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Janine R.


MAED 221

Discuss briefly the elements of effective administrative management.

●the term administrative management refers to the act of running and maintaining a business or
organization. The core objective of administrative management is to create a formal structure that
facilitates success for a particular business organization.

The elements of administrative management are the following:

 Planning- is forecasting the future and making a structural plan of action and determine the goal
and objectives of the action.
 Organizing- is the creation of an organizational structure that brings human resources and non
human resources together to work together.
 Commanding- the process of giving directions and orders by the superior to the subordinate.
 Coordinating- the process of bringing the action of all the divisions and department and
integrating their efforts for the fulfillment of organizational goals.

Controlling- means comparing the actual performance of the organization on the desired
performance level and checking if there is a need for improvement and when a deviations is found
implementing necessary change to improve the performance.

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