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Team N.U.T.

Thomas Rafael Cruz

Julian De Castro
Antonello Santos

Case Study on Service Design

1. Differentiate Service Catalogue from Service Portfolio

a. A Service Catalog is a directory or list of an IT departments current products and
services. On the other hand, a Service Portfolio is a directory or list of all services
and products from the past, present, and future.
2. As discussed on the Case Study, NNIT used to be an Internal IT Service Provider. What
triggered them to become or to transform as an External Service Provider?
a. Rapid growth within the company triggered a new project to be prioritized namely
"The Spinal Cord of Operations". The following hire of CFN people for
consultation and project would lead to a huge change as well as an expanded
portfolio for the company. This in turn would require the company a change in
work and culture. All of this would lead them to transforming into the external
service provider they are today.
3. In your opinion, what could be the possible impact of transitioning from Internal Service
Provider to External Service Provider? You may enumerate areas in the organization or
parts of the process that may be affected in this transformation.
a. One possible impact is having to adopt new solutions to problems they
encountered as an internal service provider. Example is having to create a
workflow for an internal team, now they have to take what they learned from that
and adapt it to the needs of the external service they are working with. Another
adjustment from transitioning to internal to external services is that they now
have to study how to properly discuss what the service can offer their customers,
and how they are planning to reach those goals. This could take shape in getting
agreement forms from the external client to NNIT, first they have to get approval
from the team and their capabilities to complete a project, and get that form
agreed upon by the customer and hoping they are still onboard working with
NNIT. Being an internal service provider, having goals for the team is not as
daunting as having an agreement with an external customer and their needs.
Lastly, the sheer number of external clients would come to a surprise for any and
all departments as they now have to micromanage their departments to properly
allocate the number of people to a certain project.
4. Based on the Case Study, what has NNIT done correctly? Identify as many strong points
as possible.
a. They were able to restructure their service catalogue to not only meet the
requirements of the customer, but to also to do it in an effective manner so that
the departments involved with the project are not overwhelmed, which comes in
the case of customer service catalogue and service request catalogue. Another
aspect they are correct in are how they redefined their service package design
5. In retrospect, what do you think NNIT could have done better? Identify as many weak
points as possible and provide alternative solution or strategy.
a. The way NNIT illustrate their diagrams are quite confusing, so I can only imagine
if a customer or if the diagrams are given internally to teams, they might be
confused because the diagrams don’t match up with the text attached to them.

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