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Izdiharti Husniyah - 170211604547

Have you ever fall in love with someone? Someone who make your heart beat fast,
can not stop smiling all day, and feeling blossomed. Then you feel like you become more
excited for everything you do, especially when she/he take a part on it. You will give the best
for them, love them unconditionally, and make time for them having fun together. But, if we
talk about selflove, have you ever fall in love to yourself? How does it feel? This article will
talk about it and make you realize how worth to love yourself is. Before that, let me ask you,
how much do you think you love yourself rate at 0-100?
Just like fall with someone or your crush, fall in love with yourself must be feel so
happy, feeling blossomed, excited, unconditionally, and you will make time for yourself for
having fun. Why? Because selflove means you are happy about your true self, you happy for
everything you do, everything you have, and everything you want, without worrying does
other people happy for you or not (read: it is definetely different with do not care about others
feeling, as long as you did not harm them even a little, so you did the right thing). You will
be happy if you are happy, and you will be sad if you are sad. Means that you are truly honest
with your feeling. You are the person who will stay and support yourself in the front row.
You did not need to act like you are fine if you are actually not. You will listen and care to
yourself more.
You might thing selflove is arrogant or selfish. So, I will point out here to you that
being in love with yourself does not mean you are not loving other people. Selflove is a part
of any love in this world, just like you love your God, your family, your partner, or your pet.
Many people know well how to love their relatives and people arround them but bad enough
to love themselves. They know well how to be kind to others, give them advice, support, give
them some gifts, but they unconciously talk and critic harsher to themselves, easy to give up
on their dream, and instead of giving theirself a gifts, they depend themselves on others. Try
to hard to make other people happy eventhough they should sacrifice their own needs (read:
being peoplepleaser).
I personally think that the better I love and respect myself so the better I will love
other things arround me, included my things, peoples arround me, my job, and anything.
Because ourselves is the closest thing we ever had. The moment when we did not understand
the closest thing, so impossible for us to understand things well that more far from us. When
we say we love other people, for example our love partner, in condition that we do not love
ourselves that much, it will not give the good result on the relationships. You will be feel
insecure, jealous more, feel unsafe, more suspicious, and can not give the best to your partner
and relationship. You might be easily angry, offended, being needy to your partner, easily
broken heart because you will depend your feeling to what your partner did to you. You have
less confidence and too much listen to what other people say.
Ourselves is the person that we will be with forever. No matter how bad we are. Love
ourselves is not only when we proud, happy, doing well, healthy, and so on. But uncoditional
love even when we are down, sad, depressed, ugly, fail, or being hated by some people.
Being selflove is knowing better and accept everything on us, no matter what it is, good or
bad. By understand ourselves better, we can find where our strenghts and weaknesses, so we
can push and show more our strenght, and minimize or hide our weaknesses to be a better
person. We did not talk about being fake, but try our best to be the best version of ourself. So
that we can love ourselves more. We love ourselves not because what others say, not by what
others want from us, but we focus on us, and find a way to fall in love. One of the way is by
write or say it everyday in front of the mirror about what everything that make you fall in
love with yourself, remember it everytime. Anything that makes you hate yourself, just leave
it far far away and forget it immediately. By knowing our strenght and weaknesses we can do
the best.
Actually, being in love is not happy everytime. Sometimes you will find you are
feeling bad or not satisfied of yourself. But, it is okay to be not okay. Sometimes you need
those feelings for you try harder to be the best version on yourself, to take it as the reflection
and evaluation, to be not way too much arrogant or selfish and others more. The important
thing is be balance. So, now let’s be fall in love with yourself and make others fall to you too!
Every people arround you will catch the positive vibes on you and they will fall for you or
you make others happy and fall for themselves too. Love you!

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