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A comparison of the hand spacing of the standard bench press

(left) and the safe close-grip bench press (above right). In this
case the difference is only about 5". The bar is at the pec line in
both cases. The elbows should be directly beneath the wrists.

if you have to dump it. Terminate a set as soon as

your elbows start to drift out of position despite
your best efforts to keep them in position.

See Bench Press—similar guidelines for spotting ap-
ply here. But because fatigue occurs more suddenly
in the close-grip bench press, your spotter must be
very alert. He must be ready to help you when the
bar stalls, or when your elbows start to drift out of

Having your hands this close is very dangerous. It will damage

your elbows and wrists. The elbows are nowhere near to being
directly below the wrists.


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