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Name: Bea Marie B.

Course,Year & Section: BEEd -1A

•Identify some instances where you can say that the Covid -19 today is unethically interpreted.
Please support your answers and elaborate them in your own words.


One instance where COVID-19 was unethically interpreted was when some medical
practitioners have to decide who to prioritize first when it comes to treatment.

There were news before that our medical institutions are already lacking ventilators and there
were reports that medical practitioners have to decide who would they prioritize with ventilators
first: the senior citizens or the younger ones.
My take on this unethical practice is this:

COVID-19 chooses no one. If you are infected, it doesn't matter if you are old or young. The
virus can't distinguish age and vulnerability. If you will have it, you will have it regardless of your
age. Having said that, the medical practitioners should always have to put this in their minds:
everyone must be treated equally and the age should never be a deciding factor in healthcare.

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