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Vladimir I. Morote Leon


Tf: 15-5828-8582 C


Developer with great passion for data development, with analytical skills, proactive,
self-taught and eager to learn and progress adhering to the mission and vision of the Studying Ing. Information Systems
company in developing my work activity, with commitment and dedication to the University Technological National
fulfillment of the objectives or assigned tasks, respecting their deadlines. Studied Electronic Engineery
without finish 2010 - 2015

Projects with Python and Django framework with PostgreSQL DDBB

Projets creating a pipelines of data with Airflow Software skills

Project Java and Spring Boot framework in MySQL DDBB
Project cluster dserverless with Apache Spark for Big Data on Docker conteiners Github,Docker Creation of
Virtual Environments
Other data projects Knowledge of OOP Knowledge of funtional

Use of IDEs Pycharm and VSC

Jupyter Notebook and anaconda.
Management of Python modules: Luigi, Scikit-
Learn, Pandas, Numpy, among others.
COURSES Handling of Machine Learning Algorithms.
Handling of SQL queries
SoloLearn: Python

Intensive Python course with teacher Lic. Alejandro Santoro

Manage of DDBBs and Transactions
Courses: University Python Udemy, Sc. E Ing. of Data Platzi,
R-Studio and packages ETL knowledge with Pentaho
Data Integration
Python for Data y Machine Learning Udemy,
Knowledge of Orchestration with Apache Airflow
University Spring Boot Udemy, Knowledge of data clusters with Hadooq and Spark

SQL; Basics and Complex Consults

Course Docker Pedalo Nerd YouTube
English Level: intermediate - advance
Currently studying in Platzi Data
I can keep a fluid english dialog
Science Machine Learning. IA Schools
Espanish Level: native .
and SimpleLearn School

To emprove my skills in Machine Learning, Data and AI

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