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Name Hope Birthplace Newcastle, NSW Pronoun We/They

Occupation Artist & Street Tough Residence Rowe St. Sydney Age 27
Reg Half Fifth Reg Half Fifth Max Current

STR 60 30 12 SIZ 70 35 14 Hit POINTS 13 13

Reg Half Fifth Reg Half Fifth Max Current

CON 60 30 12 POW 40 20 8 MAGIC POINTS 8 6

Reg Half Fifth Reg Half Fifth Starting

DEX 70 35 14 APP 50 25 10 LUCK 55

Reg Half Fifth Reg Half Fifth Starting Insane

INT 40 20 8 EDU 20 10 4 SAN 40 8


Out of Luck 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Insane 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Max SAN 96 Temporary Insanity 

✔ Indefinite Insanity  Major Wound  Unconscious  Dying 

skills Reg Half Fifth Reg Half Fifth Reg Half Fifth
Accounting (05%) 5 2 1 Psychology (10%) 18 9 3
Anthropology (01%) 4 2 0 First Aid (30%) 33 16 6 ✔ Ride (05%) 12 6 2
✔ Appraise (05%) 60 30 12 History (05%) 15 7 3 Engineering (01%) 19 9 3
Archaeology (01%) 1 0 0 ✔ Intimidate (15%) 43 21 8
Sculpt (05%) 63 31 12 ✔ Jump (20%) 24 12 4
Draw 50 25 10 German (01%) 13 6 2 Sleight of Hand (10%) 12 6 2
Language (Other)
Charm (15%) 15 7 3 Akklo 6 3 1 ✔ Spot Hidden (25%) 57 28 11
✔ Climb (20%) 32 16 6 Stealth (20%) 25 12 5
Credit Rating (00%) 30 15 6 English (EDU) 45 22 9 Inner City (10%) 37 18 7
Language (Own) Survival
Cthulhu Mythos (00%) 3 1 0 Law (05%) 5 2 1 Swim (20%) 20 10 4
Disguise (05%) 5 2 1 ✔ Library Use (20%) 47 23 9 Throw (20%) 22 11 4
Dodge (half DEX) 35 17 7 Listen (20%) 36 18 7 Track (10%) 10 5 2
Drive Auto (20%) 20 10 4 Locksmith (01%) 12 6 2 ✔ Survive Pub Crawl 43 21 8
Electrical Repair (10%) 10 5 2 ✔ Mechanical Repair (10%) 40 20 8 Synesthesia 34 17 6
Fast Talk (05%) 5 2 1 Medicine (01%) 6 3 1
Fighting (Brawl) (25%) 25 12 5 Natural World (10%) 10 5 2
Head Butt 55 27 11 Navigate (10%) 10 5 2
✔ Intimidating Glare 47 23 9 ✔ Occult (05%) 27 13 5
Firearms Persuade (10%) 36 18 7
—Handgun (20%) 28 14 5 Harbour Ferry (01%) 3 1 0
—Rifle/Shotgun (20%) 20 10 4 Psychoanalysis (01%) 1 0 0
character Clancy Turner character Captain Theo Willet
RelatiOnship Admire | Encourage RelatiOnship Mutual suspicion
Player Pip Player James

character Archibald Davies character Colin Kelly

RelatiOnship Personality clash RelatiOnship Infatuation | Indifference
Player Luke Player Peter

character Thea Nyaruko character

RelatiOnship Laughs, encourages risk RelatiOnship
Player Kaali Player

MOve 8
WeapOn Skill Damage Attacks Range AMMO Malf
Brawl 25 12 5 1D6 + DB 1 — — — Build 1
Reg Half Fifth
Webley Mk VI 1d10 + 2 1 (3) 15 6 100
28 14 5
DODGE 35 17 7

Damage BONUS +1D4

Quick Reference Campaign NOtes

Skill & Characteristic ROlls Quickstart Rules 15/06 Sydney, so peaceful, so quite,
so unencumbered by the taint of
Fumble Fail Regular Hard Extreme Critical ancient evil...
Level Of success 100/96+ > Skill <= Skill A Skill J Skill 01
01/07 I may have been over-optimistic
Pushing Rolls: Must justify reroll | Cannot push combat or Sanity rolls in my initial analysis.

WOunds & Healing 12/07 The trees! The trees!

First Aid heals 1 HP | Medicine heals 1D3 HP
Synesthesia: I can read, but words
Major Wounds = loss of ≥ ½ max HP in hurt me if I let them. I have to fight
one attack them to keep reading. Sometimes,
Reach 0 HP without Major Wound sound too.
I sort of see with my hands. Touching
= Unconscious things. Textures speak, curves sing
Reach 0 HP with Major Wound = Dying chorales, sharp angles tingle like a
Dying: First Aid = temporarily stabilised; Mozart symphony. Touching creates
shapes and forms and sculptures.
then require Medicine Touch evokes order and possibility,
Natural Heal rate (non Major Wound): sensual and perfect form.
recover 1 HP per day
Natural Heal rate (Major Wound):
weekly healing roll
Appearance & Dress Meaningful LOcations
Strong solid build, androgenous, scarf and overalls, Rowe St. workshop and rough digs
longish brown hair The 'Loo and Darlinghurst
Inner city bohemian cafes
Art Gallery of New South Wales

PersOnality & Traits Weird EncOunters, terrOrs & wOnders

Quiet and watchful, often sketches. Never seems to The Lighthouse doctors.
anger but may take strong action if provoked. Usually The Blue Angel over Woolloomooloo.
drinks alone. Epiphany at St Marys Cathedral: the unity of creation,
Experiences synesthesia timeless light.
Has a (deserved?) reputation for violence Springwood garden encounter with Norman Lindsay.

IdeOlOgy & Beliefs Arcane TOmes, Spells & Artifacts

Catholic socialist, fringe anarchist The Wadley sketchbook

Significant PeOple Treasured POssessiOns

Sydney bohemians and artists Family photograph
Darlinghurst School of Art staff and students Letter from Shirley Anders
Street kids Signed sketch of Dulcie Deamer.

character arc Wealth

Wounded by past experience, isolation and rejection. Spending Level: Average—basic lodgings, reasonable
Trusts only self; avoids close friendships and long-term comfort, three meals a day, occasional treat.
relationships. Possible healing through new-found Cash: £ 3 / 5
passion or realisation of artistic vision. Assets: Sculptures for sale at workshop.
Challenge and growth = trust others.

Hist0ry Gear & POssessiOns

Orphan, runaway, street kid, tough. The Lighthouse Gaspers, art books, sketchpad, a ticket to the Artist's
Childrens Home. Ball, brass knuckles.
More than a few names over the last few years. More Three dozen painted plaster Virgin Marys left in
than a few scares. More than a few jobs, most dodgy. workshop.
Now enjoys relative stability as an artist. Drafting models of satyr sculpture.

Injuries & Scars

"The doctors at Lighthouse Childrens Home called me
terrible things."
Prominent scar on forehead, scars on face and hands.

This AutoCalc 1920s character sheet is designed for

Sanity, PhObias & Manias Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition.
Call of Cthulhu© is a registered trademark of
Avoids crowds. Fear of commitment, intimacy. Chaosium Inc. All rights reserved. Used with Clear all Fields
Temp: Strong smells can induce state of shock. permission.
The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is
recommended for completing this PDF.
Version 1.05 by John Hughes.

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