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Faculty of education and Communication

Name: Shania Mahomed Ali Faruk
Year: 1º
English Course Exam
Topic: Talking about your last Holidays

In the present work I will talk about my last vacation, starting by starting my daily activities
from Monday to Friday, well the usual thing is my journey from home to work, and even
after college vacations I had to have busy routine with the service. so after the holidays that
started on January 20, 2020, I spent my days as follows: from Monday to Friday going to
work at 8 am, leaving at 12 pm for my lunch that lasts 2 hours time, thus returning from 2 pm
to 5 pm. Then the house walked, arriving, resting and sleeping.

On weekends, as I don't work, I woke up, did my homework, rested and even in the evening,
went to dinner with friends and had fun. On Sundays also almost the same.

On December 30, 2020 I had a 20-day vacation in the service too. So that was when I was
able to travel. I traveled to Quelimane on the 30th and only returned on the 10th of January
this year.

During the 10 days I spent there, starting with the New Year, I had several moments of
leisure and fun.

As I already mentioned I got there, I spent the end of the year in a restaurant in the city, with
my family. Then on the first day of the year I went to Zalala beach i spent the day there and
went back to the city in the late afternoon

The days went by and I always went out to have fun with my friends and family. Until the
day I returned to the city of Nampula.

however, I had my holidays in the best possible way, had fun, went for walks and finally
returned to my service and college routine. It was a well spent vacation.

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