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Assigning IPv4:

# nmcli dev status

# nmcli connection show

# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name ens256 ifname ens256 ipv4.addresses ipv4.dns gw4 ipv4.method manual

OR run this command if ens256 already present.

# nmcli connection modify ens256 ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual

# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

# ls

# cat ifcfg-ens256

# nmcli connection up ens256


# ifup ens256

# nmcli connection reload

# ip a

# ifconfig

# ping

To set multiple static IPv4 or DNS on same NIC:

# nmcli connection modify ens256 +ipv4.addresses +ipv4.dns

OR edit connection file using vi editor and mention multiple IPv4 addressses there,
you can add multiple DNS also.

# cat ifcfg-ens256

# nmcli connection up ens256

# ip a

To remove static IPv4 or DNS:

# nmcli connection modify ens256 -ipv4.addresses -ipv4.dns

# cat ifcfg-ens256

# nmcli connection up ens256

# ip a

You can use nmtui also to add or edit a connection and to set IPv4, DNS, gateway
# nmtui

# nmcli connection up ens256

# ip a

You can also use GUI or edit connection file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

directory to set/remove/edit these details.

To delete the connection & to remove connection file execute below command.

# nmcli connection delete ens256

# ls


Assigning IPv6:

Either static hostname or IPv4 must be set already.

# hostnamectl set-hostname nehraclasses.local

# hostnamectl

# nmcli dev status

# nmcli connection show

# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name ens256 ifname ens256

# nmcli connection modify ens256 ipv6.addresses 'fddb:fe2a:ad1e::c0a8:8/64'

ipv6.method manual

# nmcli connection up ens256


# ifup ens256

# nmcli connection reload

# systemctl restart NetworkManager

# ip a

# ifconfig

# ping fddb:fe2a:ad1e::c0a8:8

IPv6 must be configured in the network.

ping -6 fddb:fe2a:ad1e::c0a8:8

# nmcli connection delete ens256


To delete the network adaptor device (if it is a software device only) you can use
below command.

# nmcli device delete ens256

The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows:


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