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test case name: user is not able to log-in with invalid credentials.

prerequisites: need to have google chrome latest version.

test data:
password: myawsamepassword

test step:

1. open google chrome

2. go to
3. click on the sign in button
4. clik on sign in with iMDB
5. enter "" in to the email field
6. enter "myawsamepassword" in to the password field.
7. click "sign in"

expected result:
user is not able to log-in the system.
error message is displayed.

Actual result:
user is not able to log-in the system.
Error message is displayed.

test result:

. . .

test case name: user is able to log in with valid credentials.

prerequisites: need to have google chrome latest version.

test data:
password: e329c903

test steps:
1. open google chrome.
2. go to
3. click on the sign in button
4. enter "" in to the email field.
5. enter "e329c903" in to the password field.
6. click sign-in

expected result:
user is able to log-in the system.
error message is not displayed.

Actual result:
user is able to log-in the system.
error message is not displayed.
test result:

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