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Soft skills for

Data Scientist

They must communicate their findings to business
users and decision-makers and explain what
value these insights can bring to the business.

Curiosity is a trait that makes data science more
interesting and beneficial. Being curious about
business problems will let you to the solution as

Business Acumen

Business Acumen is an ability to make sound business

decisions by combining a number of factors to arrive
at the best outcome for a given situation.

Story Telling
Data Storytelling is a very critical skill for Data
Scientists. It's nothing but, the art of weaving a
coherent story around the numbers that convey
the logic, convince the stake holder with reasons
appropriate enough to drive a decision. 

Team Player
Data Scientist most of them works in a team setting
and Being a team player is always important. Data
scientists should always listen to their team members
for their input and take it into consideration to work as
a team.

Lifelong learning
Data science is a field that is ever-evolving, so be
prepared to embrace and learn new technologies.
One way to keep in touch with developments in the
field is to network with other data scientists. Some
platforms that promote networking are LinkedIn,
Medium, etc. The platforms are very useful for up-
to-date information about recent developments in
the field.


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