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Marketing of either goods or services is considered both an art and science as marketing involves

the use of technology and different forms for selling goods and services. Amazon is one of the
leading retail stores around the globe that provides services and goods. Amazon retail store is
based in Seattle, United States, and the company's founders heavily invested in the use of
technology in all its operations to be successful. The use of technology in Amazon is considered
science as the technology involves the features and purchases of the store products. Amazon Go
is a new feature that has been incorporated into the Amazon store's operations. It is an advanced
shopping technology that uses cameras and sensors to track every movement a person makes
while purchasing products from the store.

Amazon Go is a science that has erased the familiar analogy of people having to queue at cash
registers and checking out. This has been made possible through technology that has proved
successful. Similarly, marketing is considered an art as it involves marketers having a creative
mindset that helps make products stand out in the saturated market. Furthermore, a creative
perspective helps develop innovative marketing campaigns that are important for every business.
Marketing goods and services involves having a well-rounded team that will help in marketing
and selling products and goods. A well-rounded team will use various art of marketing goods and
services to develop a successful strategy that will help propel the company into excelling and
living unto the mission of the business.

Recent marketing is both an art and science as it involves using technologies, strategies, and
tactics to help make marketing successful. Change is inevitable, and the ability of businesses to
embrace technology and innovation will make the various marketing strategies evolve over the
years. Marketing uses scientific and artistic attributes to run a different company and achieve

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