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eu es olan < THs cannnaranivtnsiny Pedagogy Laboratory Program. Studeat Interview Name Age —__ Grade in School Next Year 1, Abily t write ltrs and mumbers, Te2eaeaes ‘Write your name ‘Write the month, dy, and yor. Count numbers 2 Ability communicate, 1-2-3-405 ‘Who are your bert fiends at school? What are your fvorite games? ‘What things do you lice wo do for fun? 3 Musical Inerest 1.23.45 ‘Wha musical insrument do you like? Does anyone in your family play an tstrument? Do you have a plano? ‘Why do you want to take piano lessons? 4. Musical Aptinde, Rhythunke Discrimination: 1-2-3-4-5 Echo Claps Piech Discrimination: 1-2-3-4-5 hilo Tonal Discrimination: 1-2-3-4-5 Echo Sing ‘Coordination: Echo Plays 5. Maturity and Social Development. 1 listen and follow directions. P.2-3-4-58 Pedagogy Laboratory Program Practice Contract ‘A commitment to help your child practice is key to their success and progress. Unlike many after school activities, piano study requires consistent throughout the week. ‘Students are expected to practice 4-5 days each week while enrolled in piano instruction. To make adequate progress in piano and allow time for daily practice, please consider the number of activities your child is involved. Also unlike many after school activities, Practicing the piano is an individual activity in which the student often feels isolated or Punished to have to practice alone. For this reason, students ages 5-8 need supervised practice, which means while the student is Practicing, an adult sits with them during the practice time and actually helps them practice. Students need supervised practice. *to develop good practice habits during the first and 2nd years of piano study. Generally, two 10-minute practice sessions each day will be most valuable to your culd’s musical progress. ‘After several weeks, you may find that only one Practice session needs to be supervised. to help your child follow the practice directions on the assignment sheet. ‘Students often overlook the practice directions or forget to complete a written. assignment without adult reminders. *to provide physical and psychological support on the piano bench. Practicing the piano should be an enjoyable activity, but students need constant encouragement and help to practice and often feel more motivated when sharing time with a parent or grandparent. “1 am trying to help him with piano, I have no musical training myself. We are figuring out “Graduation March” together. Now that | am not "requiring" him to practice itis no longer a battle ‘and be seems eager to lean. He was almost in tears today because we did not go to piano.” ==PLP Ist year parent. As the parent/grandparent/ guardian of agree to provide practice supervision for my child while he/she is enrolled in piano, Parent of Prospective Student(s) ss”

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