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Ward E – ZDH

Student assign – Room 225 Bernal, M.

Rosario Atilano, Single, 31 years of age, a dressmaker for occupation, came in

ambulatory, with her sister to seek consultation at the OPD of ZDH, upon verifying
of her visit, she said that she has this on and off pain over her stomach,
particularly along the curvature. This pain often occurs in the middle of the night
and upon awakening in the morning. She is nauseated and have indigestion. It is
relieved by food, but usually occurs 3-4 hours later.
Tentative diagnosis of the pt. by the ROD is PEPTIC ULCER particularly
DUODENAL ULCER. Treatment for ulcers (duodenal) is designed to neutralized
or decrease gastric acidity. If symptoms do not subside within a few days or
more, the diagnosis maybe incorrect. The pt. may have complications.
(Duodenal Ulcers heal in ~4-6 weeks)
 Absorbable
 Non-absorbable
2) Aluminum Hydroxide
3) Magnesium Hydroxide
 Dosage depends on patient’s preference
 Cimetidine – 300mg with meals and at bed time for 1 week
 Anticholinergic
 Sulpiride
 Omeprazole
She was advised by the ROD to go back for follow up checkup after 15 days of
taking the medication.

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