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FEBRUARY 15, 2017


President Rodrigo R. Duterte had been criticized by human rights

advocates such as the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the
lawmakers for allegedly not affording criminals of due process by killing
them during buy-bust operations. But, as to President Duterte, such killings
are justified, as the killings were made by the policemen in the lawful
exercise of a right or office. Furthermore, President Duterte has been
expressing his anger towards drug lords and drug-users or criminals, in
general. He is known for his campaign against criminality and corruption.
Political analysts dub him as a Machiavellian Politician for his willingness to
engage violence in order to attain peace and sustainability, while others
compare his political will as the same as the late Lee Kuan Yew, the former
Prime Minister of Singapore.

The phrase “I will not let human rights to destroy my people,” means
that in order to win his war against drugs and criminality, some of these
human rights should not serve as a shield and defense for criminals to get
away with the crime they committed when it is certainly and perfectly
apparent that they are guilty thereof. If such were the case, this would
result into the destruction of the people rather than the goal of suppressing
drugs and criminality. One instance is when an accused confessed his
crimes without the presence of his counsel. In this example, the confession
is inadmissible due to the right of the accused to be assisted with a
counsel. As a result, the accused would be acquitted.

Supposedly, Human rights must operate in order to elevate human

dignity not for the criminals to be exonerated with their criminal liability.
Lastly, if human rights may be used by criminals to defend their crime,
then, it is needless to say that the purpose for the establishment and
promulgation of these rights is forfeited.

Thus, the statement merely provides that President Duterte, a person

who despises criminality and corruption, would rather sacrifice affording
criminals of human rights when it is evident that they are guilty thereof. If
these human rights will serve as a means and ways for such criminals to
escape blame for the crimes they have done, then the primary purpose of
human rights is forfeited, and, as a consequence, people will be destroyed.

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