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Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

Summary: A younger son fails to claim his share of his fathers estate. He wastes all his money wondering to other countries. He realizes that even his fathers workers are doing better and returns to request a job from his father. His father is so happy that he is back and they celebrate while the older son that has been working all along has never gotten a celebration. His father tells the older son that it is because the younger brother was lost and then found.

Significance: People dont realize what they have until it is gone, and when it returns they cherish it even more.

Pop culture Reference: Rock band Sevendust has a track titled "Prodigal Son"

Sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12)

Summary: Place on the mountain where Jesus teaches people morals. He uses parallelism to state what should be done under certain circumstances.

Significance: teaching of morals to a society and evokes the importance of the Ten Commandments.

Reference: Teachers, Adults, and parents teach life lessons.

Last Supper (Matt. 26 / Mark 14 / Luke 22; also, 1 Cor. 11)

Last Supper: The last meal that Jesus shared with his twelve apostles and disciples on the eve of his death. (Passover) There was bread and wine. Right before his crucifixion on the roman crosse 2000 years ago.

Significance: Jesus sacrificed himself for his people. The idea of blood and bread= wine.

Example: Painting of The Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Crucifixion (Matt. 27 / Mark 15 / Luke 23 / John 19)

Summary: The death of jesus when his legs and arms were nailed to a cross.

Significance: Cross became a symbol for worshippers.

Example: There is a death penalty today and leaders carry the burden of suffering for their people.

Doubting Thomas (John 20:24-29)

Summary: One of Jesus apostles that didnt believe Jesus; resurrection.

Signifincance: See it to belive it.

Reference: an online skeptics blog named doubting Thomas.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Summary: Jesus is given seven scrolls in which he opens four, revealing four four beasts that ride on white, red, black, and pale horse.

Significance: they symbolize war, famine, conquest and death.

Reference: there is a film called The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2) 2)

Summary: She was the leader of group of disciples witnessing Jesus resurrection.

Reference: Character used in many movies such as The Miracel Maker 1999

Gethsemane- (Luke 22:43-44)

Summary: Virgin Mary is buried at Gethsemane.

Significance: The place where Jesus and his disciples prayed until Jesus cruxificatioon

School named after it called Gethsemane Lutheran School

Cavalry (Luke 23:33)

Summary: The place where Jesus was crucified outside of Jerusalem.

Ref: a historical place where someone famous died.

Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-7)

Summary: birthplace of Christ.

Significance: It is the birthplace of Jesus.

Ref: cities named after Bethlehem.

Desert (40 days and nights) (Gen 7:12 KJV)

Summary:: Rained for 40 days and 40 nights because God wanted to cleanse the world and create a new beginning,

Significance: 40 is a number referred to a lot in the bible such as Noah waited 40 days before opening the window to the ark.

Ref: a movie was made called 40 Days and 40 Nights

Trinity (John 4:9-10,15-16)

Summary: the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead.

Significance: the three are supposed to be the same thing but are separate in the bible.

Ref: a video game called trinity in 1986 by Infocom.

Holy Ghost (Timothy 4:1)

Summary: the third person of the Holy trinity.

Significance: Referred to as the give of life and present before the creation of the universe.

Ref: many books named Holy Ghost.

Sacrament (Ephresians 1:9-10)

Summary: a formal religious act conferring a specific grace upon those who receive it.

Significance: God want humans to drink his blood and eat his body .

Ref: there is a religious metal band named Sacrament

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