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Save trees use e-Question Paper 5, wile ext lace. an Noe; On srpltingyourssver ompuaiy dw ignites lig Bank pgs. 2 Any velingof teria ape valor an gens men e408 Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CBCSSCHEME USN | Fourth Semester B.E, Degree Examination, Jan/Feb, $921 Design and Analysis of Algorithms ‘Vime: 3 brs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any Ener ‘choosing ONE fall quest ule. in Die denis np seems eae GS Big theta with example, (@8 Marky stand expan the important problem yes ht lf yo (7 Mani) ©. Prove that: Ifty¢n) € O(eun)) and 0) € Ss Penna (e0, x0) (silane) 2 a. Design an algorithm for checking whethogall elem in given aray are distinct oF note Derive its ime complexity. (8 Marks) b. Give general plan of analyzing rec fathematically analyze the tower of hhanoi problem and find its time co ‘8 Masia) Compare the order of growth ooQoms) (oantens) 2 3 a. Explain divide and conquoPi@hod Write the algorithm for binary search and derive its time complexity. (oan) b. ist out the adva Rantages of divide and conquer method. Iustrate the topological sorting og fy the graph in Fig Q3(b), using DFS method! - FeO) crn oR aly, ihr lori for tefl tf ements 5,3, 19,82, 4,7. ana Mi ciortnm for mexgeort and Anayar ts eceey. (Os Marks) Explain Strasson's matrix multiplication Marks) Lof2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Modute-3 Sa Write Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, Apply Dijkstras shortest patillaleoriif) on Fig Q5(a) 0 obtain shortest path. Assume vertex 6 as source. Fig Q5(@) 0 stats . Write an algorithm for the heapsort Sort the of Ging heapsoxt. Derive ‘ime complexity: 100, 75, 80, 25, 50, 30,43 ostartsy 6 Fig Q600) co 1. Sote the Knap we greedy method forn= 3, m= 20, (%, Ps, P= and (v1, va. WU conta) © Constr Hlfion cod MR the following data: Character | A |B [OC] D |= probability |0.4] 0.10.2 | 015 015 Encode the texMMBACABAD and decode the encoded text TO0010111001010. (08 Marks) Module 7. Gee Bell ‘optimal solution for the following instance of knapsack problem sing dynamic img. « BRANCHES | ALL SEI sdocode to find on optimal Binary search tree by dynamie C programming, (8 Marks) Iman Ford algortlum to compute shortest path {05 Mares) Tem [ Weight [ Value a a oe 3-[ 3-30 a] 215 — oT Maris) 20f3 MESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS. A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT oR 8 a. Explain dynamie programming. Apply Warshalls algorithm to compute 2 clos for the graph in Fig 8(). & (10 Marks) Woke Poy gun Final ps shoncst pn si the graph in s @ S S + « BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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