Luyen Chuyen Sau Ngu Phap Va Bai Tap Tieng Anh 7 Tap 1

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TONG NGQC HUYEN LUYEN CHUYEN SAU NGU PHAP & BAI TAP TIENG ANH NHA XUAT BAN DAL HOC QUOC GIA HA NOL — TONG QUAN CAU TRUC A. VOCABULARY Nhanh chong ghi nhd ts vyng cé trong méi bai hee théng quo hinh énh minh hoa wa vi dy cy thé B. GRAMMAR H@ théng kién thie ngd phép cd trong bal hoc gitp cdc em ném chéc ctiu trde nga phép, st) dung nga phap dé dang vei vi dy chi tiet @ BAI TAP VAN DUNG CO BAN Cde dang bai top 6n luyén ty vyng va nga phdp 6 mde do co ban bam sét chong trinh hoc va kiém tra mdi coa be gide dyc va dao tao @ BAI TAP VAN DUNG NANG CAO. 4 Rén luyén kha nding si dyng ty vying va ng@ phép véi bai tap & mde 49 nang coo gilp danh gid nang lye va sy tién bo qua tung bai hoc. LO! Gig! THIEU Cac em hgc sinh thin mén! Nhim giip cic em 6 thé ty kiémn tra, danh gid nding Ive eting nhu eling e6 lai kién thite tigng Anh da hoc trén lop mét cdch higu qua, d6i ngi bién sogn tam huyét ctia Megabook da cho ra dai bd sach mang tén “Luyén chuyén sau Nett phap & Bai tip Tiéng Anh’. “Luyén chuyén siu Ngi phap & Bai tp Tiéng Anh” bao gém 4-cuén phi hgp voi cic em tit lp 6 tdi lép 9. Mai cudn sdch gém til 10 - 16 bai voi Tir vung - Ngit php - Bai tp ‘tuong ting bam sit chutdng trinh Tiéng Anh cp THCS. Nhiing nguéi bién soan da. sip xép bé dé theo cap d@ khé tang dan, phat hgp véi tat ci cdc déi tugng hoe sinh c6 hec luc tit trung binh dén kha, gisi, Un diém viuigt tri cua bg sch luyén chuyén sia: Ap dung ki thugt x4y dung ma tran dé kiém tra cha BO Gido duc va Pao tao gidp 6n gi toin bd kign thife da hoc, déng thai lam quen v6i noi dung kign thie mdi, © Hé théng Idi gidi chi tiét. Khong chi dugc trinh bay, gidi thich mét each dé hidu, ki liGng, hé théng Idi gidi chuyén su con dude bé sung va md rong gitip cdc em ti€p thu nhiéu kign thife nfing cao va toan dién han. © NOidung kign thiic bam sét khung chuong trinh cia Bo Gido duc va Dao tao gitp cc em nim vitng kign thite da hoc trén ldp cfing abu 6n luyén thém cac bai tgp ning cao, hé trg qua trinb ty hoc tiéng Anh higu qua. © Clic bal tap duge sip xép khoa hoe gitip hoc sinh danh gid chinh xc nang lute va sit tign b6 cia minh theo titng cap do. © Rit nhigu meo gidi hay, dé dng van dyng, dé nhé sé giip hoc sinh lam bai nhanh hon, dat diém cao han. Tt dé, cic em sé tng thém niém hting thi. véi mén hoc nay. Vi sy tham gia déng gép cita di ng bién soan sing tgo cia Megabook va cac ging vign uy tin, chiing t6i hi vong ring BO sich “Luyén chuyén siu Ngi phip & Bal tp Ting Anh” sé lu6n Ja nguoi ban dong hinh eta céc em hoc sinh va la sy tin teidng cita cdc thay 6 gio va cdc quy-vi phu huynh, Ba Be ccococ mmmtncens CONTENTS ‘UNIT O71: MY HOBBIES A. VOCABULARY B. GRAMMAR Thi hién tal don (present simple) IL Thi tung lai don (future simple) IN Bong tir chi sy thich va ghét (verbs of liking and disliking) UNIT 02: HEALTH A. VOCABULARY B.GRAMMAR 1. Cau ghép (compound sentences) ll. Ménh lénh kép véi mare va less (Imperatives with more and less) UNIT 03; COMMUNITY SERVICE ‘A. VOCABULARY B.GRAMMAR 1, Thi qua khutdon (past simple) | Wh-question LTH] high tai hoan thanh (present perfect) UNIT 04: MUSIC AND ARTS. A.VOCABULARY B. GRAMMAR |, So sinh (comparisons) Véi "as .. as" “the same as’ "different fram’ IL Cau @éng tinh (express agreement) Vai“tao/either” UNIT 05: VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK A.VOCABULARY 8. GRAMMAR |, Danh tirdém dutgc/ khong dém dude (countable/ uncountable nouns) IL Cu hOi ¢6 bao nhiéu“how much/ how many?” Hila, an, some, any ‘UNIT 06; THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIETNAM A. VOCABULARY B.GRAMMAR 1. Cau bi dong (the passive voice} Cau bi déng thi hién tai dain (the present simple passive) Ill, Cau bj dng thi qué kht! don (the past simple passive) ANSWERS. BANG DANH MYC CAC BONG TU BAT QUY TAC THUONG GAP. eezeeyy se oT 97 99 103 118 193 IMY{HOBBIES) sition ata rtp New words | Meaning Example arrange Je reindyy sip xép, 8p dat wh Can | arrange a meeting with Dr. Jim? Toi co thé sap xép médt cude hen véi bée si Jim khong? bird-watching [bs:dwot{in/ | ngém chim (n) Jim always goes bird-watching during his summer break. Jim tudry tuén df ngdim chim chéc vao ki nghi he. board game oad geim/ | tré chai cérbain (nb [hese decided to play some board games. Ho vita quy8t dinh chai ces ban. My grandfather can carve oo hells beautifully, eggshells beautiful | faw/ cham kha lew “meee ‘Ong ctia t0i cd thé khdc v6 trding rt dep. cay They must use a lat of clay to: Ay den make this big vase. = Ho chac phai ding rat nhiéu in) iit sé dé lam ci Binh In nay. collect fam never patient enough to if suu tim, luom collect anything. Healey low hat Tél khong bao gic ad kién | hin dé sutu tap cai gh ea. cycling Cycling Is very good“for our fsakiny — | éapxe health. (n) | Bap xe rt tt cho site khée. fishing | often go fishing with my fins ctuea father (0) Tai thuting di ciu cé vor b6 t6i — ft a F [trenana toners at hobi/ sé thich Sey bebe ie Gm hoa khéng phal ld mbt sé " thich dé dng. Nae 2 The students usually spend hours making models. | /moay mu, mé hin OTE LESS ‘ni Hoc sinh thudng dink hang gia déng hd dé lam md hinh, pottery It Is very difficult to make Ppotarif — | gdm pottery. {n) Lam gdm rét kh, | fats My sister and | really enjoy la. Feat skating in our free time, i Chjt6i va tdi rét ehich truot van A trong thai gian ran, Ss fae pistes He takes photos whenever he goes travelling. ftetk ‘fautauz/| chyp dnh Enotes (ana Anh 4 chup anh méi khi anh 8 didulich, = L take up bsteldu mot thot NN | Hehas taken up gofrecently Terk api quen, mot sd | Gan day anh & bat ddu cho! thich) | gon. poesia ie lige She has very unusual name. sii | donyipean |e Kiakeng: | ca Sy c6. mbt céftén rata. (adj) | | a GRAMMAR THI HIEN TAI DON (PRESENT SIMPLE) 1, Cachdiing Cach ding Vidy Dang dé dign td théi quen hode nhiing viéc} We go te school every day. (Tdi di hoc mdr thudng xuyén xdy ra 6 hién tal gay.) Ding dé dién ta nhiing su vat, su viée xdy ra, mang tinh quy iuat, This festival occurs every 4 years, (Lé h6i nay dién ra 4 nm mét hin) Diing dé dign td cdc sy that hién nhién, mot} chan ly, cdc phong tuc tap quan, cdc hién tugng tynhian. The earth moves around the Sun. (Tdi dét quay quanh Mgt tren) Ding dé dién ta lich trinh e6 dinh cia tu, xe, ‘The train leaves at 8am tomorrow. (Tau khdi |_may bay, hanh hic 8 gid'sdng mat) 2. Dang thiic cia thi hidn tai don a. Vai dong tif “to be” (am/is/are) | Thékhing dinh ‘Thé phd dinh 1 am ' am nat Hey She/ It/Danh tirsé it/| Is sidan Hey She’ IY Danh ti s6 ft/| isnot/ | | a Danh tirkhong dém dugc tie tinh tir Danh titkhéng dém duge | isn’t -tugrtinty tte You We/ They! Danh tit sé | are You/ We/ They/Danh tiys6 | are not/ nhieu _|nhigu aren't | Nae DM MegaBook Gupta ginedlibiyyae ait ctia tél thi kndng & trudng.) Vi du: Vid: | Jama student. (76ia mét hoc sinh) Jam not here. (Toi khng deddy,) Shes very beautiful. (C6 dy rét.xinh,) Miss Lan isn't my teacher. (C8 Lan khdng | Weare in the garden. (Chting t6i dang | Phal a c6 gio eda t6i) trong vutin,) My brothers aren't at school. (Cic anh tral | | | } Thénghivin : Chutraloingin ., } Ye am. Am |i ze \ No, am not. He/ Shey it! Danh tir sé | Yes, hes she/ it? danh ti] is, Is it Danh tir khong dém | + 42nh tu 6 it/ dan tit khéng | ae tinh te No, dém duge isn't. } fe | YU Wel They? Danh tix Yes, you! we/ they/ danh Fall sénbiéu No. tis nhigu Vidy: * Amin team A? (Minh d6i A co phai khéng?) => Yes, you are./ No, you aren't, © Is she a nurse? (Cd phdi cd dy la y td khong 2) ‘=> Yes, she is’ No, she isn't. ® Are they friendly? (Ho cd than thién khang?) => Yes, they are/ No, they aren't © Lowy: i chit ngit trong cau hei la “you” (ban) thi cau tra [6i phai ding "” (ci) dé dap lal. b. Voi dong ti thuding (Verb/ V) Thé khdng dinh Thé phir dinh : WYou/ Wef They/ Danh WYou/ Wet They/| +do note tir sé nhigu 4+Vnguyén miu — | Danh tirsé nbidu don't +v = = nguyén Hef Shey It/ Danh tir sé He/ She/ It? Danh tt! +does not nha ftv Danh tirkhdng dém| + V-s/es. 's6 ft/ Danh tit khong} / doesn't duge déim dugc a Tf capt Ngo php vB BAL tp tiBag An 7 ee T Widu: Vidu: = Iwallcte school every moming. (Mdibudi] _- They don't do thelr homework. every sang t6i di bd dn trueng.) afternoon. (He Khéng lam bai tap vé nha vio = My parents play badminton in the| m6! budichiéu) morning. (83 me t6i choi cau i6ng vao budi| — -His friendsdon't go swimming in theevening. sing) (Ban cia anh &y khéng di bai vaa budt tat) = She always gets up early. (Cé-dy ludn tic] ~ He doesn’tgo to school on Sunday. (Anh ay, diy stm) khong di hoe vie chti nhgt) = Nam watches TV every evening. (Nam| - Her grandmother doesn't do exercise In xem ti vi wao méi 6.) the park. (84 cia cé dy khong tap thé ductrong céng vin.) Thénghi van Cau tra lai ngan ibe WYour We/ Theyf Danh tir Yes, | \/Yau/ Wer They/ Danh tir sd | 40 s8nhiéu +V nguyén|No, | nhiéu : don't. oes |He/ Sher Danhrt-s6i/|™MU? —— /Yes, |He/ Shef ly Dan tu 6 t/| does. Banh tit khang dém duoc No, | Danh tirkhdngdém duoc [doesn't | Vidur e Dayou often goto thecinemaat weekends? (Ban c6 thuéng dixem phim vao cudi tuan khéng?) =>'¥es, 1 do,/ No, I don't. © Does he play soccer in the-afternoon? (Cé phai anh dy ehol béng dd vio bud chidu khong?) =>'¥es, he does,’ No, he doesn't © Do they often go swimming? (Ho thuding di bal phal.khéng?) =>-Yes, they do,/No, they dort. ©, Wh-questions Kihi dat cau hdi cé chtfa Wh - word (tirdé hdi) nhu Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which How, ta dat chung lén du cdu, Tuy nhién, khi tra lai cho dang céu hdi nay, ta khong ding Yes/No ma cin dua ra cau tra Idi tryc tlép, Cau trie: Wh-word + am/isfare +S? Whword+dordoss+S+v7 | Vidu: i Midu: © Whois he? (Anh dy la ai?) © What do you do? (Ban lam nghé gi?) <> He is my brother: (Anh dy laanhtwaitéi)| © lamastudent. (T6/la mét hoc sinh) © Where are they? (He d dau?) © Why does hecry? (Taf'sao anh aj laikhdc?) © They aren the playground. (Ho Strong) => Because he Is sad. (Bét vianh dy bud.) | san chat.) SRG tre sacons eaptogtcnapgatt | 3. Dau hiéu nhan biét Trong cau 6 thi hién tai don thuting cé sy xudt hién cla cde trang tu chi tan suat-va chung ‘dude chia thinh 2 nhém: > Nhém trang tirdiing 6 treng cu: ~ always ludn fudn}, usually (thudng xuyén), often (thuang) sometimes (think thodng], rarely thiém khi), seldom {hiém khi), frequently (thudng xuyén), hardly (hiém hi), never (khéng bao | gid), regularly (thudng xuyén).... | + Cc trang ti’ nay thuding dtitng true dng tir thudng, dling sau déng tir'to be’ va tre, dong tu. | Vidu: | - He rarely goes to school by bus. (Anh ta hiém khidl hoc bang xe bus,) ~ She is usually at home in the evening. (Cé ay thudng dinha vao budi tél) ~| don't oftten go out with my friends. (Tar khOng thuéng dira ngoai voi ban ba.) > Nhém trang tirating 6 cudi eau: ~every day week/ month/ year (hang ngay/ hang tudn/ hang théng/ hang ném) - once (nvit I6n), twice (hai Ldn), three times (ba Jén), four times (bd Kn},... o> Luu ytis"ba In" trérlén ta st'dung: s6 dém + times Vidu: - He phones home every week. (Anh dy dién thoai vé nha mdi tudn.) + They go on holiday to the seaside once a year. (Ho di nghi he bd bién mdi ném mot lan) 4, Gach thém s/es vao sau déng tir Trong cau 6 thi hién tal don, néu choi ngirla ngoi thi ba sé it (He/She/it/ Danb tir s6 it) thi déng tty phai thém dudi s/es. Dudi day la cdc quy tac khi chia dong tit Tham “svi ding sauhéu hétcécdong ty | Vidu: | work works | read-reads = love-loves | see-sees Thém “es vao cc dng tt’ két thtic bang “ch, | Vidur | miss-misses | watch - watches Sh. x. §, 2, 0° mix-mixes | go-goes ‘DSi véi nhéing dang titan cing lay” Vidu: | play-plays | fly-flies +Néutrude "y"la mot nguyen am fu, €, 0, a I)- jos eyes tagidi nguyén "y"+"s" + Néu true “y"la mot phy 4m - ta d6i“y"thinh pay-pays | fry: fries ace ss Truang hop ngoai le Vidus r Cain chp su Needy i Ba dg An 7 Hip T ® BAITAP VAN DUNG CO BAN (GEIERB Hoan thanh bang sau, thém dudi s/es vao sau cc d6ng tit sao cho ding. Vv vsies v Vestes begin (bat déu) say (néip believe (tin tuéng) see (nhin} boulld (xy? | sleep (ng) come (dén) spend (danh) do (lar) study (hoot eat (in) [taste ném,c6 i) finish tkét thi) tell nei) get (duge) think inghi gordi) _ travel(@) have (cd) use (ding) meet (g8P) wash (rtia) aj play (cho) | watch (xem) put (dat, dé) | work (lim viée) rise (moc lén) rte it (GENER Viet cac cau sau d thé khang dink (+), thé phd dinh (-), thé nghi van (2) cia thi Hien taidon. 1, (4) He goes to the cinema every Sunday. a ce a = 2 () James doesn't like strawberry, i ee 2 a . @) Do they work in this software company? > (+) His new trousers are black. fo) QO Be “WDMegaBook enaytaptostes agit 5 4. ; a (21 Does she want to quit the job? (EEEER) Khoanh tron vao cau trd lai ding, 1. My sister(go/ goes) ice skating every winter. 2. ‘They seldom (have/ has} dinner with each other. 3. | (comey comes) from Hanoi, Vietnam. 4. Jim and | (don't/ daesn't) go te school by bus. 5. His hobby (is/are) collecting stamps. 6. Janeand | (am/ are) best friends, 7. My cat doesn't (eat/ eats) vegetables. 8. (Doesf Do) your mother finish her workat 4 o¢lock?, ‘9. We (watch/ watches) TV every day. 10. Peter never (forgets/ forget) to dohis homework. 11. Tom always (win/ wins) wher he plays.chess, 12. (Do/ Are) you a student? 13. Mice {is/ ate) afraid of cats. 14. How does your father (travel/ travels) to work every day? ‘15. They sometimes (go/ goes) sightseeing in rural areas. Cho dang dting cia cae déng tif trong ngoac é thi hién tai den, J. Nurses and doctors (work) in hospitals, 2. This schoolbag (belong) to dim, 3. the performance (begin) at 7pm? i 4. Sometimes, | (get) Up before the sun (rise) . 4 5. Whenever she (be) in trouble, she (call) ___me forhelp. 6. Dogs (have) eyesight than humans, 7. She (speak) four different languages. 8. The Garage Sale (open) ‘on 2nd of August and (finish) __ on 4th of October. 2 9. She (be) ‘a great teacher. 10, Who__this umbrella (belong) to? 11. We (go)__ to the theater oncea month. 12, James often (skip)__breakfast. 13, | rarely (do) morning exercises, 14, My cousin (have) adriving lesson oncea week. 15, My father and | often (play) football with each other. (WEED Hy chon cau tra la dking cho cfc cau sau: 1. My father. a teacher. He works in the hospital, B. isn't Gare D. aren't 24 rock music but my brothers don't like it. A like B. likes C. don't like D, doesn't like 3. Workers always helmet for safety reason. A. wear B. wears C.don't wear D, doesn't wear 4, \|dor'tlike chocolate.|_____eat it. A. never B. often C. always D. usually 5, Myclassmates lazy. They always do their homework. Aare Bis C. aren't Do isn’t 6. Mygrandfather fishing very often. A.goes B.g0 C. don't go D. is 7. ____ tidy your room? A. How often are you B. How often do you C.How-often you 1D. How often does you 8, Ms. Thuy waters the trees aweek. A. once B. one c.two D, one time 9, What your natienality? | am Vietnamese, Avis Bare D, does 10, {really love making models and my brother ittoo, A. love B. loves C. don't love B, doesn't love ae TH MegaBook Gmpingiaatanapgoms || ‘Ti, The Smiths never to their neighbors. Actalk B. talks C.dontttalk 72, Mysister______ how to swim, A. don't know B, doesn't know €. don't knows 18. Myteacher _very kind, We really like her. Ais B.isn't Care 14. Sometimes a rainbow: after the rain. A. appear B. appears C.not appear 15, Thetrain____at6 am tomorrow, A leaves B. leave Gis leave (ELIE Hoan than cae cau sau: 1. How often yous gor skating? 2. What time/ your sistet/ wake up/ in the morning? 3. Chatlie/ carve/eggshells/ in his free time. 4, often not go/ the cinema, 5. Harry/ be/ always/ late/ for school. 6, He/ a photographer. /He/ take/ beautiful photos. 7. Myssister/ rarely drink/ orange juice. 8. She /arrange/ flowers/ beautifully? Bi 1D, doesn't talk D. not know D. arent D, doesn't appears D, don't leave 9. 6, i 9. What/ your hobby? ). Mr, Ha/ teach’ many students. (EEDA Tim Udi sai va vidt lai cau ding. My brother and my sister doesn't like playing board games. Does Mr. and Mrs. Parker make pottery every day? Does bird-watching Is Tom's hobby? How often you polish your car? ee My friend dant work in this company. James live in Australia, Are you getup early in themarning? Does Sarah drives to work every day. Elena haves a beautiful smile, 10. What does the children do in their free time? Ge BI MegaBook @upingioatuhamgaan, (it) tal TyoNG LAI oN (euTURE siMPLE) 1..Cich ding Céch ding Way a Diing dé dién ti m$t| «She'll bebackat § p.m tonight, (Téi nay cd dy sé tré'vé vao luc 6h) hanh déng hay sy vite s8xdy ra trong tuong lal ~They will help me do this exercise, (He sé gidp tél lam bai tap nay.) ldid&nghi, gol ¥ Ding aé diéntamot| | willdrink water instead of milk. (Tarsé udng nude thay cho sila) suy nghi, quyét dinh| | ehink | will teach here. (Tél nghr tdi sé day & day) ngay lic néi Ding #8 diéntamét| ——1 promise | will come here tamorrow, (T6i hia t6i sé cn dy vio 161 huta ngay mal.) -He promises he will marry me. (Anh dy anh dy 8 cud tét) Ding a din t& mot | illwe go fora walk tonight? (Tai nay chiing ta sé di dao nhé?) ~ What will we do naw? (Chting ta sé lam gl bay gid'nhi?) 2, Dang thie eda thi tttong lai don - Iwill visit Hue city, (Téi sé dé thdm thanh phd Hud) She will be fourteen years old on her next birthday, (C6 dy sé 14 tudi vdeo sinh nhatkétiép,) ~ They will come to the party next Sunday, (Chi bat tudn saw ho sé dén bisa tiéc,) ‘Thé khang di Thé phi dinh Wout Wer They? Danh|+ will + V nguyén| iNou/WerThey/ [+ will nats ¥ nguyén tis6 nhigu mau Danh tits6 nbiéu mau Hey She¢ tanh tire) (ll =" He/ Shey It/ Banh tit (willnot = won't) s6t Vidue Vidy: ~ She won't forget him. (C8 dy sé khéng quén anh dy) - Hung will nat go camping next week. (Tuan toi Hing sé khong a cdr trai.) -Wewon'tde some shopping tomorrow. (Ngay | mal ching t6i sé khong ai mua sm.) Thé nghi van Cau tra lai ngan WYou/We/ They/ Danh tus6 nhigu Hef She/It/ Dan ti's6 it | mau? | will +V nguyen Ifou/ We/ They Danh tirsé | will. nhiéu Hey She/ It/ Danh tirsé it Vidu: ‘® Will you go to Hanoi city next month? (Thang sau ban sé di thanh ph Ha NOi a?) © Yes, I will/ No, | won't. > Yes, she will,/ No, she won't, © Yes, they will// No, they won't. © Will she meet her boyfriend tonight? (TI nay ¢6 y sé gap ban tral phai khéng?) © Will they arrive here next week? (Tudn sau ho sé dén day phai khong) 3. Day hieu nhan biét = Trong cau thi tudng lai don thudng xuat hién cac tif sau: tonight (tdi nay}; tomerrow (ngay mal}; next week/ month year... (tuén/thang/ nm sau), someday (mot ngay nao d4); soon (ching bao lau)... - Ngodi ra cdc tit va cum tit nhu I'think, | promise, pethaps = probably (c6 lé, co thé),... cing duge ding trong thi tuang lai don, @ BAITAP VAN DUNG CO BAN (+) thi tuang lai don, 1. He/ bef back/ before 10pm. @) O (m 2. _James/ goshopping/ with you. (+) Q 3. You/ go out/ withme, tH) Bi QP 4. If bring/ your some apptes. +. a a Dua vo tit cho sin, vidt cau & thé khang dinh (+), thé phd dinh (-), thé nghi vain Sr svescc apongsenats 0 cu) Tomorrow/ be/'a good day. ro . O—_____ | — —____ 6. They/buy/ new house (+ ye fy 7. Your family? travel/ by car, @) oO a ? 8. Jim/ learn how to cook. O_ G (7 Bign “will” hoac “shall” vao ché tréng dé tao thank cdu hodn chinh. 1. Myparents come home today. 2. I think! pass the entrance exam. 3, Perhaps Janet, participate in this competition. ‘we go out fora walk? 5. She promises me she. lend me her book, 6, ____Ihelp you wash the dishes? 7. (believe Alisa__be a wonderful teacher in the future. a MnVu a we go te the beach and sunbathe? probably bring his son to work today. 10. What ‘Tom give you on your next birthday? Wd | give you the book? | Guptichaiyln su Nig phd ve BAM op tg Anh 7067 12. They___helpyou when you ask them. 13, ____ you help me with this exercises? 44, Idon’t think it___rain today, 15, __you lift this box forme? 16. When | grow up, |__ take care of my parents, 17. In the future, there be more cars on the streets. 18, My teacher be there in the next five minutes. 19. |hope she get better, 20. they prepare dinner tonight? (CELEER Chia dang tit trong ngoac d thi twang lai don. 1. lamhot.t (turn) on the air-conditioner. 2, You(meet)___ many interesting people. 3. fyou/come) to her birthday party? 4, He wishes he (earn) alot of money in the future, 5. My sister (turn) sixteen tomorrow. 6. Ava (not be) ‘with one-hour, 7. What____{you/do) tonight? 8, My father believes that this year the weather (be) fine. 9. The restaurant (serve) Thai food in the next few weeks. 10. How long (he/stay) in Hanoi? 11. I study very hard. think I(get)____—__ god maries. 12. Tomorrow is my sister's graduation. | (buy) some flowers for her. 13, She thinks she (nat stap) — playing violin in the future, 14, 1am sure Mr, Parker (come). 15. Don't run so fast. You (fall) 16. Are you sick? | (phone) the doctor. 17. Don't worry. Everything (be)______ aright. 18. There (not be) any magazines tomorrow, 19. | suppose my father (take) __metto the theater tomorrow, BI rence 20. How lang (your voyage/take)? 21. (there be) a lot of people at the concert? 22, Your boss (agree) to your brilliant ideas. 23, You (never see) this beautiful thing again. 24, (your parents/be) at home tomorrow? 28.____{you/accept) my invitation? CER N61 ca di cot A voi cau ted lai cH B sao cho thich hep. A B 1. What will you do tonight? a. No, he won't. ; 2, Will you came to our party next week? b. No, they won't 3. Will he manage to persuade Tom? c. Yes, Iwill, 4, Will Mrs. Smith visit her son tamorrow?, d. Probably before 6 o'clock. 5. Will Mary and Ann meet each other today?| _e.Japan. |6. When will he atrive here? £1 will watch my favorite movie. 7. Where will Sarah visit this summer? g.8y train, | 8, Will they be late? h. Yes, she will, ‘9. Will two of you leave soon? Les, they will They are in the same class, 10, How will you get there tomorrow? iNo, we won't, Ts ——, he ~_e 2 oe 7 8. eo We Sép xép cactt'sau theo thif ty ding @é tan thanh cdu hoan chinh. 1. promise /1/never/ ties / tell / will /again/ I. 2. busy/ The / be / will / doctor / today / probably / very. 3, she /Perhaps / forgive / you / will. 4. morning / windy / tomorrow /| / will / think / be /it/ not. 5. this ‘do / will / afternoon / What / you? 6. we/out/ dinner /go / Shall / for / tonight? 7. come /1/ will / not / he / will f back / but / now, 20 8. bride /.a/tomorrew / charming / will / become / She. 9% you/'do/ me /Will /a/favor? 10, think (We Fhe / propose to / girlfriend /will/ his #tonight. (it) BONG TU CHI SU THICH VA GHET (VERBS OF LIKING AND DISLIKING) 1. Cée déng tit chi sy yéu, thich phd bién Cac dong tir phé big Cau tric like (thich), love (yéu, thich), enjoy (thich thd}, fancy (mén, thick), adore (mé, thich) like/love/enjoy/ fancy? adore + V-ing Vidu - Do you like watching TV? (Céurcé thich xem TV khéng?) -My mather laves watering flowersin the garden. (Me t6'thich tuéi hoa trong vutin) - My parents really enjoy surfing at the beach. (B6 me td rat thich tudt s6ng 6 bai bién,) = Do you fancy riding a bike now? (Cu cd mudn df dap xe béy gic khéng?) - fy brother and | adore playing badminton. (Anh em té rat thich chat cau long.) 1.€o thé ding dang phi dinh cita cdc dng ti"like’ “fancy"Aé didn dat ykhéng thich, Vidu: She doesn't like drawing, (CO dy khéng thich vé.) He doesn't fancy climbing atree. (Anh ay khdng thich tréo cay.) 2."very much" va‘a lot" (rat nhiéu) thudng dung cudi cau chi syyéu thich. Widu: ove singing very much/ a lot. 2, Cae déng tit chi su.ghét, khéng thich Cae dong thr phé bién dislike (khong thich), hate (ghét), detest (ghet cay ghét dang) Cau trie dislike/ hate/ detest + V-ing Vidu Rose dislikes studying Maths. (Rase khéng thtch hee Todin.) hate having a bath in winter, (Té gheét tim vio mila dong.) ai Laura detests cooking. (Laura rét ghét nu Sn) Adults don't like eating sweets. (Nguérlén khdng thich én keo.) I don’t fancy swimming in this cold weather. (To khdng thich bol wong thei tiét nay.) @ BAITAP VAN DUNG CO BAN Viét edcdng tir trong bang dudi day 3 dang V-ing: v Vsing v Ving paint cook | write make | read drink listen watch play s see sit eat | hit drive [ _| | keep sleep i GEIB chon va cho dang ding cia cdc ding ti trong hép dudi day vao ch5 tréng, get- tidy -do-brush- make -go - qo -have - meet - eat 1. She doesn't like her room everyday, 2, Dayou like to bed at eleven oclock? 3. Mymother dislikes up at 7. 4. Doesyoursisterhate______coldl food? 5. Anne’sfatherloves___te work by car. 6. always like my homework before 7 otlock, 7. John likes. his teeth at noon, 8. Yourgrandmotherhates _~ bread, 9. Does she fi ashower after dinner? 10. Hannah loves__her friends once a week. 22 ie (EEIEER Sap xép cdc tirsau dé tao thanh cu hoan chinh. Classical/ My/ likes/ mother/ to/ music. Listening his/ dad/ cary. / Ana’s/washing/ hates travelling/ friend by/ loves/ My/ plane/,/ father's ‘emails/, Awriting/ l/ long/ hatey watching/ dislikes/ films/ horrorf She/ TW/. fon in/ Tommy/ dancing/ the/ lovesé disco/. English’. /My/ speaking/ Maths/ loves/ teacher doesn't/ early/.Mfiend's/ sister/ My likey getting/ up the/ i/ getting/ dressed/ mornings/./ like/ in . af at/ bath/ aunty having/ nights/. /laves/ James’ ho dang diing cha dng ti trong ngoac trong céccéu dui day. Idor't fancy ___(g0) out tonight. Heenjoys (have) a bath in the evening Idistike__{wait). She doesn'tlike__ (be) an the computer. He likes (read) magazines, 23 = MIMegaBook cupaatoctiurgeme - He doesn't like {talk) on the phone, They like (go) to restaurants, They don't li (cook). She likes _ (watch) films. Vike__(get} up early in summer, (CED thoanh tran vao cau tra fai ding Tom (likes / hates) daing homewark. He is lazy, ‘She (fancies / doesn't fancy) the idea of staying out too late. It's tao dangerous. Most girls (detest / like) cockroaches. Tom (likes/ doesn't like) making models, He never do it We (enjoy/ hate} spending time with Jane, She is very interesting. Many people (dislike/enjay) doing morning exercises. tis good for health, Maryalways {adores/dislikes) her brother. She often plays with | (hateflike! drinking coffee. itis too bitter. | don't (fancy/hate) collecting stamps. | think it's boring. They really (enjoy/distike) talking with athers, They are best friends. BAITAP TONG HOP NANG CAO (GEIB bya vio bang dudi day va hodn thnh cdusao cho ding arrange flowers make pottery climb mountains Megan _ like | love: dislike Alex and Peter hate detest | fancy My me love adore hate Megan _ flowers, Alex and Peter. pottery, My mother: Mountains. Megan pottery, ‘Alex and Peter, My mother pottery, flowers. a Megan, mountains. Alex and Peter mountains. Cho dang dung cia dong tirtrong ngoac # thi hién tai don hoac tueng lai don, I (promise) H not do) that silly thing again, ‘My hobby (be) _ reading book. | (continue) reading in the future. Peter really (enjoy) music, He (not stop), listening to music in the future. The train (leave) at 6 o¢lock tomorrow moming. (\/bring) you a glass of water? Ann (go), to the museum tomorrow. The museum (open) at Zamand (close) at pm. (yourhelp) mecarry this luggage. It (be) so heavy, ‘You (look) tired. | (bring). you something to drink. He always (try)___ his best. He (be) successful in the future. (the airplane/take off) at 6am tomorrow? Chon va cho dang ddng cia cée déng tit trong hip dudi day van ch’ trding, Mgt tit 6 thé dugc ding hon mat Hin. go be I detest_| like fake lend pass | isten ] Tomorew ! sightseeing with my friends. | think it abeautiful day, They each other. They never talk to each other, My mother doesn't like arranging flowers but! doing it. Does Mr. Nam like photos? {you} me your book? I seldom to the beach but! to Sam Son this summer, My teacher thinks that all of us the test. Does your sister adore ___ fo music? (she) to the music festival tamorrow? a5 274) Cho dang diing cita déng tit trong ngoac d thi hign tai don hodctuang lal don. Jim and Jane (1. be) best friends and they have the same hably. Both of them (2. enjoy/read) book in thelr free time. Jim ( _ sclence books because there are many Interesting things. Jim (4. learn) alot from his baoks, Jane (5. like) _ a different type of book, She usually (6. spend) hours reading absout famous people in history. Jane (7.think)__they are very inspiring. Jim and Jane often (8. talk} with each other about the books, Thelr talk sometimes (9, last) for several hours, They (10, agree) that reading is very relaxing. Tomorrow the two friends (11.go)__ toa book fair. There (12, be). alot of books, Jim and Jane think they (13. buy)__some books. There (14, be) also @ meeting of the local reading club, Jane (15. probably jain) in and (16. have) small talks with the book lovers. After the fair, Jim and Jane (17.40) home and (1B.enjoy)___their books. Td 10f céc eau hal dudi day: a. Do Jimand Jane share the same hobby? b, Why does Jim enjoy reading science books? What do Jim and Jane talk about? d. When will Jim and Jane go to the book fair? What will Jim and Jane do-after the fair? Example New words | Meaning Picture allergy Pesladsi¢ aon . Ihave an allergy to peanut. (nd . J Toi bj di Ung var dgu phdng: cough Last night I couldnt stop Ikoty ho uae w Dém qua téi da khéng thé agting ho. disease Doing exercises is a good way fa zat bénh hovprevent diseases tn) Tap thé dye la met cach t6t dé) gin ngua bénh tat: earache Using earphones frequently rerexky are may cause earache. (n) Ding tai nghe thuting xuyén qv 6 thé géy dau tai, flu ful cin My whole family has the flu, (n) a nha toi déu bi cam. a headache vhedai oe Rice wine gives me aheadache. oder au du in) Rugu ago lam tél dau ddu. ‘ There Is a myth that men are ton thd thoai, 7 | more intelligent than warnen sera syhoang Cé mot quan niém hoang wa dung duéng ring dan éng théng minh hom phy rk sickness She has been off work because | #'stknas/ suém yéu of sickness. to) 6 &y nghi lam vim, sora throat ne meer to have a sore oat. 19:(9) Oreo | vid Se TE Thét khéng dé chiu khi biviers beng. a Teenagers always worry about ee oF thelr spots, -rngn oe ‘ Thiéu nién tubn fo Hing vé mun Le cia ho, Paces Tom had a terrible 5; stomachache last night. 'stamaketky | dau bung Tiss aoe sic ane ba give dém qua. 28 Y FE Sse seen ee cacao You should wear a hat to sunburn, pee prevent sunbum. "sanbsin/ chay nai eae ernang Ban aén adi ma dé trénh bj (nm) chéy ndng. iceman The doctor is taking Tom's emerctnd. | aks temperature. ub Bac si dang do nhiét 46 cho (n) Tom. ied | feel tired after long working hours. ftaxeds met mei Toi cde thay. mét sau nhiéu gid fad) lam vide. You should brush your teeth toothache twice a day, : dau rang Ptu:berk/ Ban nén dinh rang hal én moe] ngay. eae My sear be been a ian since 1965. {vedgp'tearian/ | Nouetn Ee =. hay. Ba toi da la nguei dn chay tu (n) dim 1965, 29 i : ae Se DNMegaBook @eyiestvatabanan at - = o Ad. Simtin. z " The doctor advised me to take fvtaminf vita-min ee sfambstegilay ial = we. Bac sf khuyén t6i uding vita- » op min déu dan. weak i. She is still weak after the ike a accident. fadj) C6 dy van yeu sau vy tai nan. a GRAMMAR CAU GHEP (COMPOUND SENTENCES) 1. Dinh nghia va edu trite cau ghép Binh nghie = La cdue6 2 hay nhiéu ménh 4é doc lap vé y nghia. ~ Bug két n6i vi nhau boi motlién tis két hgp hay con gaia lién tird3ng lap nhu and, or, But, 50, ... Chu tric _| duc hing ngay, vivay ma tréng me rét 8 va khde) Ménh 48 1 +) + lién tir ménh 48 2, Vidu: ‘You should eat less fast food or you can put on weight. (Ban nén én it déén nhanh hon hoge ban ¢6 thé ting cin day) wasn’t very hungry, but | atea lot, (Té khdng di lm, nung tod an rat nhidu.) My mother does exercise every day, so she looks very young and fit. (Me tétap thé Lay Chiing ta cén phai sti dung dau phay 7" trudc lién tirso, con vei caclién tit ands orf but thi cé thé cé déu phy hoc khong, 2. Cac lién ti két hop phd bién Lidn tir Vidy théng tin and (va): dang 4@b3 sung thém | The Japanese eat a lot of fish, and they eat a lot of tofu too. (Nguér Nhat an rat nhiéu 8, va ho cting dn rat nhiéu du phy nia) lor thoge): diing khi c6 sit Iya] You can take this medicine, or you can drink hot ginger ‘chon tea, (Con cé thé udng thudc nay hode con ¢6 thé uéng tra gting néng.) but (nhung): ding dé néi 2| She doesn't eat much, but she’s still fat. (Co dy khong an ménh dé mang ¥ nghia trai | nhiéu, nhung <é dy vin béo) nguoc, 46% lap nha. $0 (nén/ vi vay may vi thé ma/ | My mother eats healthily, so she is very strong. vay nénk: ding dé noi vé mot) (ide ta an uéng rat anh manh, nén ba dy rat kde.) kat quid cba sy vide duoc nhac én trudc 46. @ BAITAP VAN DUNG CO BAN (ELIE Khoanh tron vao dap an ding. 1. Myssisteris a nurse (and/ but) she works in a dental clinic, 2. Mytteeth hurt, (sa/ or) I make an appointment with the dentist. 3, The couple want to go to the musical, (but/ so) there aren't any tickets left. 4, Stop listening to rock music through earphones (or/ and) you will have earache. 5. Eating too much sugaris bad for your teeth, (s0/ and) it causes obesity. 6. The laptop suddenly stops working, {but/ so} cannot finish my work on time. 7. There are many people passing by (and/ but) only few people drop in the restaurant. 8. The doctor advises people to drink enough water, (and/ so} do exercises regularly. 9. My neighborhood is peaceful, (but/ so} sometimes there are several cases of petty crime, 10. My boyfriend asked me out (and but) | was sick. 11, There are many wonderful things in Thailand, (so/ but) | decide tostay| here for another couple of days. 12. Iwantto eat sushi, (soy but) lam going te a Japanese restaurant tonight. 13. [will go to the park tomorrow, (and/ so) Jinn will take me there. 14. My friend is studying abroad (but/ or) we still keep in touch with each other. 15. My fatheris under a lot of pressure from work, (50/ but) !am trying to make him laugh. DD MegaBook Gipingicath ital, ign lien tit“ane/but/or/so" vao ché tring dé tae thanh cau ghép. 1. Lam very thirsty I don't have any money to buy drinks. 2. Itslate Fm still wide awake. 3. We liveiin a small house we like itvery much. My friend looks weak he’s really strong, The entrance testis very difficult (hope | will passiit. your mother will punish you for staying cut too late. Fruits taste good they are healthy for your body. 4, 5. 6. You go home now. % 8, like small dogs _ hate big ones. 3. My brother is having the flu | think he won't be absent from school today, 10. Our project is successful all of us are happy about it. 11. He performs wery well, he deserves the reward. 12, Take care of yourself you will go down with disease, 13. My mother usually gets home at 5pm ‘then she prepares dinner. 14, Stop eating raw food. you will have stomachache, ‘15, Janet thinks Chemistry Is a difficult subject. she is interested in It, 16. The phone doesn't work well, Ana sells it and buys new one ‘17, There is a need for a new fridge in Tom's kitchen he lacks money now. 18, He is very good-looking he seems to lack personality. 19. Will you speak te him Ispeal? 20, | have an allergy to seafood, _ I can’ttaste it. 21. This exercise is challenging itis helpful. 22. lam going tothe beach, ___I buy some sunscreen, 23. My little brother dreams of becoming a pilot, he wants to travel around the world, 24. The singer is suffering from sore throat, he won't perform tomarrow. 25. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, (GEIER chon dp an ding. 1, |love going to the beach but | of sunburn. afraid am making a cake for her. not afraid 32 yr chuyen sda Not php vi Ba tp tng An Fidp 1 2. My brother doesn't want to suffer from toothache, so he his teeth twice a day. A, brushes B. doesn't brush 3. My friend wishes to become a doctor one day, so ‘ Ache studies very hard B hewants teworkin is hometow's hospital 4, My friend wishes to become a doctor one day, he wants to work in his hometown's hospital, Avand 5. My fathers angry with me, so A.he doesn't saya word to me B. he still takes me te the park 6, Iwill go shopping with my mom tomorrow but . A. will buy some new clothes B. | won't buy anything 7. Louis is my closest friend and A.he is my coworker B. | don’t want to talk to him now oryou will be frazen, A. Wear thick clothes B. The weather is cold outside 9, Timisin hospital,so__. A. the doctoris taking his temperature B. he can't goto school today 10. Tim is in hospital the doctor is taking his temperature. A.and B.but 11, My father is having a sore throat, so : A, he needs to avoid cold drinks B. he has high temperature. 12. tis chilly outside but ‘A.we can go aut and build a snowman. BB we should stay in and keep warm 13. They need to repair the rooftop or_., A. raindrops will leak in B. their house will look better 14. | never want anyone to wait forme, so : A. try not to be late B. | keep being late 15. Last week he got a severe car accident but now __- A. he is still weak, B. he recovers quickly 33 MegaBook aixgtaadsdorPa att Banh du [V] true cau ding, Danh déu [x] trudc caw c6 16 sai va vidt lai cho ding. 1. My mother loves eating traditional dishes but she likes local restaurants. 2. There are many hairdressers in my hometownso my teacher any goes te-one place to cut her hair. 3. Stop smoking or you will suffer from lung cancer. 4. Lwant to meet my friends so | call them for a date. 5, There are numerous big and madern hospitals in the city so they are always overcrowded, 6. I need to finish my homework before Spm and my mother wont let me hang out with friends. 7. My brother has to stop drinking ice water so he will have sore throat. 8. tis hard to win this contest and | still think my daughter will be the champion. 9. | have to admit that | love eating fast food and | like drinking beer. I 10. My grandmatheris old so she's strong. Néi hai cau dul day, ding lién tir“and/ but/ or/ so” dé tao thanh mét cau ghép. 1. It takes a lot of time to cure this disease. You need to be extremely patient. 2. Anne is a gorgeous girl. She has a pleasant personality. chive se Nat dp vit Bake tig Anh 7 tb 2 3, [tis raining hard. We postpane our boat trip. 4, He dreams of being the best student, He never studies hard, a iMy bicycleis broken, | have to take the bus ta school. 6. Heis a brilliant doctor. He is.a loving father. 7. Ineed to tidy my room, My mam will be angry with me, 8, My house is quite old. Living in itis comfortable. ‘-MENH LENH CACH VOI MORE VA LESS (IMPERATIVES WITH MORE AND LESS) 1. Ménh lénh céch ‘Binh nghia |- La cu cé tinh chat sai khién, duige dizng khi chung ta muén yéu cu, ra lénh, hung dan hay ggl ¥ cho ngudi khac lam mét vie gido, ~Butde hinh thanh bat du bang mét déng ty nguyén thé khdng 6 "to’, Vidy Stand up! (Buing lén di) Come in. (Va0 di) 2,Ménh Iénh véi more va less a. Chale ming vé edu tric ‘Chiéc nang | Khi mu6n yéu céuai dé hay lam gi dé | B néi dung ménh Iénh cach cy thé nhidu hon hogc it han, céc em c6 thé | hon, cdc em cling €6 thé thém danh them tirmore vi less saudéngti, | tirvio phia sau more hode less, Cdutric | V+morelless Vs more + danh tir déim duge va danh tirkkhong dém duge Ver less + danh titkhéng dém duge 3s DMegaBook cupaghnatnapgnict | Vidy Sleep mare, (Hay ngu nhiéu hon.) Do more exercise. (Hay tap thé duc Sunbathe less. (Hay tam ndng it hon,) | nhiéu hon.) Talk less, listen more, (Hay ndfit dt, hay | Eat more fruit. (Héy dn nhiéu trai edly Hing nghe nhiéu han.) hon} Spend tess, save more. (Hay tiéu it] Eatless salt and sugar. (Hay n ft med! hon, tét kiém nhigu hon.) va duding han.) Drink less beer and wine, (Hay uéng it bia va rug hon.) b, MGt sd cach ding phé bin cia ménh lénh céch véi more va less Gach ding Vidu Ra lénh tye tiép | Play less! (Chet it thait) je more books here! (Mang thém sch lai day!) Huéng dan Please provide more details in this form, (Vul lOng din thém chi tit vao lé dan nay.) Eat less salt when taking this medicine, (Hay én nhat hon khi udng loal thude nay.) Goiy Wear more clothes and you'll be warmer. (Hay mc nhiéu quén do han va ban sé thy dm hon} Spend less time surfing the Intemet and you'll have more time for -exercise, (Hay anh it thai gian cho vibe ludét mang hon va ban sé cd nhigu thei gian hon cho vide tép thé duc) @ BAITAP VAN DUNG CO BAN (CEMA Didi “mete” hode “tess” dé hoan thanh nhitng cdu sau: 1. Eat fruits and vegetables. 2. Stayoutdear and do ___ exercises to be healthier. 3. Drink, alcohol or you will be weak, 4, Sleep and don't go ta bed too late. 5. Practice and you will improve your skills, 6. Spend time on smartphone and laptop or you will ruin your eyes. 7. Goout and make some new friends, so you won't be lonely, 8. Drink_____ coffee. It’s not good for your brain. 9. Read books to broaden your knowledge, 36 10, Play computer games and study. 2 11. Take ‘vitamin Ato strengthen your immune system, 42, Put_____ wood into the campfire to keep warm. 13. Smoke ‘or you will have lung cancer, 14. Eat____ raw food or you will have stamachache, 15. Spend time on TY and pay. attention to your siblings. 46. Sunbathe ifyou don't want to have skin cancer. 17. Take_____photos of this beautiful mountainous area. 1B. Wear___ atm clothes or you'll be cold. 19. Put more effort in your work to achieve best result. 20. Watch. documentaries about Nile River and write a report. Hoan thanh cde cau sau bing cach dién cum ti thich hop duidi day vao ché tréng. Prepare more Talk less’ Talkmoré ilk mare Drink less Study more Plantmore Gooutmare L cakes because many people will come to our party. 2. Youare sotalkative. and listen more. 3. itis a difficult subject. or you may fall, 4. Why ate you so quiet? _ Everyane here is friendly. 5. pure water and your body will function better. 6. with friends and you wor't be bored. i trees to make your neighborhood greener. B. wine of you will have a headache, Ding cdu ménh lénh cach véi “more/ less” 4é dua ra tdi khuyén wé sic hide, 0. Jimis getting fat. He eats a lot of fast food every day. Eat fess fast food. ‘1. Your father smokes several cigarettes a day. It is very harmful to his lungs. a7 4, * 38 . IF you want to avoid obesity, (eat more/ take in less) sugar. Jane stays up too late. She is always sleepy. ‘Maria takes in a lot of sugar every day. She may suffer from diabetes, He spends too much time on computer. He will soon be very short-sighted. Mary likes drinking cold water, She may have sore throat. Your friend always eat raw food, She will have an upset stomach. Louls works too much, He doesn’t relax much. He is very weak and tired. Jay always look tired. He doesn't exercise enough. /Mfoanh tran vao dap an ding (Spend more/ do more) time doing morning exercises, (Play mores do more) sports like biking, swimming or yoga. Give up junk food and feat less! eat more} food high in fat, salt, and cholesterol. (Take in more/ Eat less) healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, fish or nuts in your daily meals, Mfyou get fat, (eat less/ sleep more) and (exercise more/ sleep less). Don't (take in more/ take in less) calories than you burn, (Spend more/ Spend less) time with family and friends. (Pay more/ Pay less) attention to your health, |fyou want to be taller, (drink more/ drink less} coca and (take in mores take in less) cal (Wear less/ Put on more} clathes or you will have the flu, (Go out more/ Go out less) an sunny days te avoid sunburn and skin cancer. 1 3 Gach chan ldisal trong cdu va viét lai cau ding. Studies more or you won't pass the test. Exercise less during daytime and you will have a decent night sleep. Read less books and you can learn new things. Don't drink less beer or you will have a big belly. Don't smoke more and you will have peor health condition. Talk more and keep quiet. Ineed to concentrate on my homework. Spend more time on computer and hang out mere with friend, Eat less carrots because they are good for your eyes. BAI TAP TONG HOP NANG CAO (GERBER Sap xép nhitng tit da cho thanh cau hoan chin, Be/ you/ confident more/ will perform/ and/ better. or? Show off? no one/ less/ your like/ will Eat/ much/ too/ don't/ but/ more/ meat/ eat. but/ Your try/ your best/ never/ want/ you/successful/ to be. 39 aR 200k msn ee 5. 7. 2. 40 a - = singer/ isi a/ Louis/ good/ brilliant a/ actor/ and/ Is/ he. sof Wf more times my family? with less time/.computer/ on/ I spare/ have. his mother/ let/ him go/ but/ Tomy to go/ doesn't/ wants! to/ the party. a/ Gordon Ramsay/ loves/ fan/ aff Masterchef/ My mother! she/ is/ and/ watching. (TERED Noi ménh dé & cit A véi ménh dé 8 edt B sao cho thich hap. A 8 1, Emily hasan enquiring mind a. 0 she saves money from naw. 2. Underelassmen at colleges may find it] _b. but we don't buy anything, difficult in a new teaming environment 3, Newand modem equipment will scan) «or you will have the flu replace the old stuff, 4. Sarah wantsto travel around the world,| — di. and she learnsa lot from reading books. 5. _Attimes, my friends and |goshopping| _e. and leave the ear. 6. Keep warm f. but sometimes they cant escape Predators such as lions. 7, Unfasten your seatbelt 4g. but the teacherscan help and support them. 8. Zebras are fast-moving animals h. so we will live more conveniently and comfortably, —— =. a. Bein S 6. 7. Bie = sy (EEIEED dura vao nhitg goi j cho san va dang lign tir“and/ but/ or/ so” dé tao thanh cau ghép. Janet/ my teacher/ she/ my best friend, => Janet is my teacher and she is my best friend, WV hates cats/ I/ love dogs. ‘My brother!'20 years old/ he/ likey watehy cartoons. There/ not anything/ in the fridge/ V go/' shopping, All the students/ have toy finish/ homeweork/ the teacher! punish/ them. James! have/ many books/ he rarely read books. My uncle/ suffer from/ diabetes/ he stop/eating sugar, Shef need/ new clothes! she/ net have/ money. Right now! my mather/ feed the baby/ my father/ de/ housework, 10. My grandmother/ miss/ me and my brother/ wer visit/ het/ this summer. Dat cactit da cho vae trong khoang tréng dé hoan thanh doan van sau: more but but $0 andor burns good telax forget meals "Do (1) exercises to be healthier!” says the dactor. Everyone knows that doing exercises is (2) for the health. First of all, doing exercises (3) calories (4) it helps you lose weight, You can go to the gym to work out (5) you can play sports with your friends. You can sleep better ifyou act a lot during daytime. Moreover, regular exercises allow your blood to flow smoathly, (6) attention to your daily (7) healthy food to have enough energy (9) you have time to (10) you can avoid heart disease. Besides, you need to pay Drink (8) water and avoid alcohol, You should eat you shouldn't eat too much. Itis importantthat after long working hours. Lastly, never (11) to visit the doctor regularly to check your health condition. 41 WI MegaBook Ghyringhnctdntenis - - Boe loan vain sau day va didn T (true) truéc cu ding, dién F (False) trvéc cu 6 thdng tin sai. Pet therapy Pet therapy is a modern way of using pets to help people recover from or better deal with health issues such as cancer, heart problems or mental health problems, Dogs and some other animals can assist people and they also bring comfort and enjoyment for the patients, Pet therapy takes place many where, including hospitals, care homes, and treatment centers. Itincludes a wide range of activities such as walking, looking after, and grooming the therapy animal, Spending time with a dog makes the patients feel comfortable and release stress. Beside the specially-trained dogs in big hospitals, anyone can adopt a pet and make friends with it. A long walk with yeurdog helps you become physically and mentally stronger, Pets brings many benefits to people but you shouldn't have one if you have an allergy to animals’ hair. If you want to stay healthy with your pet, you should make sure it isalways.clean. Remember to bring it to the vet's regularly ta check its health condition. | |. Pet therapy s a traditional way of treating patients, ——— |2 Pet therapy only takes place in hospitals. 3. Pettherapy includes walking, looking after, and grooming the therapy animal. —— | 4. Walking with your dog makes you stronger. —— |5. You have an allergy to animal's hair so you should have a pet. 6. You don't have to bring your pet to the vet's tegularly. New words Meaning Example Such games give children benefit many benefits, J bennfit/ loi ich Nhdng tré chef nhu vay mang (n) dén cho tré em rat nbiéy lof ich, community sewied dich vu céng Community service Is. very Asecjurneny [OH Hheng important in-social life, eae hoat déng vi loi Dich vu céng déng rat quan ich x8 Oi trong trang dai sng xa hdi. disabled Jekts'exbild/ (adi) khuyét tat Disabled people need help and support from the community. Naud khuyét tat cdn sy gidp déva hd trotw céng dng. donate dacs rey hign tang, quyén I donate my blood once a year. tang T6i hién mau mat én mot ndm. elderly (chinguan la | His job is taking care of elderly feldalif (céch nai lich sy | eee (adi) eia“ald") | Cong vide eita anh dy [a cham | sécnguat gid. 43 DW) MegaBook Gignatantcntyt as ‘My parents have always encourage . encouraged me to study fin’ karid3y re ah. harder. vier w 86 me t6i lv6n tudn déng vién ti hac hanh cham chi hon. aritaananuirion: There are many enviranmental ‘ (thude vé)_méi problems in big cities, ‘/n,vanran‘ment faa) trudng C6 rét nbidu vin dé vé mét ” trading dnhing thanhphé lén. 88a Flood is @ very dangerous aay fan natural disaster. LG lut [3 mét thdm hee thién nhién nguy hide. Last week the volunteers gave ‘loeb food of drink to homeless . people, Phesmiest — | ve giacu Be ° Tudn true nhing tinh nguyen gs wién da ting thie an va dé wéng cho nguéi v6 gia cu. At school, teachers also help students develop some life life skill skills, ki nang s61 flat skilf hath O tring hoe, gido win cing gitip hoc sinh phat trién mot: val kindng s6ng, Baneseane It is a non-profit organization Wee scoala cicinn American | thathelps disabled children. ro nhugn { ue E Ene Red Cross | 1514 mettéehvephitoinhuan (ed gitip dé tr8.em khuyét tat “ ‘organisation J.2:qanar'zerfr/ | 6 chite (n) Jimmy Is working for a volunteer organisation. Jimmy dang lam vige cho mot t6 chtic tinh nguyén, plant g /olaint tréng w They are planning to plant some more trees on the sidewalk. Ho dang dy dink tréng thém cy trén via he, My classis doing an interesting (/ treefik dgzem/ | thong, | project ees projec rodgekt/ | dy dn, ké hoach Epemegektf | dysn, maar Ldp tdi dang tién hanh [im mét dyn thd vi. The government provides provide food and fresh water to people te z inthe fioaded area. ravan can P oom Chink phi eung ¢dp luong w thuc va nude sach cho nguel dn ving bi Nut We are late because of the| ‘traffic jam tée nghén giao | traffic jam. | Chang tél bj mudn vi tic dutng, ee GRAMMAR [ijn QUA KHU BON (PAST SIMPLE) 1.Céch ding © Dién ta hanh dng hay suwiée da xéy ra va két thie tal mot thas diém xdc dinh trong qua khit Vicdu: | met her last summer. (Toi da gap 6 dy vao maa hé. nd ngodi.) © Din t8 hanh d6ng thudng lam hay quen lam trong qua kht, Vidlu: She often went swimming every day last year. (Nam ngodl méi ngay c6.3y thutng di bot) 45 a I MegaBook Gupimeictampeama 2. Dang thie efta thi qué khdl eon a. Véi déng tit “to be” (was/ were) Thé khdng dink thé phit din W Hey Shey Itt ‘nae \ He? Shes It/Danh | was not/ Danh tits6 it + danh tty’ tinh | tifsé it wasn't | + danh ti Your Wer They/| te You’ We/ They/| werenot/ | tinh tir anh ti'sé nhiéu Danhtitsé nhiéu | weren't Vidu: es L - He wasn't at school yesterday. (Hom qua Se Nee Re ‘i anh dy 68 khdng 6 3) 2 — In the room. (He di & trong hey werent in the park. (He a8 khing & Ls tong céng vién) Thé nghi véin Cau tra di ngan Wag | Hes Sher fl Yes, i hershey iu |W Danhttrsé |. any ew tinh [Nos dani tts6it | wasn, Weee {YOU Wet they a Yes, yout wef they/|were. |_| Danh ti sé nbigu No. danh ti s6 nhiéu werent, | . Vidu: (i © Were they tired yesterday? (Hém qua ho dé mét phal khong?) © Yes, they were. / No, they weren't, © Was he at home? (Anh dy da dinha phai khong?) =) Yes, he was. No, he wasn't. » Luu y: Khi che ng@t trong cu héi la“you" than) thi cau trd lei phai ding “I"(eei) a dap lai, bb. Veli dgiig, tid thuding (Verb/ ¥) Thé khang dink Thé phir djnh yous Wey Theyr Wou Wer They! Danh titsé nhiéu Danh tirsé nhiéu Ww Hef She/ If Danh tit +Vied He/ She/ Iv Danh| * did net Leet sit its miu 46 ttm Ngit pheip vie Bal tp tiéiug Anh 7 edp 1 Vidu: She went te school yesterday. (Hom qua e6 ay da difige) ~ He worked in this bank last year. (Nam Vidy: = My mother didn't buy me a new computer last year. (Nam ngodi me téi da khéng mua cho t6i mét chide méy tinh md) => Yes, she did/ No, shedidn't. > Yes, IdicL/ No, I didnt. WH-QUESTION Khi dat cau hdi cd cha Wh — word (tu dé hol) ngodtanh dy da lam vide é.ngan hang nay.) |- He didn't meet me last night, (Anh ta di} khdng tdi gap ti t6i qua.) -MrNam didn't watch TV with me. (Ong Nam da khong xem TV vdi ti.) Thé nghi van, Cau tra Wingan Wous We/ They/| +Vnguyén | Yes, Wow! Wes They? | did. . Sabi 2 us Dig | Panh tt sé nhiéu mau? No, Banh tirsé nhiéu didnt. Hef She/ It¢ Danh Hef She/ Itf Banh tit tir sé ft soit Vidy: ® Did she work there? (Cé phat o6 dy fam vige 6.6 khéng?) '» Did you go to Hanoi last month? (Cé phal ban da di Hé NGI thang tude Khéng?) nhuWho, What, When, Where, Why, Which Hovy, ta dit chiing lén du cau, Tey nhién, khi tra 161 cho dang cau hdi nay, ta khdng ding Yes/No ma cn dua ra cau trd loi tryc tiép. Cau trie: “| Wh-word + was/were +5? Wh-word + did +$+V? Vidu: vi # Where were they? (He dé dau thé?) > They were in the playground. (Ho & trong san chol.) vibe cal du: © What did Ba do at the weekend? (Ba d3 lam gi 10 ngay cudi tudn vay?) He studied English, (Céu dy hoc tiéng Anh) 1. Déu higu nhan biét Trong cau é thi hién tai den thuéng cé-sy xuat hién cla cac trang ti chi thal glan nhu: ~yesterday (hém qua) 47 BR const aenenanae - last night/week/monthy,.. (161 qua/tuén trudcithdng true...) ago (cach day), (two hours ago: cach day 2 gid; two weeks ago: edch day 2 ngay .,.] ~ in + théi gian trong qué kh (e.g: in 1990) -when: khi (trong cu ka) 2, Cach thém ~ed vao sau déng tir 2, Trong ciw 4 thi qua khif dan, déng tit bit budc phdi thém du6i -ed. Dui diy li cdc quy tic khi thém dudi ~ed vao dng te. ‘Thém “ed” vao ding sau hau hét cdc Want - Wanted fea Wanted i Vidu Gng tit " Ttook-Looked | Look- Looked ‘DGng titkét thiic bing dudi‘e" hoc “eet Live - Lived Live -Lived cchiing ta chi vie thém d vao cudi déng | vidys [ ie Love Loved Love Loved a ; a | D6i véi nhiing déng tir tan cling fy Play-Played Play -Played + Néu truge*y" la mot nguyén &m (u, e, —__| |} 9a), tathém ‘ed inh thudng Vidy: | Stay- Stayed + Neu trade “y"la met phy dm-ta ddity" poe a thanh’i"+ ed" Enjoy - Enjoyed ‘Bong tl mét am tiét, tan citing bang mot Stop - Stop Stop - Stoy nguyén 4m + mot phu ém (trisnhiing tir map -HeeEet ezioiaes i Vidu: ce ans 9 Linea fan Panne | ‘OGng tit bat quy te -Lanhong Ong tit dug chia d cét 2 trang" Bang dong tbat guy tac’(hec thuge long) Vidu: v ved Nohia go. | _went ai have had co Teach taught Day buy bought : Mua | ink drank _| veg | 48 @ BAITAP VAN DUNG Co BAN bing déng tirbst quy técnéu cin, Cho dang dling cia dong ti & dang qua leur (V,) va qué khit phan tir(V,) , ding ¥ : be (ld) bring (mang an) buy (mua) cut (edt) do (iam) find (tim) bs eat fn) | found {thanh Igp) 90 (4) | have (6) keep (git) fie (nam) lie (di di) lose (mat) make (lam) move (di chuyén) play (chal) provide (cung cp) put (#3t) read (dg) see (nhin) sleep (ngd} spend (danh) study (hoe) take (mang di) think (ngh?) a9 soon anne travel (du lich) wisit (tham) work (lam vide) I . : write (viet) at cae cau sau & thé khang dinh (+), thé pha dinh (-), thé nghl van (?) & thi qua keh don. 1. (4) They decided to leave soon, a (a) 2 (4 (-)There were not many homeless people here ten years aga. a 3. (4 Q (?) Did Tom's grandfather use to be a solider? 4. (+) My teacher started teaching here 6 years ago. (+). @. 5. (+) Jane often went to school on foot 3 years ago. a ®) 6. ‘() The cat didn’t want to eat yesterday, @ mw Q (2) Did the train arrive late yesterday? 8 (H (There wasn't anything left in the fridge, @), ? 50 ee =e 10. aA 12, 13. 14, 15. a 5 abbas Nasty i BAC tp ng An 7B REED Chia cdc ding ti trong ngoacd thi qua khifdon. Last week,my mather (take) sme to the zoo. When we farrive)___at the party, there (not be) many people there, My mother (say) ‘that she (buy) meanew dress. Last summer, my father (teach) me to drive, I{start)__ doing charity when | (be) a first year student. Manyrich peaple (donate)__ money for this volunteer program, My-friend (ring) mee yesterday and (invite)__me tohis party. What____{you/ wateh) on TV last night? When my father (be) young, he (use to) be the most handsome buy in the village, (you/ go) to see the concert yesterday? My performance (not be} really good. | {not feel) _ happy about it. Jim (spend) the whole day taking after his brother. write) a letter to my foreign friend but he (not write), back. {they/ be) students of our school? Yesterday I(see) _Jim at.a bookstore, (EESEAR Gach chan Idi sai trong céc cau sau r6i sifa lai cho dling. My friend and I was at the hairdresser’s yesterday. My sister in law used to had long hair but now she has short hair. Did your father worked in a tobacco factory before he retired? Why you didn't come to the meeting last week? My bestfriend and | use tohated each other when we first met, aa m IMegaBook Ginxingtantenaan an 6. Was Anna be successful with her project last week? 7, Yesterday morning | readed several chapters of the book’ The little prince’ 8. Last summer we involved in community service n aurneighbarhood, so we did go on holiday. ' (ETD Hoan thanh cau vai nhiing dong tircho sn thi qué khit don (thé khang dinh hode phi dinh), put ike be r hold decide _sleep stay cost 1. Itwas freezing outside, so | on my coat. 2. Mymather was very busy yesterday, so | her. 3. Yesterday was Mary's birthday but she aparty, 4, We were exhausted, so we ta leave the party early. 5, Thebedwasveryuncomfortable. Tim well 6. The musical wasnt very good.|___— it much, 7. The restaurant wasn't very expensive. It much to have dinner there. 8. [had tolook after my little sister yesterday, so | time to-call you. % it___haid to lift the boxes. They weren't very heavy, 10, Iwasraining heavily,sol___—— in. S4p xp cdctit cha sin thanh mot cdu hoan chinh. 1. manyf went to/ volunteers/ / Last year/ the/ and) flooded area/ free food peoples gave/to. 2. rebuild/helped/houses/ They/ trees/ also plant/.and/ people. 3. people/donated/ generous/ for/ people/ Many/ poor/ money. 4, 6, % Iv joined/ a student/ ¥/ was When/ charitable work/ V often/ in. my friends/ used tof remote areas/ travel/ help/ to/ to/ people there/ |i with, mountainous/ for/ areas/ weeks/ Wer in/ stayed/ the, the children/ read/ there/ We/ taught” andy write/ to, a volunteer! was/ a/ experience/ wonderful/ Being. U busy? graduated/ was/ After// I/'very, 10, |/ Nowy do/ still/ charity my/ in/ hometown, {ij TH HieN TAI HOAN THANE (PRESENT PERFECT] 1.Céch diing Cach ding: vidy Ding dé dign ta hanh déng da | -| have learned English for 15 years. (T0i da hoc tiéng Anh bat dau trong qué kh kéo dai | dugie 15 nm réi,-> hign tal t8l van dang hoc) dén hign tai vi e6 thé tigptuc d tvong lal = MirNam has taught French here since 1990. (Ong Nam da day ting Anh & day tu/ndm 1990, > hién tai Ong ay van con day & day) Dung dé dién té hanh déng ‘vita mdi xdy ra. = have just taught English here. (Tél va maf day tiéng Anh day.) ~ Lan has learned/learnt French recently. (Gdn day Lan da hoe ting Phap) Diing aé didn ta hanh dong da xay ra trong qué khd nhung khdng biét 10 that gien hose khang dé cp dén that gian. -| have seen this film, | like itso much, (T6i da xemb6 phim nay. TO/ rat thich nd.) ~ She has visited Ha Long Bay. (C6 dy da dén tham Vinh He Long.) Dung @é dién ta hanh déng| - Lan has cleaned the floor. => It is clean now. (Lan da law da xay ra nhung két qua can 6) san nha.) hign tai. - He has had a serious accident. => He is in hospital now, (Anh dy da gap tai nan nghiém trong.) 2, Dang thife ciia thi hign tai hoan thanh ‘Thé king dinh ‘Thé phi dinh He/ She/ it? Danh| has He/ She/ it/ Danh | has not tied it “4+ Vpp (va) tirséit hasn't | 4 vpp (v3) WNous Wef They/ | have WWou/We/They/ | havenot/ Danb tirsé nhigu Banh ti'sénhiéu | haven't Vidu: Vidus ~ She has just bought a house. (Cé dy viiamdi|- Wty mother hasnt lived here since mua mét ngéi nha) Christmas. (fe ta da khdng séng 4 day ké ~ They have gone to Ho Chi Minh city. (Ho dé | ttf Gidng sinh) di t6i thanh phd Hé Chi Minh) ~| haven't been to Hanoi, (Toi chua toi HA -MrNam has taught English since last month, | NOI.) (Ong Nam da day tiéng anh tir thang truéic,) | -We haven't finished ourhomework, (Chung - Ihave known Nam for ages. (T6i biét Nam | t6/ chua hoan thanh bai tép vé nha.) tau ri) Thé nghi van Cau tra Idi ngan Hag | he/she/ it’ Danh Yes, | Hey Sher it/ Danh tu | has. 96 it No, séit hasn't. +Vpp (V3) Have |fou! Wel Theyr Yes. | Wrou/WerTheys | have. Danhtits6 nhigu No. Danh tusénhiéu | haven't, Vidu: = Have you done your homework? (Ban da lam bai tip vé nha chuta?) Yes, | have,/ No, | haver't, Has she taught here since last month? (Cé dy da day 6 day tirthang trucic phi khong?) > Yes, she has// No, she hasn't. © Have they gone to Hue? (Ho da df Hué ehua?) © Yes, they have/ No, they haven't, 3. Dau higu nhan biét Trong cau thi hién tai hodn thanh thudng ¢6 cde ti cum tix saus » Never (chua bao gid), ever (da ting), just (vita mdi), already (da r6i), yet (chua }, how long (bao lau), before (trudc day), recently/ lately (gan day), so far/ up to now/ up-to the present (cho +61 bay gid)... @ inthe past (ten) years: trong (mudi) nam qua © inthe last (years): nhdng (nam) gan day © thisis the first time / the second time: day la lan dau /Idn the hal « since + mc thai gian (since 2000 / last summer...) © for + khong thai gian (for ages / two years...) for a long time = for ages (trong khoang, mét thdl glan lau).. 4, Cach chia déng tif thi Hign tai hoan thanh |ng tis trong thi HTHT dua chia theo 1 trong 2 céch sau: - Néu [a dng tit &6 quy tac thi thém dudl “ed” Ap dung quy téc thém dudi -ed vae dong tit anit 8. = Nu dong tir bat quy téc thi xem 6 cét 3 trong bang dng ti bat quy tac. Vids He has just bought a new house. (Anh dy via ma mua mét ngéi nha mdi.) -l've known harfor ten years. (Toi da biét cO dy 10 ndm r6i) - Nga has ever eaten this kind of foad, (Nga dé tling an [ogi thule an ny rb.) = She has waited for him for 30 minutes. (Cé y dla chévamh Ay dusctc 30 phiit néi) §. So sanh thi hian tai hoan thanh va thi qué khi don Thi hién tai hoan thanh ‘Thi qua kh don cach |- Ding dé dién ta mot hanh dng bat |-Ding dé dién té mot hanh dong dahoan dng |déu 6 qué khu kéo dai dé hign tai va | toan két thiictrong qu Kh 6 thé tiép tuc 6 tung lai. - Ding dé din ta hanh d6ng da xdy ra tal ~ Ding ¢@ dién t4 hanh dong 48 xay | that gian xdc dinh trong qué Khu. ra trong qua khtt nhung khéng #6 thet gian hoae khang dé cap dn thé gian, is Bis Hegabook epetngtaetshne a Vidy_|-She has lived in Ho Chi Minh city for 8 | -She lived in Ho Chi Minh city 8 years ago. years. (CO dy a8 séng 6 thanh phé H6 | (Cé dy a séng 6 thanh phd Hé Chi Minh Cht Minh duge 8 ndm réi) cach day 8 nam.) => Bay gid c6 dy van sing & Hé Chi] => Bay gig co dy khéng séng & Hé Chi Minh. Minh nga. ~ Someone has stolen my computer. (Aj| ~ Someone stole my computer yesterday. 6 da dn trom may tinh ctta ti) (Hém dé 48 én ttm may tinh ca toi) @ BAI TAP VAN DUNG COBAN Wide c&ccdu sau d thé khang inh (+), thé pha din (-), thé nghi van (2) éehi hign tai hoan than. 1. Ce) [have finished my hornework. Le ah ? 2 () My uncle hasn't been to Singapore before, ee eee 3. (+). 8 (2) Have they found their keys? 4, (+) Jim has Just played video games with his brother, 0 @ 5 () My grandmother hasn't visited me since November. a z 6 (1) a . ee (?) Has your sister studied medicine for 2 years? 56 Ee —a 7. (4) It has been long since our last encounter. Q a t 8. 4) (We haven't graduated yet. (. a Bat nhiing trang tirtrong ngodcvao ding vi tricia nd trong ede cau sau day: 1. [have had dinner with my family, (already) 2. Have you finish your report? You need to bring itto me before 9am. (yet) 3. | haven't done my homework. (yet) 4, My sister has left the party. (just) 5. Your mother has tald you ta come home early. (already) 6. Has the mouse gone? (already) 7. | have met her, (just) 8. The painter hasn't finish his work. (yet) (EEE Din “for” ho: 1. Thaveleamned Japanese __ 3 months. ce" vao ché trdng sao cho thich hgp. 2. May has been working for a non-profit organization I graduated. 3. Kim has been unemployed_halfa year. 4. miss my friend. haven't seen her, months. 5. We have lived in the darm. our first year at university. 6. Jim and Jane have known each other quite a long time, J. The baby’s hungry. He hasn't eaten anything __the morning. 8, Have you used this laptop ayears? 9. They've been close friends__they started college. 10, My grandmother has been a vegetarian _several years 57 : . (EEVEGY chia déng tie trong ngodc-vé thi hién taihoan thanh. Jim: Hi Jane. How are you? What (1. you, do) recently? Jane: Oh, hi Jim. It (2. be) suite a long time since we last talked, Well, |, work) for a non-profit organization, We are carrying out a project to help hameless people in our neighborhood, Jim: That sounds very interesting. (4. You/ have) any difficulties? Jane: OF course! Basically my colleagues and | are daing charitable work, so-we raraly receive any financial support, We (5. provide). free food forthe homeless people since last week, Moreover, the organization (6. recently offer) jobs for those people. Jinn: It is a meaningful job. really admire you. How long (}_____there? Jane:Since the startofour summer holiday. How about you? What (8, you/'do) this summer? Jim: Net much. | spend my whole day reading and reading. So far, | (9. already finish) three books. My mother (10. tell) several times to go ‘out and try something new but | (11.not find) anything that sults me, Jane: Uhm, let's see. How about joining our organization? We (12, look) fornew volunteers for weeks, The organization (13. also plan} to have some voluntary programsto help disabled children, You can join and read books for the kids, | think it's quite suitable for you. Jim: That's a nice idea. | will definitely consider it. By the way, | (14. plan). to have a party with friends. Would you like to come? Jane: 'd love to. When will you hold the party? Jim: 1 (15. not decide) ‘yet. But | will call you soon, Dia vao nhiing ti cho san, hay viét thanh cau hoan chinh. 1. Ifthink// hear/ that song/ before. 2. They/not/ come/ yet. 3. _Jim/ already/ invite/ Shirley/ his party. 4, Jobnand Julie/ have/ their house/ about two years. 5, She/ not take/ herdriving test/ yet. 6. Mary/ be/a translator since/ she/ leave/ university. 7. You/ride/ yournew cart yet? 8. Paul/ ever/ meet/ a famous person? 9. Upto nowy Peter/ receive/ 5 awards. 10, tt/be/ ages! we! last/ talk. (GETEED Kthoanh trian vao dap dn diing. 1, His mother hasn't prepared the meal (already/ yet). 2. Tommy (worked/ has worked) for this company for 10 menths but now he doesn't work here, 3. This machine (has worked/ worked) for ten years so far. 4. Mr.\Vu thave found/ founded} this non-profit organization to benefit the local community. 5, James's (not bee not) a member of the volunteer club since he left school, 6. Her husband thas given up/ gave up) smoking when they had their first child, 7. (Have you read/ Did you read) this book yet? 8. Jost my key-on my way home last night. Up to now | (didn't find/ haven't found) it. 9. You (have lied have lain) in bed since the morning, Get up and find samething else to do. 10. They (were/ have been) close friends far 3 months but now they hate each other. 11. (Have you ever tried/ Did you ever try} ice skating when you were a kid? 12, How long (have you taught/ did you teach) In this primary school? 13, The last time we met (has been/ was) ten days ago, 59 MI MegaBbook auyngtaatan anya at 4, You (have eaten haven't eaten) anything since yesterday. You must be very hungry now. 15, We (have been/ have never been) to this place before. This is the first time. @ BAITAP TONG HOP NANG CAO CEENEER Chon cau cé cing y nghia vdi cau cho san. 1. The last time | ate sushi was the last summer. A. Ihave eaten sushi since the last summer. B, | haven't sushi since the last summer, 2. Hast saw her in Monday. A. Lhaven't seen her since Monday. B. | haveseen her since Menday ¥ Ihaven’t watered this tree for a week. A. The last time t watered this tree was a week ago, B. The last time I didn’t water this tree was a week ago. * I started collecting stamps last winter. A. [have collected stamps since last winter. B, Ihave started collecting stamps since last winter. 5. How long have you worked as a valunteer? A. When did you start working as a volunteer? B, When have you worked as a volunteer? » This singer's last performance was in July 20". ‘A. This singer has performed since July 20°. B, This singer hasn't performed since July 20%, 7. They began playing tennis in the spring of 2012, ‘A. They have played tennis since the spring of 2012, B. They haven't played tennis since the spring of 2012. @, ast went to the zoo when | was 10. A. haven't gone to the zoo since | was 10. B. Thave gone to the zoo since | was 10. 52 2. 5 anche a Ney we a Ant (GEREGR chuyén cdc cau sau tirthi qua khd don sang thi hién tai hoan ‘thanh sao cho nghia cia cau khéng thay ai. The last time | played the violin was 2 years ago, 2 The last time the team won the prize was a long time ago. o She last did charity work 2 years ago. & . The last time | wrote a letter was 5 years ago. es My father stopped smoking in 2014. Se ae eg Ilast donated my bload 7 manths age. > , When did you start daing charitable work? 2 2 ‘The last time she Involved in community service was 2 months aga. ° She said" began working as an activist when | was 20 years old? 2 |. My best friend gave up eating fast food last year. + Chuyén cde cu sau tir thi hién tai hoan thanh sang thi qua khut Gan sao cho nghia aia céu khong thay aé), ‘We have learned English for 10 years. & ithasibeen along time since we last met. 3 61 MMegaBook Guymatnethapennt 3. Ms. Ann hasn't taken part in any voluntary programs for 4 years. 2 4, | haven't met my family since last Christmas. > 3. How leng have you lived here? e 7 6. The volunteers have provided free food and fresh water to homeless people since yesterday. c 7. The doctor has quitted his job in the local hospital and moved to the central hospital for 2 days. oe 8. The children haven’thhad a long vacation since last year. 2 They haven't visited their parents for 3 months. 2 41, Ithas been 2 years since we broke up. ° (EEE chia dong tis trong ngogevé thi qua kh don hoac hign tal haan thanh (thé khang inh hodc phi inh) sao cho phit hgp. 1. Last month our class (go) ‘on a field trip with our teacher. We (not have) another field trip since then. 2. | (use tof live) __with my grandmother until (be) ____ 18, Since then, I (meet) my grandmother again, 3. My mother (work). asa teacher in the lacal high school for 20 years before her retirement. 4. Thelast time we (have) dinner together was 2 weeks ago. 5. My uncle (meet) his family since he (go) ona business trip last month. 6, You friend Sarah (just/ phene)___you, She (say)___sarry because she (ean/ come) to your party, 7. So far, | (already/ read) 11 different book. My mast favorite book is "Paper Towns" by John Green. | (finish) teading it last weekend. 8. Last night | (feel) swell, so my father (take) me to hospital. | (be)___——_out of hospital yet. Khoanh tron vao dép an ding. My first voluntary experience It was a sunny day (1) I first involved in community service. | (2) agroup of more than 20 students to do voluntary workin a school of (3) children, Soon after we came there, the leader divided us Into several teams with different duties. My job was to play with the children there, To be honest, | was a bit confused at first. There were many children and all of them had health problems. However, most of them were (4) and friendly. They seemed toenjay the volunteer's visit and they played joyously with us. We (5) the kids with paper and pencils and Instructed them to drave. We maintained a cozy atmosphere until the volunteer group had to leave. It was such an amazing experience to me that | could (6) _ forget it.| have involved in many other charitable projects (7) my first voluntary experience. think | wil continue doing charity in the future (8) Ihave time. 1. A. when: B. sinee C.for D. before 2, A. was B.came C. joined D, made 3. A.small B. strong . disabled Dicute 4. A.badly-behaved —_B. naughty C. mischief D. wellbehaved 5. A. provided B. bought G.lent D, borrowed 6. A.always B. often G.never D. just 7. A.since B.for C. when D, before 8 A,since B. for Gif D, unless (GEER Doc doan van dui day va tra loi cu hai. William Henry Gates Ill was born on October 28, 1955. Almost everyone knows that he Is ‘one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He is the co-founder of Microsoft and successfully made it into the world's largest software company. Moreover, he is renowned as a generous and kind man who started his own charity with his: wife, ‘They named it “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’, also known as the "Gates Foundation". The main purposes of the foundation are to improve healthcare and reduce poverty globally. In America, italso helps to open up educational opportunities and provide access to information technology. So far, the Gates Foundation has received many awards, President Barack Obama honored Bill and Melinda Gates with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Navember 22, 2016. "Time magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th Century. 63 aa . aanmesiaemammean : 1. When was William Henry Gates ill born? 2. What is the name of Bill and Melinda’s charity foundation? What are the main purposes of the foundation on glabal scale? 4. What does the foundation help in America? When did President Barack Obama honor Bill and Melinda Gates with a medal? ee WOCABULARY? New words | Meaning Pieture Example He is one of the country’s top actor actors. aekta(ry/ nam diénvién Anh dy la mét trong nhung (n) nam din vin hang du { A ude gia, actress: Jennifer Lawrence isafamous: American actress. "sok cr din vién tale” | Jennifer Lawrence 1a mét ni ©) dién vien nguat ay adi tiéng. audition We are holding auditions for e new singers. pedyny budi thi gions i mad Ching t6i dang t6 chite bud fn) thirgiong eho cdc ca st mdi, comedian eer make people fea'misdion) | didn vin hal nae ? | a Nghé si haf khién cho moi nN gut cue, compose eet pia his. last opera in Jkam'pasef | sing tdc Mozart sing tic ban orpé-ra a cudi cing nam 1797 65 composer fkem'peuzaln (n) nha soan nhac He Is one of the greatest composers in the world. Ong la m6t trong nhing nha Sogn nhec vi dai nhat thé} gidi. decorate They need to decorate the Sdekorety | trang tri een pa | Ho céin pha trang tri phong | | khdeh, drama = director It is not easy ta become a a re drama director. de’ rekta(r)/ P Khéng dé cing dé tre than (n) mét dae din phim. wesbais ce water Is essential for life, N’senfl/ thiét yéu * a Nuide sach la thidt yéu cho su| (adj) séng. gaia / an the guitarist in his Factarncyy | TUE che obi ot a a Jim li nguéi choi ghi-ta trong " nhém, The leisure Industry is leisure advancing at a fast pace. Vesey | ghdites Nganh cong aghiép gidt tri n) dang phat trién vdi 6c do ahanh chéng. Lachine Np wi Bat tp hg An 7 ts & eee Not many young people /mju'aiy -_ know this jazz musician. nheesi oe Khéng <6 nhiéy nguél tre ot bit déh nhac sijazznay. Jane is studying to become a tee painter ‘perntay hoa si gpemety |nnes Jane dang hoc aé tré thank (a) mét hoa sh. perform The singer didn't perform Wi ht, /pa'fasm/ tinh dién well last nigh Ca sf bigu dién khong tet u | dém qua Elderly people like listening to traditional songs. Nhing nguti gia thich aghe nhding bal hat truyén théng, traditional (tre'difanly | truyén thing (adj) oa GRAMMAR (i) SO SANH (COMPARISONS) VOI“AS ... AS", “THE SAME AS‘ DIFFERENT FROM” 1. So sénh su giéng nhau:“as ... as’; “the same as” (giéng nhu) ~ Cu triic cau so sénh ngang bing duge ding 4 so sanh 2 ngudl, vit... 6 tinh chat gi dé tuong dyong nhau. Cau tric S+tobe+as+adj+as+noun/pronoun/ | S+V+thesame + noun +as clause. +noun/pronoun, Ghichd | S: ch ngéi, adj: tinh te, noun: danh tt, pronoun: dai tis, clause: ménh dé, 67 NMegaBook enatastnaydnan Vidu Folk music is as melodic as pop music. (Nhac din gianthi du euong nhurld nhac pop.) My painting is as expensive as hers. (Blic hoa cla t8i thi dat bang brichoa ctla co dy.) This camera is as good as it was before. (Cai may anh nay vin t6t nhungay ndo.) She is the same height as me. (Co fy co chiéu cao nhutdl,) She has the same book as me. (C6 By 6 cudn sich ging t6i.) 2, So s4nh su Ichac nhau; “not"(khéng... bang), “different from” (khac) - Cau tric cau sa sanh khéng ngang bang duac diing dé so sinh 2 ngudi, vét,... hac nhau & mét mat nao a6, $-+tobe+not +s0/as + adj +as+noun/pronoun/|S + to be + different from + Cu trac clause, : noun/ pronoun, Black and white movies are not as interesting as] Life In the city Is different from colour movies. (NAding bé phim den tréng thillife in the countryside, (Cuge khéng hap-dén bing nhing phim mau.) séng trong thanh phé khdc Vidu | My hometown is not as noisy as yours. (Qué tai] cuBcs6ng ving qué) khéng 6n ao nhu qué ban.) His house is different from my She is not as famous as she was before. (C6 Sy] house. (Ngol nha ctla anh dy khéng con nditiéng nhu trude nga.) khdcngoinha cia t61,) O cfu tric*not'; ta 66 thé thay thé*as” du Liy | tin bing"so’, = = BAI TAP VAN DUNG CO BAN 2. This book is not that one, (interesting) 3. This summeris last summer. thot) 4, Yesterday It was _______ today: (sunny) 5. I think that my essay is yours. (good) 6. My dog isn't it appears to be. (herce) 7. Children nowadays are not they used to be. (active) 8, Watching movie is not teading book, (entertaining) 9. Janeis as.a doll. (pretty) 68 you. (tall) Laying su Ni pip vt Bat atcha An 7b 10. Cats are not dogs. (friendly) 11, Mybrothersaid that going abroad was not he thought. (amusing) 12. She didn't want to be late, so she run she could. (fast) 13. Please call me. possible. (soon) 14. Sleeping on the sofa Is not. in bed. (comfortable) 15. This hotelis. ‘the one near the beach but it /s much better, (expensive) ___ fairy godmother. (warm-hearted) 16. My grandmother is 17. De you think learning Japanese is ____ learning English? (difficult) 1, This musician is not. that one. (popular) 19. Ann looks princess in her new dress, (gorgeous) 20. The river isn't it looks, (deep) Diing edu tric so sdnh “different from” dé hoan thanh nhitng cau dud day: 1, My house Is small and old. Your house is spaciousand madern, = My house is 2. My mother's favorite food is noodle. My favorite food is rice. My mother's favorite food 3. My best friend has a powerful personality. | have a weak personality, My best friend's personality __ 4. Life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. Life in the city Is exciting. Pe a 5. Lam's schoo! is Hai Ba Trung School. Hue goes to Nguyen Hue School © 6. My hobbyis collecting stamps, My brother's hobby is playing the plano. o : "but Tom thinks it should be*S". 7. Myanswerfor this equation is = 8. Mysister’s hair is long and wavy. My hair is short and straight. 2 z oe » 10. mn 12. 13. 14, 15. 70 Ee = _ MMegaBook cupmplzennaygo ms Hoan thanh céc cau duéi day, sit dung cdu tetic so sanh “the same ,,, as” va danh ‘tir trong ngode. My sister has me. (height) Jim pursues Jane. (hobby) My best friend is at me, (age) Myfriends wenttosee_____—== me movie), This musician plays sme. (musical instrument) Critics say that this painter has with that one. (style) My brother is interested in me. (subject) Thisclasshas_ that one. (number of students) Annebought___— sme yesterday, (dress), She cut her hair My best friend likes my brother, (books) mine. (length) bought my car at hers. (price) My motherlikes = mee, (TV programs) He had famous actor. (appearance) He putson ‘usual. (ald coat) EEE Gach ch My boyfriend is as strong like a horse. an |6i sai trong cac cau sau va viét lai cau ding. ‘This exercises Isn't hard as Ithought, Life in foreign countries is different life in home country. My parents share the same hobby as, His cat isn’t the same pretty as mine. 2. ‘This art museum Is definitely different as the historical museum, Sy Roses.don't have the same fragrance like lotuses. ns My essay is as length as yours. ‘This island isn’t as beautiful than those | have visited, My mother is different appearance from me. (GEER Sp xép nhitng tit chosn thanh cau hodn chinh: difficult’ as/ Playingy Is! piano/ guitar/ playing/ as. horses run/ a/ Can/ fast/ as/ a/ as/ train? try? as/ean/ yous hard/as/ should/ You. Toms/ totally/ is/ from/ My/ writing style different. car/ same/ runs/ the/ speed/ ati His/ mine/ as. WV went My/ school friend/ same the/ best/ and/' to. pee eS good) This/ fridgef modem/ isn't! as/ my/ ane/ as/ old. ee gd Spending time/ isn’t? with/ as/computer/ as/ friends/ entertaining/ on/ spending time, a 4. WI MegaBook Gryringinetnmppo as (ii) CAU DONG TINH (EXPRESS AGREEMENT) VOI “TOO/EITHER” TOO EITHER Chie | Suge ding trong céu khang dinh dé dién| Bugc ding trong ciu pha dinh dé} nang | ta ¥ déng tinh voi mot diéu ‘khang dinh | dién ta ¥ déng tinh vai mét diéu phi ‘truéc do, dinh true 66. Vest | Thutng dung &cusi cau, Thudng ding & cudi ctu, ‘vidty | Arllove pop music, (Te/thich nhae pop.) | A:My sister doesnt know the name of B:ilove pop music too, Hove ittoo. _| that singer. (Chi gi tdi khéng biét tén (78i cing thich nhac pop.) Sree Ie) Tom Is interested in dancing, and Kate | &! don't know either, is interested in dancing too, (Tam thich| Hodc sti dung cau rit gon: khidu vil va Kate cling thich khiéu vi) —_| I dort either. (Té1 cong khéng bide) I watched the concert an TV last night, and my husband watched Ion TV last night too. (Toi da xem budi hea nhac trén TV t6i qua va chéng t6i cing xem nd.) Luuy Trong ” "Yesterday | couldn't sleep! 5° ” “| arm not working on my project” er i "Ldidn’t expect her to win the competiti on A "I should go out now’. on . (GEE nh dau (tie ruse edu ching. Banh dd fel rat cau sai, gach chan [6i sal vasda. 1. Mysister doesn't want another ice-scream and | do either. ee eee ee nm | will go the park tomerraw and my sister will go to the park too, My favorite band Is The Beatles and his favorite band is The Beatles either. ‘The apples in our garden are ripe and the oranges won't ripe too. My favorite drink is hat cacao, My friend's favorite drink is beer too. My wife doesn't like doing housework and I don't either, I want to be a musician but my sister wants to be an actor either, My essay didn't get good mark, Tom's essay doesn’t either. Dira vao Goan van sau viet cau dong tinh vdi “too/elther’. Yesterday Ann and Jane went to the prom together. Both of them dressed up elegantly. They looked very beautiful, They really enjoyed the music there. Both Ann and Jane didn’t drink much because they weren't thirsty, After the prom, they came heme by bus, Ann and Jane will never forget about the prom. They want to keep this happy memory forever, Q. Yesterday Ann went to the prom and Jane went to the prom too, We. 2 3. = CopGnechuyyén sca Nate dey ve Bal td tléig Anh 7 ts 1 BAI TAP TONG HOP NANG CAO Diing céctti'cho sin, vidt céu so sinh véi“" hodc“the same .,.25". movies hard ty valuable ongin | fast long songs talent clothes | Can | borrow your ladder? My ladder isn’t ____=____ yours. Your cake is delicious. My cake isn't yours, None of Tom's friends has him. Both of us fancy rock music. She listens ta, me. Jim tikes. Tom, and they often watch tagether, . Lifenowadaysisn't____—— it used to be, Peoplenow live mare comfortably, Hering is not her necklace. My cat has yours. They bath came from Russia. Kim bought her sister. They want to look like twins. You should go home you can. Your mom is looking for your everywhere. Vide lai cau, sit dung cdu tric so sénh “the". My brother and I both have big brown eyes. es My favorite subject is Math. Tim likes Math too. & Ihave a problem with this exercise. Peter has a problem with ittoo. 2 Louis and James are both 18 years old, 2 | went to my local primary school, Jim went to my lacal primary school too. = You and | both have dark brown hair. 5 * » - 4 2. 76 Pe Heft the meeting room at 11am and so did you. 2° My birthday is 5 April. Tom's birthday Is 5 April too. 2 GAIRER viet tat cau, sif dung cd tric so san My doll is pretty but her doll is prettierthan mine, > My doll 2s, ‘Traveling by train is quite exciting but traveling by plane is more exciting. © Travelling by train. My salaryis high, but my husband's is higher, > Mysalary |am disappointed about my team’s score. Ann is disappointed too, 1 It’s warm today, butit was much warmer yesterday, © Today it | still feel a bit tired, but lam better than yesterday. > don't feel ‘Tom's essay is very good and mine is goad too, © Tomsessay The Smiths have lived here for quite a lang time, but we've lived here longer. © The Smiths haven't Hoan thanh cau sit dung cu déng tinh wii “too/elther” sao cho nghia cita cu khéng thay déi. My grandfather worked for a tabacco company. My father also worked for a tobaccacompany. My grandfather worked fora tobacco company and my father Both my father and my mother aren't Vietnamese. My father isn’t Vietnamese and my mother, fancy classical music and my brother also fancies classical music, I fancy classical music Reading book is as relaxing as listening to music. Reading book is relaxing and listening to music Myfriend and I didn’t go to the concert last night. My friend didn't go to the concert last night and! My parents and my teacher won't allow me to play truant. My parents won't allow me to play truantandmytescher Jam never good at singing and painting, Jam never good at singing and | Both my brother and I rarely listen to traditional songs. Irarely listen to traditional songs and my brother Gach chan dap 4n dling. I can’t go to Berlin with you and your father can't (either/ too). hardly skip breakfast and Jim (doesn't skip breakfast either/ skips breakfast too}. ‘We won't go sailing tomorrow because of the storm and they (don't/ won't) either. I wantto be a famous actiessin the future and my friend Sarah (wants/ doesn’t want) It too. They haven't watched the movie yet and I (haven't/ doesn’t have) either. will help my mom do the washing and my brother (will do it too/ dan't doit either). My brother's just got a new bike and | (have got a new bike too/ am got a new bike tool. For me, playing the piano is never easy and playing the guitar (is taoy isn't either). She is a warm-hearted person but her daughter (isn’t either? isn’t). 40. Drinking alcohol Is harmful to your body and eating fast food {is harmful too/ isn’t harmful either}. (EEEER Mhoanh tron vao dap an dung. Nowadays, life is totally different (1)___ 30 years ago. In the past, there weren't as many people (2) __ there are today, so houses were (3)_spaclous than today, Because there ‘weren't so many cats in the streets, the alr was not as (4) as it is today. Our grandparents. often earned a living by growing plants and raising animals. Life at that time depended alot en the weather, Inthe present days, people live (5) comfortable and independent than before. a7 i MI NegaBook Guyyingiactinn at Our houses aren't as large as it (6) _be but they are all taller and more modern. We don't grow plants to make more anymore and we don't raise animals (7). Instead, we wark In big factories and tall buildings. There ate also more ways of entertainment than before. Today's life is more interesting and comfortable (8) in the past. 1. A.from Ba like Cas D. than 2 Aas B. more C.most D.s0 3. Aas B. more C. most D. so 4. A. clean B. fresh C. polluted D, pollution 5 Aas B, more C. most. D. so 6 A.haveto B, must C.can D, used to 7. A.too B,so either D.also 8 A. from B, lke Cas D. than (GETEER 89c doan vin sau va didn T (true) truce cAu trd fai dking véi mdi dung Bai dec, dién F (False) trucée cau tra loi khacnéi dung Bai doc, Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethaven, born in 17 December 1770, was a well-known German composer and pianist. At an early age, Beethoven showed his musical talents, His father Johann van Beethoven, together with composer and conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe, taught him about music. When Beethoven was 21 years old, he moved to Vienna. Here he started studying composition with Joseph Haydn. He soon became popular as a pianist. Unfortunately, Beethoven had problems with his hearing by his late 20s. In the last ten years of his life, he was almost deaf. In 1811, he stopped performing in public but he continued to compose. Many of his wonderful pieces of music came from the last 15 years of his life, He lived In Vienna until he died in 26 March 1827. His best-known compositions include 9 symphonies, 5 plano concertos, 1 violin concerto, and 32 piano sonatas. The list goes on. Beethoven always remains as one of the most famousand Influential composers all over the world. 1. Beethoven is only famous as a composer, —— 2.When Beethoven was small, he studied composition with Joseph Haydn 3, Beethoven had problems with his hearing by his late 20s. ________ 4.1 1811, Beethoven stopped performing and composing. 5. He lived in Vienna until his death. 05 jd Anwas a | VOCABULARY FOOD AM AN LUONGIWIETANAM) New words | Meaning Picture Example Be Black coffee is too bitter italy ding lack is too bitter! - me. : Caphé den qué ding ai vot ta (aa delicious: ¥ ie elie ‘our cake 3 ieiges oe s very delicious. hig béah cila ban rétngon. (adi) fragrant “The air is fragrant with the smell Ffreigrent/ | thom of ripe apples. (ad) Khéng khi thom mai téo chin, ianionaag Would you like a glass of : nude lemonade? {.lema'nexd/ a chanh Ban ed muén dang mat cde nuiée| chanh khéng? ee Would fer jodie? ‘rial ae ould you prefer rice of noodle! A Ban thich cam hay mi?

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