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Regular Plural Nouns.

they are formed by adding es or s to a countable noun in singular.

I. If a noun ends in e or a consonant (b, d, g, k, l, m, n, p, r, t, v, w ), add s to write the plural

noun of that noun.

singular plural

table tables

pen pens

II. If a noun ends in ch, o, ss, sh, x, and z, add es to write the plural of the regular nouns.


singular plural Exceptions

Church churches photo photos

tomato tomatoes radio radios

class classes video videos

dish dishes piano pianos

box boxes zoo zoos

quiz quizzes patio patios

Rhino rhinos

Hippo hippos

III. If a noun ends in y, preceded by consonant, change the y to I and add es.


singular plural

Lady ladies

City cities

Secretary secretaries

Dictionary Dictionaries

IV. If a noun ends in y, preceded by a vowel, add s.

singular plural

Day days

Key keys

Toy toys

Boy boys
V. If a noun ends in f or fe, change the f or fe for v and add es to write the plural of the
regular nouns.

singular plural Exceptions

leaf leaves chef chefs

wife wives belief beliefs

chief chiefs

proof proofs

roof roofs

oaf oafs

VI. If a noun ends in ff, you just add s to write the plural.

singular plural

cliff cliffs

toff toffs

scuff scuffs

sniff sniffs
Study these groups of words, you have to learn them from memory.
I. If a noun has double OO, change the OO for EE to write the plural.
Foot feet
Goose geese
Tooth Teeth
II. If a noun ends in USE, change USE for ICE to write the plural.
Louse lice
Mouse mice
III. If a noun ends in an, change an for en or add en to write the plural.
Man men
Woman women
Child children
Ox oxen
Deer deer
Fish fish
Means means
Offspring offspring
Series series
Sheep sheep
Species species
Write the plural nouns:
1. Mango Mangoes
2. Pear Pears
3. Radio Radios
4. Sentence Sentences
5. Chair Chairs
6. Child Children
7. Pen Pens
8. Church Churches
9. Woman Women
10. Watch Watches
11. Sugar Sugars
12. Party Parties
13. Pencil Pencils
14. Half Halves
15. Juice Juices
16. Orange Oranges
17. Sandwich Sandwiches
18. Potato Potatoes
19. Jar Jars
20. Bag Bags

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