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Assignment Brief

Project - University Timetable

Your goal is to create a simple text-based application in C++ to timetable classes at the university.
UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD OR EXETER. Your application should use a database, created by you, which
stores information on: modules, classes, students, lecturers, and rooms.

If you started this project in a previous resit attempt, continue building on your earlier work using
the feedback from your previous submission as guidance.

 Designing the Database

If you’re not sure where to start integrating a database, use an array to store your timetable
in memory instead. Using a database is not required to pass.

 You studied the databases and libraries for connecting to them and will get better marks for
showing off those skills. Just remember this project focuses on C++ programming, it is not
enough to just create a database.

 Where Timetables Get Complicated . . .

The biggest challenge in timetabling is creating classes that effectively use the resources
available. You need to automate finding a suitable time, room, and lecturer for each class.
This is required.

You must reference

 Using Code
If you use code that you didn’t write, wrap that code with a prominent comment that states
what it is, how you use it, and where it came from.

 Using Libraries
If you use a non-standard library, when you import it add a prominent comment stating
what it is, how you use it, and where it came from.

 Remember: marks are awarded for your contribution to the code. So while you could use a
library to solve the problem you wouldn’t get any credit!

 Using Tutorials & Forums

If you needed help to get some code working, wrap that code with a prominent comment
stating what you had help with and crediting whoever helped you (this might be a book, a
video, or a forum).
Project Presentation

As an individual, produce a short presentation which includes 3 – 5 minutes of text notes about your
project on Microsoft PowerPoint.

For the presentation, you should include:

i. a description of how you planned the project (1 – 2 slides, 45 – 75 seconds of text notes);

ii. a brief demonstration of your project working and a detailed explanation of the most interesting
section of code written by you (1 – 2 slides, 90 – 120 seconds of text notes);

iii. a conclusion which reflects on and evaluates the project, making sure to examine your successes
and failings and understand how they can help you to improve future projects (1 slide, 60 – 90
seconds of text notes).

Show your Source Code

Produce a separate document containing all the programming code written by you for the project,
even if it wasn’t integrated with the final code. If you had any help – including the use of examples or
tutorials – this must be clearly indicated and explained as its apart of your submission in the format
described above.

If you have any further questions, message me. Everything you have to do is stated in this

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