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# file dakı dosyalı okuyup list e yerleştir

def read_file_to_list(path):
students = list()
with open(path,'r') as std_file:
for line in std_file:
fields = line.split(',')
student = {'std_id': fields[0],'name': fields[1],'cgpa':
fields[2],'dop': fields[3],'gender':fields[4]}
return students

# list leri file a yazdır

def write_list_to_file(list,path):
with open(path,'w') as std_file:
for std in list:

# modify yap
def modify(stdid,field,new_value):
students = read_file_to_list('students.txt')
for std in students:
if std['std_id'] == stdid:
std[field] = new_value

# insert yap values should be string because inputs are string

def insert(stdid,name,cgpa,dop,gender):
with open('students.txt','a') as std_file:

# sil
def delete(stdid):
students = read_file_to_list('students.txt')
for i in range(len(students)):
if students[i]['std_id'] == stdid:

# display formated file

def display():
with open('students.txt','r') as std_file:
for line in std_file:
data = line.split(',')

stdid = data[0]
name = data[1]
cgpa = data[2]
dop = data[3]
gender = data[4]
print('Student id: {}, Name: {}, Cgpa: {}, Data of birth: {}, Gender:

# stats.txt dosya olurtur ve icine yaz

def stats():
students = read_file_to_list('students.txt')
student_count = len(students)
avg_cgpa = 0
M = 0
F = 0
for std in students:
gender = std['gender'].strip('\n')
if gender == 'M':
M += 1
F += 1
avg_cgpa += float(std['cgpa'])

avg_cgpa /= student_count

with open('stats.txt','w') as stat_file:

stat_file.write('Total number of Students :' + str(student_count) + '\n')
stat_file.write('Average Cgpa of students : {0:4.2f}\n'.format(avg_cgpa))
stat_file.write('Number of Male students: {}\nNumber of Female students:

#Values should be string for all methods !!!!!!

def main():
print("For testing the methods pls type them in main\nValues should be string\
nexample : delete('str')")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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