of Car-
of the Father, and of the Son, and of
mentions the verse. He cites this thage Under Cyprian.
the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to
verse in Book III, chapter 5, of his • Justin Martyr (early 2nd centu-
observe all things whatsoever I have
Ecclesiastical History, as: “Go ye and ry)
commanded you: and, lo, I am with
make disciples of all the nations in • Tatian (2nd century) quoted in
you alway, even unto the end of the
my name.” It is assumed that he was his harmony of the Gospels
world. Amen” (Matthew 28:18-20).
quoting from some early manuscript

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All of these early Christians quote the to be nor was it used as a baptismal of God: because many false prophets
text including the questionable part in formula until some years after the are gone out into the world” (I John
the text, and they were all even earlier time of the apostles. 4:1).
than Eusebius. Furthermore, if we are
going to use uninspired sources, we Professor Stuart G. Hall (former “20Despise not prophesyings. 21Prove
might point to the Didache, a brief Chair of Ecclesiastical History at all things; hold fast that which is
anonymous article dated by modern King’s College, London, England): good (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).
scholars to the first or second centu- “In the name of the Father and of
ry. The first line of which states: “The the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” al- “And he gave some, apostles; and
teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles though those words were not used, some, prophets; and some, evange-
(or Nations) by the twelve apostles.” as they later are, as a formula. Not lists; and some, pastors and teach-
It says “Concerning baptism, baptize all baptisms fitted this rule.” “More ers” (Ephesians 4:11).
in this way. After you have spoken all common and perhaps more ancient
these things, ‘baptize in the name of was the simple, ‘In the name of the The apostles are listed before proph-
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Lord Jesus or, Jesus Christ.’ This ets because they are to test the
Holy Spirit,’ in running water.” How- practice was known among Mar- claims of the prophets.
ever, highlighting the unreliability of cionites and Orthodox; it is cer-
historical sources, it should be admit- tainly the subject of controversy in The Manuscript Evidence
ted that the same document contra- Rome and Africa about 254, as the
dicts itself and says, “Let no one eat anonymous tract De rebaptismate
and drink of your Eucharist but those ('On rebaptism') shows.” (Source:
baptized in the name of the Lord.” Hall, S. G. [2011]. Doctrine and
practice in the early church. Wipf
Other seeming evidences claiming and Stock Publishers., pp. 20, 21)
the verse has been changed or added
includes: a claim in some Bible dic- In the times of the apostolic church,
tionaries and encyclopedias including there were numerous Christian au-
a Catholic encyclopedia, statements thors claiming merit for their writ-
in the commentary on Tyndales New ings. For some of them, inspiration There are no known ancient man-
Testament, notes in the New Revised was considered. To the churches uscripts of Matthew which contain
version, James Moffat’s translation and fell the duty to discriminate be- the last chapter of Matthew but
other Bibles, a statement written by tween the people writing under the lack the Father, Son, and holy Spirit
Cardinal Ratzinger who later became inspiration of God and those that phrase. This is not only true of the
Pope, and claims by some commenta- were not. Some of those that were Greek manuscripts, but also of the
tors and higher critics such as Tishen- rejected became known later as the translations of Matthew into other
dorf—who discovered the codex apocrypha. The church has the duty ancient languages such as Syriac,
sinaiticus in a monastery at Mt. Sinai, to test those that claim inspiration Itala, Latin, Coptic, etc. The verse
and F.C. Conybeare—a 19th century and investigate writings purporting is present in all three lines of man-
theologian. to come from inspired men. But it uscripts where Matthew 28 has
is not our prerogative to sit in judg- survived (Textus Receptus, Major-
Some of these purported evidences ment, picking and choosing those ity Text, and the Alexandrian text
however, such as the statement by Car- things written by an author that we types). So the manuscript evidence
dinal Ratzinger and the Catholic ency- and the church have concluded is is 100% unanimously in agreement
clopedia and others, are not speaking inspired, unless we have conclusive on the ending of Matthew the way
of the verse in Matthew being added evidence the person did not write it. it reads in our Bibles. Those that
later by Catholics but of the use of it believe it to be changed have no text
as a formula. There is other historical “Beloved, believe not every spirit, to substitute in its place unless they
evidence that it was not understood but try the spirits whether they are

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manufacture one themselves without God, and yet varied men of dif- “And he commanded them to be
any basis. ferent styles and ways of thinking baptized in the name of the Lord.
wrote the Scriptures. Then prayed they him to tarry cer-
The evidence presented by the sources tain days” (Acts 10:48).
previously mentioned is merely histor- “Some sit in judgment on the
ical evidence, things people wrote or Scriptures, declaring that this or “(For as yet he was fallen upon none
said, that may at times be unreliable. that passage is not inspired, be- of them: only they were baptized in
And considering that there is no textu- cause it does not strike their minds the name of the Lord Jesus.)” (Acts
al evidence at all, we cannot conclude favorably. They cannot harmonize 8:16).
that the verse has been changed or it with their ideas of philosophy
added. We cannot take an assumption and science, ‘falsely so called.’ “When they heard this, they were
and write our own Bible of what we Others for different reasons ques- baptized in the name of the Lord
think Jesus probably said. tion portions of the word of God. Jesus” (Acts 19:5).
Thus many walk blindly where the
If we believe that God is God, we enemy prepares the way. Now, it is These passages would seem to show
surely must accept the fact that He not the province of any man to pro- that, after Jesus ascension, not only
is able to protect His word. He may nounce sentence upon the Scrip- did they not use the phrase “in the
allow some tampering to a degree to tures, to judge or condemn any name of the Father and of the Son
cause us to be diligent searchers, but portion of God’s word” (GCDB, and of the holy Ghost” when bap-
He will not allow it to be so corrupted April 13, 1891, par. 6). tizing people, but that instead they
that anyone will be led astray. We may used the phrase, “in the name of the
have to choose between variant man- So, whether or not the text was Lord Jesus.”
uscripts, discerning corrupted manu- tampered with, we have no textual
scripts from those that are not, but we evidence of any different reading. But I believe we need to under-
will not be left with having to re-create Without that, we have to conclude stand what it really means to do
a verse based upon what we think it that God allowed it, and if it is un- something in the name of someone.
should have said. derstood in its proper context and Notice the following text.
compared with other passages, we
should be able to understand it in a “17But that it spread no further
Whatever God has allowed to be way that harmonizes with the rest among the people, let us strait-
in His word will not lead anyone of Scripture. ly threaten them, that they speak
astray if we compare passage with henceforth to no man in this name.
passage and take the weight of Not Intended to be a Formula 18
And they called them, and com-
evidence. It is a dangerous road to While there are no examples in manded them not to speak at all nor
walk to question which words are the Bible of the apostles or any- teach in the name of Jesus” (Acts
one using this verse as a formula, 4:17-18).
inspired and which are not.
there are several passages which
would seem to prove that it was not “And to him they agreed: and when
There may be things that require intended to be a formula. Notice they had called the apostles, and
diligent searching and studying, and the following verses that refer to beaten them, they commanded that
that may not be so clear, but it must baptism “in the name of Jesus.” they should not speak in the name
be remembered that the words of men of Jesus, and let them go” (Acts
fail to do justice to infinite thoughts. “Then Peter said unto them, Re- 5:40).
Human languages are not the language pent, and be baptized every one of
of heaven, and different people un- you in the name of Jesus Christ for In these verses, the apostles were
derstand language differently, so, even the remission of sins, and ye shall told not to speak or teach in the
the most perfect wording in Scripture receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” name of Jesus. The obvious mean-
would not do justice to the thoughts of (Acts 2:38). ing is that they were not to speak or

12 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
History In Advance

teach anyone about Jesus. Clearly the different individuals for baptism. And that through baptism they were
intention of the command was not a They taught the Bible doctrines and being adopted into the royal family
literal use of this phrase as a formula. also taught the people that baptism of God to come under its authority.
Notice again, the following text. signified true repentance, being Then, having fully instructed them
baptized into the death of Christ, as to the meaning of being baptized
“And whatsoever ye do in word or signifying a death to sin and resur- in the name of the Father, the Son,
deed, do all in the name of the Lord rection to walk in newness of life, and the holy Spirit, and that the
Jesus, giving thanks to God and the filled with the holy Spirit, following name of Jesus fully embraced that
Father by him” (Colossians 3:17). its leading. authority and ministry, at the time
of the actual baptism, the minister
Surely this is not telling us that before said “I now baptize you in the name
we get in the bus, before we wash our of Jesus.”
clothes, before we speak to our neigh-
bor, we are always to utter the words, Which minister followed Matthew
“I now wash my clothes in the name of 28:19? I believe that the course of
the Lord Jesus,” or “I now speak to you the second minister in our parable
my neighbor in the name of the Lord followed it in the same manner as
Jesus.” No. Most assuredly, something the apostle Paul did.
more than this is meant. In fact, it is
not meaning at all that we are to speak Paul and Phillip’s Example
those words but rather that we have The one minister, at the time of the “Then the apostle set before them
Christ in mind always, doing things baptism, made sure to pronounce the great truths that are the founda-
with Him by our side, speaking with the words “in the name of the Fa- tion of the Christian’s hope. He told
Him in our minds, acknowledging ther, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” them of Christ’s life on this earth
His presence, being thankful for His over the candidate. and of His cruel death of shame. He
care and blessings, speaking about told them how the Lord of life had
Him, and submitting to His plans and The other minister also taught broken the barriers of the tomb and
authority in all things, etc. We could the candidates that they were to risen triumphant over death. He
quote numerous verses that demon- make a surrender of their lives repeated the Saviour’s commission
strate the same meaning for the phrase to God accepting His authority to His disciples: ‘All power is given
“in the name of.” in their lives over what they eat, unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go
drink, say, do, listen to, watch, and ye therefore, and teach all nations,
Last week our Catholic neighbor asked how they spend their time. He baptizing them in the name of the
us, “Why don’t you say the Lord’s taught that baptism signifies that Father, and of the Son, and of the
prayer?” My answer is that we do. We we accept God’s authority over all Holy Ghost.’ Matthew 28:18, 19. He
just don’t use those exact words as a of these things, and that we fully told them also of Christ’s promise to
formula every time, but we follow its believe that Jesus is the true Son send the Comforter, through whose
principles as a guideline, addressing of the living God. He taught that power mighty signs and wonders
God as our Father, praising Him, Jesus said at His ascension that all would be wrought, and he described
submitting to His will, etc. I am afraid power/authority was given Him, how gloriously this promise had
some reformers look at Matthew 28:19 that besides His own authority as been fulfilled on the Day of Pente-
with the same narrow view as this the Son of God, all the authority of cost” (AA, p. 282.3).
well-meaning Catholic looks at the the Father and the hosts of heaven
Lord’s prayer. were given Him to command, to “With deep interest and grateful,
minister His spirit and in His spirit wondering joy the brethren lis-
A Parable to the human race, and so His tened to Paul’s words. By faith they
I have a parable for you to consider. name bears the combined authority grasped the wonderful truth of
There were two ministers preparing of the Father, Son, and holy Spirit. Christ’s atoning sacrifice and re-

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ceived Him as their Redeemer. They While not neglecting that which God has enjoined, let us also avoid
were then baptized in the name of
enjoining that which God has not commanded.
Jesus, and as Paul ‘laid his hands upon
them,’ they received also the baptism
about being accepted of God. We Sabbath of Jehovah is to be brought
of the Holy Spirit” (AA, p. 283.1).
should avoid by word or action to the attention of the world, wheth-
anything that would countenance er they will hear or whether they
Paul taught the believers about Mat-
the idea that lies at the root of will forbear. ... The Lord has said
thew 28:19 and its meaning, and then
every false religion—the idea that that the Sabbath was a sign between
baptized them in the name of Jesus.
we can save ourselves by our own him and his people forever. The
Philip did the same thing in principle
works. Some, though it may be time is coming when all those who
when preaching the things concern-
subconsciously and unintentional- worship God will be distinguished
ing the name of Jesus Christ. He was
ly, desire to find some practice that by this sign. They will be known as
obviously teaching the people about
they can do which few others will the servants of God, by this mark
see or practice, to make themselves of their allegiance to Heaven. But
feel that they are more holy or all man-made tests will divert the
“But when they believed Philip
more accepted of God than others. mind from the great and important
preaching the things concerning the
doctrines that constitute the present
kingdom of God, and the name of
Consider the following admoni- truth” (RH, May 29, 1888, par. 5).
Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both
tions and instructions from the
men and women” (Acts 8:12).
servant of the Lord. “It is the desire and plan of Satan to
bring in among us those who will
Meaning of “in the name of...” go to great extremes,--people of
narrow minds, who are critical and
To teach people concerning the name of Jesus was to teach them about Je- sharp, and very tenacious in holding
sus, about His character, about His authority, and about His life. In like their own conceptions of what the
manner, to baptize someone in the name of the Father, Son, and holy Spirit truth means. They will be exacting,
is to instruct them about the Father, Son, and holy Spirit and their involve- and will seek to enforce rigorous
duties, and go to great lengths in
ment in the Christian’s life, not to pronounce the words at the specific time matters of minor importance,
of entering the water as if to make it a magical formula. while they neglect the weightier
matters of the law,--judgment and
mercy and the love of God (RH,
It is good to have a desire to obey “Those who would labor in word
May 29, 1888, par. 6).
the Word of God to the letter, but in and doctrine, should be firmly
our zeal to obey, let us not go to the established in the truth before they
“God has a special work for the
extreme in a too literal understanding are authorized to go out into the
men of experience to do. They are
of the Scriptures as the Pharisees did field to teach others. The truth,
to guard the cause of God. They are
who sewed parchments of the law on pure and unadulterated, must be
to see that the work of God is not
their garments, nailed them on their presented to the people. It is the
committed to men who feel it their
doorposts, and even attached them to third angel’s message that bears
privilege to move out on their own
their foreheads because that is what the true test to the people. Satan
independent judgment, to preach
God had said to do. While not ne- will lead men to manufacture false
whatever they please, and to be
glecting that which God has enjoined, tests, and thus seek to obscure the
responsible to no one for their
let us also avoid enjoining that which value of, and make of none effect,
instructions or work. Let this spirit
God has not commanded. It is good the message of truth. The com-
of self-sufficiency once rule in our
that we have a desire to be accepted mandment of God that has been
midst, and there will be no harmo-
of God and favored of heaven, but we almost universally made void, is
ny of action, no unity of spirit, no
must be cautious about the way we go the testing truth for this time. The
safety for the work, and no healthful

14 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
Little Heavens

growth in the cause. There will be false teach-

ers, evil workers who will, by insinuating
error, draw away souls from the truth. Christ
prayed that his followers might be one as he
and the Father were one. Those who desire to “The king upon his throne
see this prayer answered, should seek to dis- has no higher work than
courage the slightest tendency to division, and
try to keep the spirit of unity and love among
has the mother. The mother
brethren” (RH, May 29, 1888, par. 7). is queen of her household.

“God calls for laborers; but he wants those She has in her power the
who are willing to submit their wills to molding of her children's
his, and who will teach the truth as it is in characters, that they may be
Jesus. One worker who has been trained and fitted for the higher, immortal
educated for the work, who is controlled by life. An angel could not ask for
the Spirit of Christ, will accomplish far more a higher mission; for in doing
than ten laborers who go out deficient in this work she is doing service
knowledge, and weak in the faith. One who for God. Let her only realize
works in harmony with the counsel of God, the high character of her task,
and in unity with the brethren, will be more and it will inspire her with
efficient to do good, than ten will be who courage. Let her realize the worth of her work, and put on the
do not realize the necessity of depending whole armor of God, that she may resist the temptation to con-
upon God, and of acting in harmony with the form to the world's standard. Her work is for time and for eterni-
general plan of the work (RH, May 29, 1888, ty” (ST, March 16, 1891, par. 1).
par. 8).

Brethren, speaking from my nearly 40 years When God prophesied that the last days would be characterized
of experience in the ministry, I will testify by a society that is disobedient to their parents (2 Timothy 2:2),
that the current agitation among believers in He was not making an arbitrary pronouncement. He was simply
present truth concerning the formula that is stating the sure end result of a train of causes. The media, whose
used at the time of baptism is one of the dev- powerful influence molded the early 21st century, is one of the
il’s rabbits to distract us from the real testing educating elements that primarily shaped the culture of this cur-
questions and cause us to be distracted from rent generation. Hollywood, Walt Disney, etc., and their movies
the work of presenting them to the world. Oh introduced to the children of the 90’s violence, immorality, spir-
that God will give us eye salve that we might itualism, and the likes. The evil influences from the past century
discern the weightier matters that God has have brought about the current decline of morality, the worst the
made testing truths and a sign to distinguish world has ever seen to this our day.
His people.
“This is an age when corruption is teeming everywhere. The lust
Please obtain our Bible study guide on the Fundamental Prin- of the eye and corrupt passions are aroused by beholding and
ciples number 4 on Baptism for a detailed study of the subject. by reading. The heart is corrupted through the imagination. The
This will help you understand why the current discussions urging mind takes pleasure in contemplating scenes which awaken the
Godhead believers to be re-baptized in the name of the “Father, the
Son, and the holy Spirit” is a deception and one of the devil’s rab- lower and baser passions. These vile images, seen through defiled
bits. Also please contact this author or the editor for further details imagination, corrupt the morals and prepare the deluded, infatu-
on why we believe Matthew 28:19 is a valid text.
ated beings to give loose rein to lustful passions. Then follow sins
and crimes which drag beings formed in the image of God down
W R I T T E N BY David Sims

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Little Heavens

to a level with the beasts, sinking them at last in perdi- especially the mother, the work of training the young and
tion” (CG, p. 439.2). educating the youth. This work can be performed only by
the aid of God’s grace. It requires the graces of the divine
This is one of the causes of this “prophecy.” There is spirit—love, patience, kindness, meekness, self-control—
however another major cause that is as equally significant to perform this divinely established work. If this work
which was brought about by the feminist movement that was neglected during the early years of the child’s life, a
has instilled in women the desire to leave their homes thorough reform is needed then to redeem the lost time.
and their home duties for a more sophisticated career, If this is the case, a struggle may ensue for it is painful for
a better financial status, etc. But the Lord has spoken the will to be crossed. But God has promised to supply
through his servant: these needs if we do our part.

“God will work with power when in trustful dependence

“Amid all the activities of life the mother's most sacred upon Him parents will awake to the sacred responsibility
resting upon them and seek to train their children aright.
duty is to her children. But how often is this duty put He will co-operate with those parents who carefully and
aside that some selfish gratification may be followed! prayerfully educate their children, working out their own
Parents are entrusted with the present and eternal in- and their children's salvation” (AH, p. 206.5).
terests of their children. They are to hold the reins of
government and guide their households to the honor “This is your day of trust, your day of responsibility and
opportunity. Soon will come your day of reckoning. Take
of God. God's law should be their standard, and love up your work with earnest prayer and faithful endeavor.
should rule in all things” (AH, p. 234.3). Teach your children that it is their privilege to receive
every day the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let Christ find
you His helping hand to carry out His purposes. By
A mother has a sacred duty to her children, a God-given prayer you may gain an experience that will make your
duty that cannot be done by proxy. This is something that ministry for your children a perfect success” (CG, p.
she cannot neglect without serious consequences. The 69.4). Ω
eternal interests of her own children are at stake in the
fulfillment or failure to do this duty.
W R I T T E N BY Marrah Matarum Sims
“There is no more important field of effort than that
committed to the founders and guardians of the home.
No work entrusted to human beings involves greater or
more far-reaching results than does the work of fathers
and mothers” (AH, p. 182.5).

This does not mean that every mother has to stop work-
ing. There are circumstances that may necessitate that
a mother earn the living, but this is the exception and
not the rule; and when it is necessary that the mother
support the family, she should seek then to do it in a way
that she will still be able to fulfill her most important

The divine command to "train up a child in the way he

should go...” (Prov. 22:6) enjoins upon parents, most

16 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
Ministry & Evangelism


I grew up in a simple and peaceful One time, my playmates and I played In this experience, I realized that
life in the countryside of a small town at their place until it was sunset al- it is not only those who are old in
at the foot of the mountain here in ready, and that was the time for their years and experienced in the work
Panguil, Laguna. My parents taught evening worship. They invited me to of the gospel that the Lord will use
us to always do our part in the duties join and I was blessed and happy at in bringing souls to His feet. Even
at home. Though I knew that we my experience that night. The next the little children can be used to
were Seventh-day Adventists, I only day, my playmates again invited me share the words of God and spread
remember a few times that we went to join their worship, and they also the good news of salvation. With the
to church on Sabbath, and it was only invited our other playmates so it right guidance of parents and the
my elder sister and me. would be even merrier. And these church, they can be effective instru-
continued for days. ments for the glory of God. Let us
When the reformation began in the give them opportunities to grow in
1990’s here in the Philippines, many One Saturday, God probably used the faith and experience. If rightly guid-
believers flocked to our hometown. youngest son of this neighbor fami- ed, they can be good influences to
Some of them resided there while ly to invite me to join their Sabbath their playmates, and even this could
others stayed only for a while and worship. I accepted the invitation be a way for their parents to be led
finally went up to their new homes a but it was not in my mind to return to obedience to God. Recently, I
few kilometers up in the mountain. In again another Sabbath. However, God heard a mother testify of her daugh-
the home of our new neighbor, they works in ways we do not think of. The ter who has been attending the Sab-
had worships and long studies that worshippers in this home church was bath program for children. Accord-
ended up lasting until the evening. only their family and another mother ing to her, her daughter always prays
They were called a “home church” and her child. Since then, my play- before sleeping and upon waking up.
because they worshipped at home. mates would always pick me up every This teaches and reminds her that
They also stopped sending their Sabbath to worship with them. she should also do the same.
children to school and established a
“home school.” My parents did not Because we were mostly children, In the time of the Advent Movement
show any interest in the reformation, they had a “children’s hour” every in 1840-1844, “in some portions
and our family continued without an Sabbath afternoon where all the par- of Europe, where the laws were so
active faith, except for my elder sister ticipants were the children. Some- oppressive as to forbid the preach-
who was at times invited to join the times, we distributed tracts before the ing of the Advent doctrine, little
church with them. program, and all of us would share a children were impelled to declare
testimony of our experience in giving it, and many listened to the solemn
I did not have any interest in their out tracts. I had a happy experience warning” (4SP, p. 222.2). Here is an
long studies because in my young age as a young believer and in my youth- example that
of 10, I only thought of playing and ful mind grew a desire to become a
going to school. Our new neighbors missionary. I was 13 years old when
have children who are a little younger the Lord opened the way for me to “God often uses the simplest
than me, and they became our play- help teach in a Vacation Bible School means to accomplish the greatest
mates. As the days and months went for younger children. And many
by, the number of believers in our other opportunities followed where I results” (DA, p. 822.4).
place decreased. Some of them stayed was able to be part of the work, which
in their mountain homes while most inspired me even more to become a
returned to their homes in the city. full-fledged missionary. W R I T T E N BY Yeyen Batasin

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021 17
To the Flock

The Value of A Man “Christ does not estimate the man by the amount of work
he does, but by the spirit in which the work is per-
formed. When He sees men lifting the burdens, trying to
There was a time when my life seemed crumbling around carry them in the lowliness of mind, with distrust of self,
me. I felt I was going through what Job experienced, but and with reliance upon Him, He adds to their work His
when I had read Job previously, I was of the opinion that perfection and sufficiency, and it is accepted of the Fa-
his trial was relatively short, but my trial seemed unend- ther. We are accepted in the Beloved. The sinner's defects
ing. My ministry appeared to be a failure, my previous are covered by the perfection and fullness of the Lord our
secular employment closed up, family and friends were righteousness. Those who with sincere will, with con-
forsaking me, and my health was disintegrating. I began trite heart, are putting forth humble efforts to live up to
to question God like this: “God, I know You love the the requirements of God, are looked upon by the Father
world as kind of an entity for Jesus died for it, but do You with pitying, tender love. He regards such as obedient
really love me as an individual? Do You care about me or children, and the righteousness of Christ is imputed unto
want to be involved in my personal life? Am I personally them” (1888, p. 402.1).
of any value to You?”
“The one who stands nearest to Christ will be he who
How much value we place upon something can vary has drunk most deeply of His spirit of self-sacrificing
tremendously depending on the criteria used as a basis love,—love that ‘vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,...
for analysis and the information known about it. When seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no
we are considering products, we have generally accepted evil’ {1 Corinthians 13:4, 5},—love that moves the dis-
ideas as to how we should value them, such as cost of ciple, as it moved our Lord, to give all, to live and labor
its manufacture, the demand, the supply, etc. But when and sacrifice even unto death, for the saving of humani-
it comes to considering the value of a human being, ty” (AA, p. 543.2).
our criteria varies immensely, including things such as
wealth, talents, congeniality, responsibility, our emotions, “In the kingdom of God, position is not gained through
relational ties, etc. favoritism. It is not earned, nor is it received through
an arbitrary bestowal. It is the result of character. The
But how does heaven value a man? What basis does God crown and the throne are the tokens of a condition at-
use to place a value upon someone? Or to bring the ques- tained—tokens of self-conquest through the grace of our
tion to a more personal level, “How can I be sure I am Lord Jesus Christ” (AA, p. 543.1).
valuable to God and accepted of Him?” Inspiration has
given us some answers: “Jesus loves those who represent the Father, and John
could talk of the Father's love as no other of the disciples
could. He revealed to his fellow men that which he felt
“The value of man is estimated in heaven according to in his own soul, representing in his character the attri-
the capacity of the heart to know God” (COL, p. 354.3). butes of God. The glory of the Lord was expressed in his
face. The beauty of holiness which had transformed him
“Those who labor for the good of others are working in shone with a Christlike radiance from his countenance.
union with the heavenly angels. They have their constant In adoration and love he beheld the Saviour until likeness
companionship, their unceasing ministry” (6T, p. 307.2). to Christ and fellowship with Him became his one desire,
and in his character was reflected the character of his
“The word of God was his instructor. ‘Through Thy Master” (AA, p. 545.2).
precepts,’ he said, ‘I get understanding....I have inclined
mine heart to perform Thy statutes’ {Psalm 119:104- “When self is merged in Christ, love springs forth
112}. It was this that caused the Lord to pronounce spontaneously. The completeness of Christian character
David, when in his youth He called him to the throne, ‘a is attained when the impulse to help and bless others
man after Mine own heart’ {Acts 13:22} (Ed, p. 48.1). springs constantly from within—when the sunshine of

18 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021
Into the Garden

heaven fills the heart and is revealed in

the countenance” (COL, p. 384.2).
Matthew 5 gives another list of qualities
that God values, such as: recognizing
one’s spiritual poverty, true sorrow for sin,
meekness, hungering and thirsting after
Righteousness, etc.

If we value heaven’s special approbation

and covet a nearness to God, then let us
seek those things that heaven values, and
“set your (our) affection on things above,
not on things on the earth” (Colossians
3:2). When we are doing this, we next
need to believe that He accepts and values
us above the world that Jesus died for, “From the tilling of the soil, CRH makes the clay soil po-
that He loves us individually like He did lessons may constantly be rous because of its composition
Abraham—the “friend of God” (James learned....Diligent, persevering and improves soil structure by
2:23), Daniel—“greatly beloved” (Daniel labor must be put forth in the increasing bulk, density, water
10:11), John—“whom He loved” (John preparation of the soil, the sow- holding capacity, and aeration.
19:26), etc. ing of the seed, and the culture
of the crop. So it must be in the Another amendment we can use
In the state of doubt and darkness I found spiritual sowing. The garden of is compost. Making compost
myself in after questioning God for some the heart must be cultivated. involves decomposing organic
time, I heard some conversations by some The soil must be broken up by materials into simpler organ-
people that I was visiting that startled repentance” (CG, p. 57.2). ic and inorganic compounds.
me. They had given up their belief in a Compost is rich in plant nutri-
caring God and had become basically One of the most important ents and beneficial organisms
agnostics; they were in a state of hopeless- factors in gardening is soil which the plants need.
ness and aimlessness, with no purpose in preparation. As we cultivate the
life and despairing for the future. I was land, we need to assess the type These are just two of the many
shocked and brought back to my senses. of soil we are working with, ammendments we can use in
I prayed earnestly to God that I did not whether it is sand, silt, clay, or the preparation of the soil. We
want to become like that, and to please loam, in order to know what need more time and training to
reveal Himself to me that He cared for me soil amendments to add to the study each and which method is
personally. He answered me that day in a mixture for the efficient growth applicable in different areas.
most wonderful way, that I knew without of the plants. The best type of
a doubt that He cared for me. There was soil is loamy. We can research In Genesis 3:19 we are told that
no bestowal of temporal blessings, but a online on how to deal with the “in the sweat of thy face shalt
message of His love that made me realize different soil conditions, and thou eat bread, till thou return
that I needed to learn the simple lesson which conditioners are best for unto the ground.” May we con-
of faith that Job needed to learn, to rely our specific situations. tinue to learn from nature and
upon God’s goodness and love, even when from the Word of God as we
I could not see it with my physical eyes. A good conditioner used in prepare for the troublous times
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in organic gardening is CRH before us. Ω
Him” (Job 13:15). Ω (Carbonated Rice Hull). This
is made from incomplete or W R I T T E N BY Clyde To-ong
W R I T T E N BY Pastor David Sims partial burning of rice hulls.

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021 19
To the Young

Reaching the Standard

In the last issue, we learned something about the beau- in sympathizing arms through the very drifts he had
ties of the new earth that the righteous will inherit. thought he could never succeed in getting through
Almost everyone wants to go there and experience a alone. And when he had borne his fellow traveler to a
happy, abundant, and peaceful life. How about you? place of safety, the truth flashed home to him that in
Do you also want to share that experience? saving his neighbor he had saved himself also. His ear-
nest efforts to save another quickened the blood which
God placed a standard that we need to reach so we was freezing in his own veins, and created a healthful
can be among the righteous who will inherit the new warmth in the extremities of the body.”
earth. Do you want to know what is this standard? It is
found in Ephesians 5:27: “That he might present it to Do you see the lesson in the story? We might be weary
himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrin- and discouraged in reaching the goal of righteousness
kle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and because of the many temptations around us. One of
without blemish.” As part of the church of God, we are God’s ways for helping us to overcome is by using us
to be pure and holy by God’s grace. to help and share to others the way of salvation. We
will not be saved and be part of the kingdom of God
We are to be found HOLY. Wow! This is very hard if we only have ourselves in mind. If we only think of
to do because of the many temptations around us. It our own needs and wants, we will be weak and we will
seems impossible. And yes, it is impossible of our- not be able to reach the standard that God sets before
selves to be holy as Jesus said, “without Me ye can do us. By God’s grace, we need to do something for the
nothing” (John 15:5). benefit of others. We should seek to share to them the
truths that God has given us.
Let me share with you a short story that I read from
the book Testimonies [Vol. 4], page 319.3. As a youth, there is something that you can do by
God’s grace to let your friends know about Christ. That
“I have read of a man who, journeying on a winter's is sharing with them God’s words and showing the
day through the deep, drifted snow, became benumbed truth by your life. And when you do this, your charac-
by the cold, which was almost imperceptibly stealing ter is being formed into the likeness of Christ which is
away his vital powers. And as he was nearly chilled what is needed for us to be part of His kingdom.
to death by the embrace of the frost king, and about
to give up the struggle for life, he heard the moans Remember that all your efforts and steps to reach the
of a brother traveler, who was perishing with cold as goal will be of no avail if you do it by yourself apart
he was about to perish. His humanity was aroused to from Christ. In Philippians 4:13 it says, “I can do all
rescue him. He chafed the ice-clad limbs of the un- things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Ω
fortunate man, and, after considerable effort, raised
him to his feet; and as he could not stand, he bore him W R I T T E N BY Yeyen Batasin

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 02 | M A R C H 2021 20
Healthy Options


If you do not know it yet, soy

milk powder is a great substi-
tute for different ingredients Ingredients:
in a variety of dishes. It re- Organic soybeans
sembles boiled eggs in salads; Water
you can substitute it for
powdered milk in champora- Procedure:
do, oatmeal, or possibly any 1. Soak soybeans in water overnight.
recipe that calls for powdered 2. Remove the skin as much as you can. You may
milk; you can use it as a base need to rinse the beans a few times in the pro-
for pulvoron, or mix it to sub- cess.
stitute regular flour and milk 3. Boil the soybeans for about 30 minutes to an
in pancakes, granola bars and hour or until cooked.
other baked goods; you can
add it to your smoothies or 4. Strain and make sure to remove all of the liquid.
to thicken soups; or you can 5. Dry in a dehydrator or bake it in low temperature in an oven or
even make a sweet treat, like roast it in very low fire in a pan. Make sure the soybeans remain
fudge, using it. The possibil- light colored or you will get soy coffee instead.
ities are many so feel free to 6. Once fully dried, your soybeans are ready. Just make sure it is
experiment with it. dried all through out. Test it by breaking a bean or two.
7. Grind the beans in a coffee grinder or a high-speed blender until
But you want to make sure
fine. You can also go to a commercial miller and have them grind
you buy the organic kind so
it for you.
you get its real benefits and
flavor. However, it is quite 8. This next step is optional, but if you want a smoother soy milk
hard to find and is probably powder, sieve the powder using a silk screen, and grind again the
pricey, so the best option is to bigger particles until everything is super fine.
produce your own. 9. Keep in an airtight container.

Here’s how to make your own W R I T T E N BY Samaritana Malinay

best-tasting soy milk powder.

1 8 8 9 H S D A P U B L I S H I N G CO M M I T T E E T H E 1 8 89 R E V I E W is a free publication of WEBSITE

David Sims Krysyll Lacap the 1889 Historic Seventh Day Adventists. EMAIL
Jessmar Engcoy Samaritana Malinay Feel free to share this with anyone. CO N TAC T N U M B E R S
Joe Buhia Yeyen Batasin +63 915 467 0908
E D I TO R Samaritana Malinay +63 927 875 6988
A S S O C I AT E E D I TO R Yeyen Batasin +63 917 301 2857

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 01 | D E C E M B E R 2020 21

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