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1.Spellbound=hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate.

"the singer held the audience spellbound"

2.scorcher=a remarkable or extreme example of something.

"he delivered a scorcher of a speech"
 a very powerfully struck shot or kick.
"a scorcher of a free kick"
 a sensational or very good book, film, or play.
"the novel is a scorcher"
 a violent argument.
"those two are having a row, a scorcher"

3. welts (
strike (someone or something) hard and heavily.
"I could have welted him
develop a raised scar or weal.

"his lip was beginning to thicken and welt from the blow)

the size of walnuts on your skin= meninggalkan parut besar di kulit

4.ethralled= capture the fascinated attention of.

5.waddled=walk with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.

"three geese waddled across the road

6.briskly=in an active, quick, or energetic way.

o (of a person) rather fat.
"she wore an outfit she'd always wanted to try but felt she was too plump to risk"

1. 8.impending=(of an event regarded as threatening or significant) about to happen; forthcoming.

"the author had returned to his country ahead of the impending war"
9.stuffed to the gills=, they have eaten a lot and are very full.

10.comatose=extremely lethargic or sleepy.

"she lay comatose in the sun listening to a personal stereo"
11. swot up=to study (something) very hard She swotted up for the French exam. She
swotted up French for the exam.
12.exploit=make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.

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