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The Legend of Mount Mayon

Description of the text

- Grade level: Grade 7

- Competencies from the k to 12 English Curriculum Guide:

examine the story's tone and mood, as well as the author's purpose

identify the story's main characters and setting


1. Verbal Elements

Plot –

Exposition- the incident where in Daragang Magayon fell on the river and was saved by Panganoron.
They fell in love with each other.


Patuga was so determined to win Magayon to the point where in he kidnapped her father to force her
into marriage. Their eventual war caused the lover's death.

Rising Action
Patuga found out about the wedding, so he kidnapped Rajah Makusog while the latter was in the
mountain, hunting. He then called for Magayon and forced her to agree to marriage as ransom.


Panganoron found out about the other upcoming wedding and hurried to rescue his bride. A battle
ensued, and the lovers were both killed.

Falling Action

Rajah Makusog dug the grave of the lovers, an shortly after they witness as it eventually turned into a
volcano. Sometimes it gets agitated by Pagtuga's and Linog's quest to retrieve gifts, making it erupt.


The volcano, now called Mayo, would sometimes have a misty tip, hiding Panganoron's kisses with
Magayon. Sometimes water from rain would pour down its sides, showing Panganoron crying for his lost

Main Conflict- When Daragang Magayon fell in love with a stranger, Paratuga kidnapped her.


Daragang Magayon



Rajah Makusog



Kingdom of Albay

Point of view

Third Person’s Point of View


Eternal or undying love


The author used an allusion that made the poem interesting and engaging from the start.

Comprehension Check

Ask; Based on the story, who is Daragang Magayon? Can you describe her?


Possible Answers;

1. She is a beautiful woman.

2. She is a sweet woman.

3. Daragang Magayon is a kind princess.

4. Magayon is a helpful lady.

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