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Speak with Clarity & 

Precision: ‘Secret Word’ 
The  purpose  of  this exercise is to give you an opportunity to practice something you'll need to do a 
lot in the workplace--speak with clarity and precision.  

For  this  exercise,  you  will  have  45  seconds  to  deliver  a  message  to  a  friend,  colleague,  or  family 
member.  When  preparing  your  message,  write down 3 bullet points on a sheet of paper. These are 
your ‘secret words’.  
At  the  end  of the 45 seconds, ask your friend (or whomever you delivered the message to) to write 
down 3 bullet points that represent the most prominent things you said.  

Did your secret words match up with the words written on your friend’s piece of paper?  
Did you struggle to get all three bullet points relayed in the 45 second time frame? 
*Practice this again and again until you’ve successfully relayed your message. 

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