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Nama : Imam mursal

Npm : 2006200324
Fakultas : Hukum
Kelas : G1

Assignment :
The distinction of Civil Procedure between Criminal procedure

Answer :

the difference between civil procedure law and criminal procedure law :

1. Civil procedure applies to the process where two parties bring a case to the court for a
decision on a particular matter. These matters can include divorces, estate distribution,
injury cases, or even matters such as discrimination in the workplace. Criminal
procedure applies to the process where the state or federal government is arresting and
trying someone for a crime that was committed. The rules of civil procedure are different
than that of criminal procedure because the proceedings are different.

2. Civil procedure dictates that a civil case must begin with filing a complaint. The
complaint is served to the offending party who then drafts and files an answer with the
court. Anyone can be a party to a civil case including people, businesses, and government
entities. When parties go before the court in a civil case, it is to determine whether a
person was injured and how much they should be compensated for that injury. All of this
information is specifically drafted into the documents.
Criminal procedure is designed to safeguard the Constitutional rights of people being
investigated, accused, and tried of crimes. A criminal investigation begins with a crime
happening. The police determine suspects and start questioning people. In order to
question anyone or go into anyone’s home, the police must obtain a warrant from a judge.
If a warrant is not pursued, then the evidence and anything else that was found as the
result of that piece of evidence are all thrown out.

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