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Artificial Intelligent Application to Power System Protection

Article · February 2001

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3 authors, including:

E. Rosolowski Jan Izykowski

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Artificial Intelligent Application to Power System Protection

M.M. Saha E. Rosolowski J. Izykowski

Substation Automation Division Department of Electrical Engineering
ABB Automation Products AB Wroclaw University of Technology
SE-721 59 Västerås, SWEDEN 50-370 Wroclaw, POLAND

Abstract: The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) II. PROBLEMS IN POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION
methods in power system protection has been addressed in
this paper. Particular emphasis has been put on Artificial The problems result mainly from the trade-off between
Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Logic (FL). Several the security demand (no false trippings), and the speed of
novel concepts have been introduced including ANN ap- operation and the dependability (no missing operations) re-
plication to CT and CVT transients correction, fuzzy crite- quirements. The more secure is the relay (both the algorithm
ria signals, fuzzy settings and multi-criteria decision mak- and its particular settings), the more it tends to misoperate or
ing for digital relays. Attached examples illustrate applica- operate slowly. And vice versa, the faster is the relay, the
tion of ANN and FL techniques to resolve the selected re- more it tends to operate falsely. The problems listed below
laying problems such as the fault classification or CT and
CVT dynamic error correction. Differential protection for reflect the current practice in power system protection.
power transformers is selected as an important example to There are basically two ways to mitigate the problem of
show efficiency of the proposed concepts of FL and ANN limited recognition power of the classical relaying princi-
application. ples. One of them is to improve and extend the measure-
ments available to a given relay (for example, optical CTs
for improvement and substation integration for extension).
I. INTRODUCTION The second way is to improve the recognition process itself
based on what is already available and either:
The microprocessor technology brings unquestionable
• search for the new relaying principles, or
improvements of the protection relays- criteria signals are
• apply several of known principles in one relay to im-
estimated in a shorter time; input signals are filtered-out
prove the recognition, or
more precisely; it is easy to apply sophisticated corrections;
• apply correction of the CT and CVT transient error, or
the hardware is standardized and may communicate with
other protection and control systems; relays are capable of • improve a type of fault determination by using of the
self-monitoring. All this, however, did not make a major ANNs classifier, or
breakthrough in power system protection as far as security, • use self-organizing algorithms such as ANNs to find out
dependability and speed of operation are considered. The automatically a protection principle.
key reason behind this is that the principles used by digital It always takes certain time to estimate the criteria sig-
relays blindly reproduce the criteria known for decades. nals accurately enough to base the tripping decision on them.
The relaying task, however, may be approached as a pat- Either they are measured fast or accurately. There is no per-
tern recognition problem - by monitoring its inputs, the relay fect digital measuring algorithm that solves this well known
classifies on-going transients between internal faults and all conflict between the speed and the accuracy. Either certain
the other conditions. Or, the protective relaying may be con- pre-filtering is applied, or the basic algorithm uses longer
sidered as a decision making problem - the relay should de- data window; or certain post-filtering is employed (or even a
cide whether to trip or retrain itself from tripping. This ob- combination of these three means). There is always a level
servation directly leads to AI application in power system of uncertainty in the estimate of the criteria signal at the be-
protection [1-4]. Practically, it includes the artificial neural ginning of a disturbance when the relay operation is mostly
network approach (pattern recognition), as well as the expert wanted. In some situations, although unprecise, the value of
system and fuzzy logic methods (decision making) [5-8]. the criteria signal enables solid decision, but is other cases,
This paper briefly reviews the general problems and con- such as a fault at the end of the protection zone, the relay
straints in power system protection and presents the basics of must wait for more precise estimate of the criteria signals.
AI methods as applied to protective relaying. After general
presentation of the problem (Section II), a brief description III. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE METHODS
of the AI methods is given (Section III). Some examples of AI is a subfield of computer science that investigates
the AI approach to power system protection are presented in how the though and action of human beings can be mim-
Section IV and V. The test results are also included in the icked by machines [5]. Both the numeric, non-numeric and
paper. symbolic computations are included in the area of AI. The

SAHA M.M., ROSOŁOWSKI E. and IŻYKOWSKI J.: "Artificial Intelligent Application to Power System Protection".
NPSC 2000 - Eleventh National Power Systems Conference, Bangalore, India, 19-22 Dec. 2000. Vol. 2, pp. 595-600.
mimicking of intelligence includes not only the ability to like a processor which makes a simple non linear operation
make rational decisions, but also to deal with missing data, of its inputs producing its single output. A weight (synapse)
adapt to existing situations and improve itself in the long is attached to each neuron and the training enables adjusting
time horizon based on the accumulated experience. of different weights according to the training set. The ANN
Three major families of AI techniques are considered to techniques are attractive because they do not require tedious
be applied in modern power system protection [1,5]: knowledge acquisition, representation and writing stages
• Expert System Techniques (XPSs), and, therefore, can be successfully applied for tasks not fully
• Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), described in advance. The ANN are not programmed or
• Fuzzy Logic systems (FL). supported by a knowledge base as are Expert Systems. In-
stead they learn a response based on given inputs and a re-
A. Expert Systems quired output by adjusting the node weights and biases ac-
The first expert systems included a few heuristic rules cordingly. The speed of processing, allowing real time ap-
based on the expert's experience. In such systems, the plications, is also an advantage.
knowledge takes the form of so called production rules Since ANNs can provide excellent pattern recognition,
written using the If... then... syntax (knowledge base). The they are proposed by many researchers to perform different
system includes also the facts which generally describe the tasks in power system relaying for signal processing and de-
domain and the state of the problem to be solved (data base). cision making [2-5,7-8,10,12-13]. The common application
A generic inference engine uses the facts and the rules to de- of the ANN technique assumes:
duce new facts which allow the firing of other rules. The • The ANN is fed either with non-processed samples of the
knowledge base is a collection of domain-specific knowl- input signals, or by features of those signals extracted
edge and the inference system is the logic component for using certain measuring algorithms (or by a combina-
processing the knowledge base to solve the problem. This tion).
process continues until the base of facts is saturated and a • The sliding data widow consisting of the recent and a
conclusion has been reached (Fig.1). To guide the reasoning few historical samples of the signals, is fed to the ANN.
and to be more efficient, these systems may incorporate • The output from the ANN encodes the output decision
some strategies known as metaknowledge. Rule based sys- such as tripping command, type of fault, direction of
tems represent still the majority of the existing expert sys- fault, etc.
tems. • The training patterns exposed to the ANN cover the most
There are few applications of XPS to power system pro- important operating conditions both internal faults and
tection reported, but all of them solve the off-line tasks such other disturbances. Typically, only the selected window
as settings coordination, post-fault analysis and fault diagno- positions are used for training.
sis [1]. As yet there is no application reported of the XPS • Additional pre- and post-processing may be applied.
technique employed as a decision making tool in an on-line The most widespread application of ANNs is in pattern
operating protective relay. The basic reason for this is that classification and associative memory where they can learn
there is no extensive rule base that describes the reasoning to distinguish between classes of inputs and, therefore, they
process applicable to protective relaying. Instead, only a few can be successively used for decision making and phenom-
rules or criteria are collected [9]. ena classification. A major problem with ANNs is that no
exact guide exists for the choice to the number of hidden
B. Artificial Neural Networks layers and neurons per hidden layer. On the other hand, the
The ANNs are very different from expert systems since ability to generalize is one of the main advantage of using
they do not need a knowledge base to work. Instead, they ANNs.
have to be trained with numerous actual cases. An ANN is a
set of elementary neurons which are connected together in QHXURQ
different architectures organized in layers what is biologi- V\QDSVH
cally inspired (Fig.2) [5]. An elementary neuron can be seen OD\HU


Fig.1. Simplified block diagram of an XPS. Fig.2. Typical three-layer architecture of a feed-forward ANN.
Feature Approach
With reference to Fig.3 the fuzzy logic approach to pro- XPS ANNs FL
tective relaying assumes [6]: Knowledge Expert knowl- Information Expert knowledge
• The criteria signals are fuzzified in order to account for used edge in the form
of rules, objects,
extracted from
the training set
in the form of pro-
tection criteria.
dynamic errors of the measuring algorithms. Thus, in- frames, etc. of cases.
stead of real numbers, the signals are represented by Trouble- Change of rules Difficult - the Convenient - the
fuzzy numbers. Since the fuzzification process provides shooting and required. internal signals internal signals are
improving a are almost im- understandable and
a special kind of flexible filtering, faster measuring al- relay possible to in- analyzable
gorithms that speed up the relays may be used. terpret.
Self-learning Possible. Natural. Possible.
• The thresholds for the criteria signals are also repre-
Handling un- Possible. Natural. Natural.
sented by fuzzy numbers to account for the lack of pre- clear cases
cision in dividing the space of the criteria signals be- Robustness Not-critical and Difficult to Not-critical and
tween the tripping and blocking regions. easy to ensure. ensure. easy to ensure.
• The fuzzy signals are compared with the fuzzy settings. Setting a Convenient. Large number
of simulation
Convenient. Both
knowledge and
The comparison result is a fuzzy logic variable between required. simulation are used.
the Boolean absolute levels of truth and false. Computations Extensive. Dedicated Moderate.
• Several relaying criteria are used in parallel. The criteria
are aggregated by means of formal multi-criteria deci- [1,6]. The relay presented in [11] uses 12 protection criteria
sion-making algorithms that allow the criteria to be which indicate the following transformer states (Fig.4):
weighted according to their reasoning ability. • Magnetizing inrush
• The tripping decision depends on multi-criteria evalua- • Stationary overexcitation of a core
tion of the status of a protected element. Additional de- • External faults combined with saturation of the CTs
cision factors may include the amount of available in- • External faults without saturation of the CTs.
formation, or the expected costs of relay maloperation. The relay uses fuzzy settings and multi-criteria decision
making methods and is self-set using the EMTP simulations.
The XPS, ANN and FL approaches have their own ad- The selected example concerning the 140/10.52kV, 5.86
vantages and limitations. Table I compares the basic features MVA three-phase two-winding transformer demonstrates
of these AI methods. both the relay stability and sensitivity. Fig.5 displays the dif-
ferential and through currents as well as the tripping signal
IV. APPLICATION TO POWER TRANSFORMER for the turn-to-turn internal fault occurring after 50ms of
PROTECTION transformer energizing and involving 16% turns of the Y-
As an examples authors have considered fuzzy logic and side winding on the column S. The relay activates at the be-
ANN application to differential transformer protection. The ginning of energizing but remains blocked during inrush
differential relaying principle in the case of a power trans- conditions. The tripping command is sent 16ms after the
former shows certain limitations - detection of a differential fault inception.
current does not provide a clear distinction between internal B. ANN application
faults and other conditions. Inrush magnetizing currents, The paper [10] presents a wide optimization process in-
stationary overexcitation of a core, external faults combined volving the type of an ANN as well as both pre- and post-
with saturation of the CTs and/or CTs and protected trans- processing algorithms for the power transformer protection.
former ratio mismatch are the most relevant phenomena
which may upset the current balance causing the relay to w1
maloperate. E
A. Fuzzy Logic application S
To enhance the performance of transformer protection a R
I Ruling-out the hypothesis of MIN
multi-criteria fuzzy logic based relaying frame may be used N stationary overexcitation
Ruling-out the hypothesis of an
external fault combined with
saturation of CTs
Decision I Ruling-out the hypothesis of an
Fuzzyfication Defuzzyfication T ∆
Making external fault combined with ratio

Fig.3. Simplified block diagram of the fuzzy logic approach. Fig.4. Simplified block diagram of the considered fuzzy logic relay
for power transformers.
Fig.5. Fuzzy Logic based relay operation under sample turn-to-turn fault occurring during energizing of the transformer.
With reference to Fig.6, a neural network relay (NNR) tection criteria (as in fuzzy logic approach).
consists of three basic units: a pre-processor, an ANN itself In the criteria-based approach, the pre-processor converts
and a post-processor. In the case of a power transformer, a the natural relaying signals into 8 features. These signals, are
differential relay measures the currents on all the sides always real positive and either their low or high values indi-
through the Current Transformers (CTs) - and sometimes - cate on an internal fault. These criteria signals are next fed
also the voltages through the Voltage Transformers (VTs). into an ANN. Only the most recent samples are forwarded
These signals are pre-filtered using the analog anti-aliasing (no sliding data window).
filters and next sampled (in this paper 2nd order RC circuit To analyze logic signals produced by comparison of an
with cut-off at 350Hz; sampling at 1kHz). The differential appropriate settings, instead of using an output logic circuit,
and restraining currents are next formed according to the art an ANN based classifier is employed. Each criterion is apti-
of differential relaying for power transformers. mized individually prior to usage with the objective to
Three different levels of pre-processing have been de- minimize the percentage of missing and false indications as
veloped and tested: - NNR without essential pre-processing; well as the provided average identification time [11]. No
- with separation of 12 criteria signals; and - with using of sliding data window is applied - only the most recent sam-
settings obtained from comparison of the criteria signals ples are fed.
with their appropriate thresholds. Two methods was analyzed for determination of the final
In the first case an ANN is fed just by samples of differ- decision (post-processing) of the relay: natural post-
ential and restraining currents and operates as a protective processing and filter application. Since only two classes of
relay for power transformer. The length of the sliding data disturbances are relevant in power system protection (inter-
window and the set of employed signals are the only pa- nal faults and other conditions), ANNs operating as protec-
rameters to be optimized in such an approach. tive relays are usually trained to respond with two distinctive
In the second approach a NNR may combine the advan- values, respectively. Thus, to analyze the output from an
tages of the ANN technology with the expert knowledge ANN only the thresholding is needed. Such kind of post-
having the form of relaying principles. The relaying criteria processing was denoted as natural post-processing. Instead
(such as 2nd harmonic restraint) enable to convert the natu- of this also filters was used: mean-value filter (averaging of
ral relaying signals into the space of features to be fed into the result) and median filter.
an ANN itself. In the paper, the feature universe consists of For all considered cases the feed-forward three-layer
8 criteria signals (per phase), achieved by applying 12 pro- fully interconnected sigmoidal ANNs was used. Two basic
configurations of a NNR of a three-phase power transformer
&7V &7V was tested: with single ANN for each transformer phase and
&% &% with ANN observing the three phases. The actual number of
training patterns presented to ANNs count in tens of thou-
sands - due to the three-phase structure of a protected trans-
35(352&(66,1* former and the sliding data window of a NNR.
Wide comparative analysis with different NNR structure
75,33,1* 6,*1$/

has been provided. Majority of the developed NNRs handle

1(85$/ 1(7:25.
well the special testing cases [10].


Certain construction limitations of the instrument transform-
ers may in some cases cause maloperation or substantial de-
Fig.6. The basic configuration of a Neural Network based Relay lay in tripping of the protective relays.
(NNR) for power transformers One of the method for correction of CTs saturation con-
Z a)
L Q1  V Q

v, V
L Q1 V Q 0

L Q1  V Q 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

L Q1 1  V Q

v, V
1 1 1

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Fig.7. ANN structure for CT correction

V, V
sists in application of CT’s inverse transfer function in the
form of ANN [8]. The correction function and the transfer
function of CT set up in series should assure identity of CT 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
time, ms
primary and compensated secondary currents. Since the
Fig. 9. Results of CVT transients error compensation during
CT’s transfer function is nonlinear, usage of the nonlinear phault-to-ground fault at the substation
artificial multilayer neural network structure with some form
of feed-back (recurrent network), as presented in Fig.7, is Very generally, the dynamics of a CVT is determined by
required. The sigmoidal tangent activation function has been two factors:
assigned to neurons in hidden layers and the linear one to the • nonlinear oscillations under saturation of magnetic core
output neuron of the selected ANN architecture. of the CVT step-down transformer,
The sliding data widow consisting of the recent and a • discharging of the CVT internal energy during short cir-
few historical samples of the signals, is fed to the ANN. Re- cuits on an associated transmission line.
scaled samples of the CT current are putted on the input The greater influence has the second source of transient er-
register: iw ( n − N + 1) , ... iw (n ) . ANN output signal ror. Especially, faults at zero crossing of the primary volt-
ic ( n − N d ) represents corrected CT current. ages result in substantial transient errors that, in turn, affect
Result of compensation the secondary CT current is pre- the operation of supplied relays.
sented in Fig. 8. Secondary current waveform was obtained The idea of CVT transients error compensation pre-
from the EMTP simulation of 3-phase fault at the substation sented in [12] is based on finding of an inverse transfer
of 400 kV system [8]. It can be seen that the proposed ANN function of the CVT model and reproducing it with an ANN
corrector almost perfectly reproduces the primary current. - what is similar to the approach used for CT correction.
Current magnitude (Fig. 8b) is estimated according to the Therefore, the proposed ANN corrector has general structure
full-period Fourier method. as in Fig. 7.
Different ANN sizes and input/feedback connections
3ULPDU\ VHFRQGDU\ DQG FRPSHQVDWHG FXUUHQW have been tested and analyzed. As an example, Fig. 9 pres-
 ents result of CVT correction during phase-to-ground fault at

the 400 kV substation. The fault is applied when the primary
voltage of the faulted phase crossing zero.




$PSOLWXGH HVWLPDWLRQ Fast fault detection and classification of the fault type is
one of the most important task of the protection relays and

fault location function. The basic idea of the fault type esti-

 mation consists in analysing of the phase and zero-sequence


voltages and currents. The ANNs have good pattern recog-

nition and classification feature and that is what is here ex-

The proposed neural fault type estimator (NFTE) con-
Fig. 8. Plot of phase S currents generated from simulation of 3- sists of 4 neural networks: three recurrent nets for particular
phase fault at the substation (RF=0Ω). Compensation carried out by
phase fault detection and the fourth feedforward one for fault
ANN of 5-5-1 structure (a). Amplitude estimation of primary, sec-
ondary and compensated current (b). to ground recognition [13]. The NFTE uses feature vectors
formed by V (voltage) and I (current) trials. The architecture
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