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WEEK 1-2-3-4-5


1. 10 minutes with Rowing machine @ easy Pace (warm up)

2. (25”:20”) x 6 Push ups (settimana 3 => ring push ups)
3. 4 sets of: 12x Military Push Press
4. (25”:20”)x6 alzate laterali
5. 2 sets of: 15x band front raises 
6. (45”:15”) x3 hammer curls

“Jonestown Sprint:”45 secs of each exercise. 2 sets of each (perform as a circuit).

1. Plank Push Ups

2. DB OH Hold
3. KB Swings
4. Dead Hangs
5. Russian twist
6. Wall Sits

7. 20x Frog Hops + 40m Bear Crawl (Do 4 rounds of this combo, rest 2

minutes between sets)
8. 3 sets 20 reps: Man-Makers (with dumbbells)


1. 20 Push Press (Dumbell)

2. 20 Burpee Pull-up
3. 10 Push Press (Dumbbell)
4. 12 Burpee Pull-up
5. 10 Pull-Ups
6. Reverse-grip Bent-over Row +
7. TRX Pull upsr +
8. Military Press + AMRAP (2’, 6 reps of each)x3
9. Upright Row +
10. Biceps curl trx  +
11. Bicep Curl inverted trx


1. 50 Front Squats (Body-weight)
2. 3×15 Goblet Squat (kettlebell)
3. 3x20m Walking Lunges (weighted with sandbag)
4. 3×20 Split Jumps
5. 2x Explosive Triple Broad Jump (Five Sets, Full Rest between each)
6. 30sec Box Jump + 60sec Explosive Box Step-up (Four Rounds)
7. 30sec Jump Squat +60sec Quick Step (Four Rounds)
8. KB Swings to failure

-Push ups stretti 60”

- Mani una contro l’altra 60”

-Sit ups 60”




1. (45”:15”) trx triceps extensions

2. (45”:15”) OH triceps extensions
3. 4x20 rope pushdown

1. 12x Pullup
2. 12x Pushup x 12
3. Battle ropes
4. 60 Sit-Ups
5. 60 V-Ups
6. 60 Reverse Crunches

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