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Cosmological model with a traversable wormhole

Sung-Won Kim*
Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea
~Received 15 December 1995!
In this paper the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model with a traversable wormhole is considered. It is shown
that total matter including cosmic and wormhole matter cannot be exotic, while matter is exotic in the static
and inflating wormhole spacetimes. This implies that it is not necessary for total matter to violate the energy
conditions in the cosmological model with a traversable wormhole. Assume that the matter is divided into two
parts: the cosmic part that depends on time only and the wormhole part that depends on space only. The time
development and the spatial dependences of the scale factor, matter, and the wormhole shape function are also
obtained. @S0556-2821~96!04912-0#
PACS number~s!: 98.80.Hw, 04.20.Gz

Recently, research on Lorentzian wormholes has been in- dr 2

creasing because of its attraction in physics and its usability. ds 2 52e 2F ~ r ! dt 2 1 1r 2 ~ d u 2 1sin2 u d f 2 ! .
12b ~ r ! /r
If there exist traversable wormholes @1# in our universe in ~1!
spite of some unsolved problems, the detectability or the
usability of them may be one of the interesting issues. It was The arbitrary functions F(r) and b(r) are lapse and worm-
suggested that a wormhole can be identified by the gravita- hole shape functions, respectively. The function b(r) con-
tional lensing effect @2#. It might be applied usefully to vari- trols the shape of the wormhole. The metric is spherically
ous usages, for example, interstellar travel @1#, time travel symmetric and static. This model requires the exotic property
@3,4#, the inspection of the black hole interior @5#, etc. of the matter consisting of the wormhole which is to be
Normally, a wormhole originates from the nontrivial to- traversable.
pological structure of spacetime in the Planckian era of the The metric element of the wormhole in an FRW universe
early universe. It should be enlarged into human size by a is given by
certain mechanism to be used in practical purposes. Roman
@6# tried to enlarge the wormhole by the inflation of the
universe. During the inflation era, the wormhole had also
ds 2 52e 2F ~ r ! dt 2 1R 2 ~ t ! F dr 2
12kr 2b ~ r ! /r

inflated with the universe. Some problems still remain to be

solved in his scenario. It needs exotic matter, which violates
all known energy conditions to maintain the shape of a tra-
1r 2 ~ d u 2 1sin2 u d f 2 ! . G ~2!

versable wormhole during inflation. This is constructed by combining simply two spacetime met-
There are also some questions as to what the universe rics: static wormhole spacetime and FRW spacetime. This
would be after inflation. Thus in this paper we shall try to combination is analogous to the case of Schwarzschild–de
examine the next era after inflation, and investigate the ex- Sitter spacetime by the Schwarzschild and de Sitter metrics.
otic property of the matter which makes up the spacetime. Here R(t) is the scale factor of the universe and k is the sign
For spacetime, the wormhole spacetime is considered in the of the curvature of spacetime. When the functions b(r) and
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker ~FRW! universe. The time de- F(r)→0, the spacetime metric, Eq. ~2!, becomes the FRW
velopment of the scale factor and matter, and the spatial metric. As R(t)→ const and k→0, it approaches the static
dependences of matter and the wormhole shape function are wormhole metric, Eq. ~1!.
also checked in this paper. With the metric, Eq. ~2!, the Einstein equations are

Before examining the wormhole in the FRW universe, it
is necessary to review the static Morris-Thorne- ~MT-! type Ṙ 2 e 2F b8
8 p T tt 53 21 2 3k1 2 , ~3!
wormhole @1#. The static wormhole is given by R R r

e 22F ~ 2RR̈1Ṙ 2 ! 1 @ k1b/r 3 12F 8 ~ 21/r1kr1b/r 2 !#

8 p T rr 52 , ~4!
~ 12kr 2 2b/r !

8 p T tr 522F 8 , ~5!

*Electronic address:

0556-2821/96/53~12!/6889~4!/$10.00 53 6889 © 1996 The American Physical Society

6890 SUNG-WON KIM 53

8 p T uu 5r 2 e 22F ~ 22RR̈2Ṙ 2 ! 2kr 2 1

b rb 8
2 1F 8 r22kr 3 2 2
2 2 2 D
1 ~ F 8 2 1F 9 !~ r 2 2kr 4 2rb ! . ~6!

A prime denotes differentiation with respect to r and an As the universe expands this term d 2 r̄/dz̄ 2 approaches zero;
overdot denotes differentiation with respect to t. The com- that is, the shape of the wormhole is gradually straightened
ponents of the stress-energy tensors are denoted by out. To test the positivity of the term, the exotic function z
needs to be introduced:
T t̂ t̂ 5 r ~ r,t ! , T r̂r̂ 52 t ~ r,t ! , T t̂ r̂ 52 f ~ r,t ! , T ûû 5 P ~ r,t ! .
The quantities r (r,t), t (r,t), f (r,t), and P(r,t) are, respec- uru

tively, the mass energy density, radial tension per unit area,
energy flow in the ~outward! radial direction, and lateral 1 R̈ Ṙ 2 2 ~ b1kr 3 ! 2 ~ b2b 8 r22kr 3 !
5 2 22 2 1
pressure as measured by observers stationed at constant 8puru R R Rr 3 2R ~ b1kr 3 ! 2
r, u , f @6#. The stress-energy tensor has an off-diagonal com-
ponent, due to the time dependence of R and/or the space
dependence of F.
FS R̈ Ṙ 2
2 2 1
~ b1kr 3 ! 2 d 2 r̄
Rr 3 dz̄ 2
. ~16!
The Einstein equations for F(r)50, zero tidal force as
seen by a stationary observer, are
Here the exotic function is calculated for the case of F50.
Ṙ 2 3k b8 Since d 2 r̄/dz̄ 2 should be positive, the sign of the first term
8 p T tt 53 2 1 2 1 2 2 , ~8! A[R̈/R2Ṙ 2 /R 2 of Eq. ~16! plays an important role in de-
R R R r
ciding the sign of z . In the static wormhole case (A50), z

must be positive or t . r , which is exotic matter.
1 b The FRW cosmolgical model usually has various types
8 p T rr 52 2RR̈1Ṙ 2 1k1 3 , ~9!
12kr 2b ~ r ! /r
r according to the values of k and/or equations of state. For
normal matter, such as radiation ( P5 31 r ) and dust ( P50),

8 p T uu 52r 2 2RR̈1Ṙ 2 1k1
2r 22
2r 3
. D ~10!
A is always negative for any k. When R is a power function
of t, for example, R;t n (n.0), then A;2n/t 2 ,0 always.
When the equation of state is P52 r ~vacuum energy! and
In this case, the energy flux term vanishes, and so the stress- k50, then R inflates exponentially and A50. This implies
energy tensor can be diagonalized. If R;e x t and k50, as is that the matter is exotic, t 2 r .0 as in the static wormhole
in the inflation case, these equations ~8!–~10! become Ro- case. However, power-law inflation @7# can also exhibit nor-
man’s @6#. mal nonexotic behavior (A,0).
At a constant time t and u 5 p /2, the metric is written as The first term A in the cosmological model is always less
than zero ~except in the case of exponential inflation! while
R 2 dr 2 the second term is always positive. This raises the possibility
ds 2 5 1R 2 r 2 d f 2 that z might be negative due to the cosmological contribu-
12kr 2 2b ~ r ! /r
tion A, even though the exotic contribution from the worm-
dr̄ 2 hole is always guaranteed to be positive.
5dz̄ 2 1dr̄ 2 1r̄ 2 d f 2 5 1r̄ 2 d f 2 . ~11! We can find the zero point t 0 at which z is equal to zero.
12b̄/r̄ In Eq. ~16!, the term d 2 r̄/dz̄ 2 is proportional to 1/R(t) at or
near the neck of the wormhole and the second term is pro-
Then portional to t 22n , where n<2/3 for normal matter ( g >0).

Since the first term A;2n/t 2 ,0, the cosmological term
dz̄ r̄ dz dominates the wormhole term at early times (t,t 0 ), while
56 21 5 , ~12! wormhole matter dominates the cosmological term as the
dr̄ b̄ dr
universe expands (t.t 0 ).
The Einstein equations ~8!–~10! for F50 can be rewrit-
b̄5Rb1kRr 3 , ~13! ten using Eq. ~7! as

r ¯5Rr. ~14!

To maintain the shape of the traversable wormhole, the fol-

lowing d 2 r̄/dz̄ 2 term must be positive:
r ~ r,t ! 5
1 3 ~ Ṙ 2 1k !
1 b8
R r
1 2 2 , ~17!

d 2 r̄ 1 b2b 8 r22kr 3 b̄2b̄ 8 r̄

dz̄ 2 R 2 ~ b1kr 3 ! 2
2b̄ 2
.0. ~15! t ~ r,t ! 5
R̈ ~ Ṙ 2 1k !
2 1
8p R R 2
1 b
1 2 3 ,
R r
G ~18!

P ~ r,t ! 5
8p R
R̈ ~ Ṙ 2 1k !
22 2
R 2 1
1 b b8
2R r 3 r 2
2 S DG .
parts between the cosmological part and wormhole part.
These separation constants play the role of linking the two
We can solve the conservation law, Eq. ~28!, with the
The conservation law T m n ; m 50 becomes equation of state P c 5 g r c for the cosmic part. The cosmic
energy density r c becomes

ṙ 1 ~ 3 r 12 P2 t ! 50, ~20! q
R r c 5aR 23 ~ 11 g ! 1 R 22
~ 3 g 11 !

2 q 1
t 8 1 ~ P1 t ! 50. ~21! aR 24 1 R 22 g5 ,
r 2 3
5 aR 23 1qR 22 ~ g 50 ! , ~30!
Since r , t , and P depend on both t and r, the following
ansatz for matter parts readily helps us to solve Einstein’s q
equations: a2 R 22 ~ g 521 ! ,
R 2 ~ t ! r ~ t,r ! 5R 2 ~ t ! r c ~ t ! 1 r w ~ r ! , ~22! where a is an integration constant.
If we put this relationship into the field equation, the so-
R 2 ~ t ! t ~ t,r ! 5R 2 ~ t ! t c ~ t ! 1 t w ~ r ! , ~23! lution of the scale factor R is

R 2 ~ t ! P ~ t,r ! 5R 2 ~ t ! P c ~ t ! 1 P w ~ r ! . ~24! R;t 2/3~ 11 g ! for g Þ21, ~31!

The subscript c indicates the cosmological part and w indi- which is the same result as the case of l50 because the
cates the wormhole part. Since the right-hand sides of the occurrence of the nonzero constants l and q in Eqs. ~25! and
Einstein equations ~17!–~19! consist of two parts, the matter ~28! does not affect the development of R except the simple
part can be separated into cosmic matter and wormhole mat- modification of k. Thus, for g Þ21,

ter parts. The cosmic part depends on t only and the static
wormhole part depends on r only. Because the cosmological t 21 1t 22 g5 ,
24/3~ 11 g ! 22
part of the equations and matter should be isotropic, we re- r c ;t 1t ; 3 ~32!
quire that t c (t)52 P c (t). t 24/3
1t 22
~ g 50 ! .
With the ansatz Eq. ~22!–~24!, the Einstein’s equations
and the conservation laws are changed into the variables- The second term due to the separation constant q diminishes
separated forms as faster than the first term.
When g 521, the scale factor R and the energy density
3 b 8~ r ! r c become
R 2r c~ t ! 2 ~ Ṙ 2 1k ! 5 2 r w ~ r ! 5l, ~25!
8p 8pr2

3 b~ r !
R5 Aa A a
t, ~33!
R t c~ t ! 2
~ 2RR̈1Ṙ 2 1k ! 5 2 t w ~ r ! 5m,
8p 8pr3
r c 5a2
Aq a
t, ~34!

R 2 P c~ t ! 1
~ 2RR̈1Ṙ 2 1k ! 5
1 1 b ~ r ! b 8~ r !
8p 2 r3
2 2
r S D where a 5l1q/213k/8p Þ0. When a 50, they are
2 P w ~ r ! 5n, ~27! R;e ~ 8 p /3! , ~35!

R3 Ṙ r c ;12e 22 ~ 8 p /3! . ~36!
ṙ c 1 ~ 3 r c 12 P c 2 t c ! 52 r w 22 P w 1 t w 5q5l23m,
As we see in the solutions ~33!–~36! for g 521, the scale
~28! factor R increases exponentially and the cosmic energy den-
sity r c becomes constant very rapidly. Remember that the
2 energy density is constant in the usual exponential-type in-
t w8 1 ~ P w 1 t w ! 50, ~29!
r flation without a wormhole.
Next the spatial distributions of the wormhole parts
where l, m, n, and q are the separation constants indepen- b(r), r w (r), t w (r), and P w (r) can be found. Assume that
dent of both t and r. By the relationship t c 52 P c we have P w 5 b r w , similar to the equation of state P c 5 g r c . With
n52m. If all the above-mentioned constants are zero, this this equation of state, the spatial distributions of them are
is the trivial case. The form of the scale factor R(t) becomes shown as
the same as that of FRW and b(r) becomes the shape func-
tion of the static wormhole case. There are no intersection r w ~ r ! 5Cr 22 ~ 113 b ! / ~ 112 b ! , ~37!
6892 SUNG-WON KIM 53

t w ~ r ! 5C ~ 112 b ! r 22 ~ 113 b ! / ~ 112 b ! , ~38! course, it means that the size of the throat b 0 should be less
than r 0 . The traversable wormhole shape is maintained only
b ~ r ! 58 p C ~ 112 b ! r 1/~ 112 b ! . ~39! in the region where b 0 <r,r 0 .
In this paper the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model
The constant C is the proper integration constant and other with a wormhole was studied, which found the total matter to
integration constants are given as zero from the asymptotic be nonexotic, while it is exotic in the static wormhole or
flatness. The restrictions of the constants, b ,21/2 and inflating wormhole models. The evolutions and distributions
C,0, are due to the asymptotic flatness condition of the of the scale factor, matter, and the wormhole shape function
wormhole limr→0 b/r50 @1,4#. With these restrictions, the
were also obtained by assuming that the matter is divided
signs of the matter and wormhole shape functions are deter-
into two parts.
mined. Thus r w ,0 and P w , t w ,b.0, which shows the ex-
For further problems, we should investigate the worm-
otic property of wormhole matter.
hole’s change and its role during the reheating stage. More-
The flareness condition, Eq. ~15!, requires that
over, we can study cosmological models with many worm-
b2b 8 r22kr 3 516p b Cr 1/~ 112 b ! 22kr 3 .0. ~40! holes as more realistic models.

When k50 or 21, this model satisfies the condition for the This work was supported by Ewha Faculty Research
entire range of r. When k51, r should be less than Foundation, and in part by the Non Directed Research Fund,
r 0 5(8 p b C) (11 b )/(213 b ) to satisfy the inequality ~40!. Of Korea Research Foundation.

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