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EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 Luu y: Néu tai liéu khéng tiy EHOU.ONLINE rt c6 thé khéng day dui hoc bi chinh sta gay sai léch Tai ligu cp nhat dén ngay 29/12/2021 >. Cau tra lal ding 2. Cu tr 6 chufa xéc din 1." xem hgc mét ngoai naif nh mét mén qua” in the sentence "Nén xem hoc mét ngoai ngif nhur mét mén qua sau dé idm nén digu ki digu bing su can dam, quyét tam cia ban thén” should be translated as > Consider learning a foreign language gift consider leama foreign language a. gift regard learning a foreign language isa present see learning a foreign language @ present 2. "A significant number” in the sentence "A significant number of the world's population lack access to an adequate supply of safe water for household use” means > Mot 5 lang lén Mot con 56 o6 ¥ nghia Mot con s6 quan trong Mot s6 luong quan trong 3. “in addition to” in the sentence "Countries have their own national languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions” can be replaced with > Apart from Except for excluding including 4, "make use of” in the sentence "Companies who want to function at an international level only consider their staff well educated if they can make use of English in international business environment” means > use for a purpose benefit from communicate speak 5. "M6 hinh va sy én dinh clia ting truéng kinh t” in the sentence“ Mé hinh va suf én dinh ca ting truéng kinh t& cing rt quan trong” should be understood as > The pattern and stability of economic growth The modern and stable economic growth The pattern and economic growing stability The pattern and stable economic growth 6. "more or less” in the sentence "The same study found that more or less 5 percent of the world would speak English as a first language by 2050” means > Approximately almost equal mostly 7. “related to” in the sentence “Almost nine in 10 of those got help for problems related to their use of cannabis (12,642) or alcohol (8,799)” has the same meaning with © Associated with Engaged in In tum EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 Resort to 8, "Tai Viét Nam, hoc tiéng Anh tryc tuyén dB khé phé bign. Hin tai ud tinh cé tir 3 dn 5 trigu nguBl d hoc cc khéa hoc tiéng Anh ruc tuyén. Chun bi cho ky thi, ren luyén cc kj néng, nguéi hoc truc tuyén dang tit kiém dutge rét nhiéu Chi phi va that glan cho vie hoc tap" should be translated as > In Vietnam, learning English online Is quite popular. It isestimated that between 3 and 5 million people have taken English courses online. Preparing for exams, training skill online, learnersare saving a lotof costs and time for studying In Vietnam, learn English online isquite popular. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 milion people have taken English courses online. Preparing for the exam, training sks, online learners are saving a lotof costs and time for studying, In Vietnam, learning English online isquite popular. Estimated that from 3 to 5 milion people have taken English courses online. Preparing for the exam, training skils, online learnersare saving a lotof costs and time for studying, In Vietnam, learning English online isquite popular. It isestimated that there are between 3 and 5 milion people have taken English courses online. Preparing for the exam, training skils, online learners are saving a lot of costs and time for studying, 9. "The number" in the sentence "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue — but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption” means > SB luong Mot sé Nhieu Rat ft 10. “Van dé Idn nh&t d6i véi viéc hoc ngoai ngif 6 Viet Nam la chat Ivong ging day kém. Nh&n thay nhiing loi ich cua vic hoe tigng Anh, hang ngin trung tam ngoai nai khdng dsc kiém soat d8 Gugc me ra 6 cc thanh pho dn. Thém vo dé, nhieu trung tam tuyén dung nhimg neu khong c6trinh dé gidng day don olan vi ho la nguét nude ngosi” should be transiated as > The biggest problem of learning foreign languages in Vietnam, is the poor teaching quality. Realizing the benefits of learning English, thousands of unregulated language centers were opened inmajor cites. In addition, many centers employ people who donot have simple teaching qualifications just because they are foreigners The biggest problem with learning a foreign languag in Vietnam, the quality of teaching is poor. Realizing the benefits of learning English, thousands of unregulated language centers were opened inmajor cities, In addition to, many. centers employ people who do not have simple teaching qualifications because they are foreigners. The biggest problem with learning foreign languagen Vietnam isthe poor qualty of teaching. Realie the benefits of learning English, thousands of unregulated language centers were opened inmsjor cites, In addition, many centers employ people who do not have simple teaching qualfications because they are foreigners The biggest problem with learninga foreign languagen Vietnam tsthe quality of teaching is poor. Realizing. the benefits of learning English, thousands of unregulated language centers were opened in major cities. In addition, many centers employ people who do not have simple teaching qualfcations because they are foreigners. 11. ‘With more than 1.2 billion 15- to 24-year-olds in the world, the United Nations realized that youth sport represents tone of the most dynamic mechanisms in society for transforming dangerous and violent confi situations because ‘organized sport can engage youth of all races, genders and classes” "should be best translated as > Véi hon 1,2 trigu gu tir 15 dén 24 tuoi trén thé gid, Lién Higp Quéc nhién thay rang céc hoat déng thé thao thanh thigu nién lamét_ trong nhiing co ché ning dng nhit trong x8 hdi dé chuyén di céc tinh hung nung dét nguy hiém va bao luc vi céc hogt déng thé thao cé t8 chitc o6 thé thu hiit thanh nién cia moi ching tc, gidt tinh va ting lép x8 ii Véi hon 1,2 triéu ngubi tir 15 dén 24 tuéi trén thé gidi, Lién Higp Quéc dé thifa nhin rng thé thao thiGu nién dal dién mét_ trong nhiing co ché ning déng nhat trong x3 hoi d& chuyén d6i céc tinh hudng xung dét nguy hiém va bao luc vi thé thao cé t6 chite a8 thé thu hit thanh nién cla moi ching téc, oii tinh va tang Idp x8 he Véi_ hon 1,2 triéu ngubi tir 15 dén 24 tudi trén thé gidi, Lién Higp Quéc nhan théy réng thé thao thanh nién chim mat’ trong nhiing og ché ning ding nha trong x8 hoi dé chuyén déi céc tinh huéng xung dot nguy hig va bao levi t6 chute céc cude thi dau thé thao o6 thé thu hiit thanh nin cia tat cé chiing tée, gidt tinh va kbp hoc. EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 Véi hon 1,2 trigu nguti tir 15 dén 24 tuéi trén thé gidi, Lid Higp Quéc nhan théy ring thé thao thiéu nign 18 mét trong nhiing cd ché ning ding nhat trong x8 hei dé chuyén di céc nguy og va céc tinh hudng xung dt bao Iuevi thé thao 6 t6 chute 05 thé thu hilt thanh nién cia moi ching téc, gidi tinh va tang bp x8. hoi. 12, Choose the best translation for:Cé rt nhiéu sur Iya chon cho ban khi tham gla vao mét s6 hoat dng thi vi nhur cu , truot tuyét nue, lin bién, dua thuyén buém, vi vay trong nhimg ngay hé, mét chuyén di dén bai bién My Khé thyc syle Wy tung. > There are many choices for you to take part in some exciting activities like fishing, water-skiing, diving, @ yacht race, so in summer days, @ trip to My Khe beach isideal There are many choices for you to take part in some exciting activities like fishing, water-skiing, diving, a yacht race, so far insummer days, a trip to My Khe beach Isreally ideal There are many choices for you to take part in some exciting activities lke fishing, water-skiing, diving, a yacht race, so that in summer days, a trip to My Khe beach isan idea, There have many choices for you to take part in some exciting activities like fishing, water-sking, diving, a yacht race, so as insummer days, a trip to My Khe beach isreally ideal 13, Choose the best translation for:Compared with its more illustrious neighbour Sapa, tourism in Bac Ha is stil in its infancy here and during the week the town has a deserted feel. » So véi thi trén léng giéng néi tiéng Sapa, du lich B&c Ha van cbn khé non tré va khign cho ngudi ta oS cém ide suét tun, thi trén licnao cing vang ve. So véi thi trén lang giéng néi tiéng Sapa, du lich & Bc Ha van con khé non tré va nai dy cho ngudii ta cém gidc rng trong sust cc ngay trong tuan, thi tran that vang ve So véi thi trén ling ging néi tiéng Sapa, ngdnh du lich Bc Ha van cdn méi phat trién va sudt trong tun, thi trdn cd cm giéc hoang van So véi thi trén lang giéng néi tiéng Sapa, ngnh du lich BSc Ha vita mdi ra déi v8 suét trong tun, thi trén tao cm gide hoang ving 14, Choose the best translation for:The valleys and villages around Sapa are home to a host of hil-tribe people who wander in to town to buy, sell and trade. > Thung Ing va nhiing ban lang quanh thi trén Sapa lanai ding bio din téc khi xuéng néi, vao thi tran thudng luitéi d8 mua bin va treo d6i hang hod. Thung ting va nhiing ban lang quanh Sapa Knot nhiing ngubi & céc b6 lactrén nii vio thi trén mua bén va trao déi hang hod, Thung ting va nhiing ban lang quanh thi trén Sapa la nci déng bao dén tc khi vao thi trén thuting dén d& mua ban va trao di Thung ting va nhiing ngéi fang quanh thi trén Sapa la ndi déng bao dn téc é trén dBi cao, vo thi trén dé mua ban v8 trao d6i hang hoa 15. Choose the best translation for:The very achievements in and public health have led to a sharp drop in mortality rates and have accelerated population growth rates to unprecedented levels. > Chinh nhiing thanh tyu v8 y té da lam ti I6tir vong glam dang ké dong thai khién cho dan s6 tng toi mize nd luéing, CChinh nhimg thanh tyu vé y té d& din dén ti létir vong gidm déng ké va ting te phat trign dan 36 dén mac hd 6 thé luting trutic due CChinhnhimg, thanh tuu v8 y t& d& din dén sy giém dang ké ti létirvong va khién cho tc d6 din 56 tang t3i rmite_khé kiém soét. é rat nhiGu thanh tyu v8 y t& va thud men 4% din dn suv glam déng ké tilé tir vong va ting ti I@ phat trign dn s6 dén mite. khéng luting trudc duce 16. Choose the best translation for:To meet the demand for food of increasing population, we increased the yield of crop plants per unit area of farmed land by intensive farming methods, such as the application of chemical fertiliser and the widespread use of pesticides.\ > DE dap Ung nhu cau vé Iveng thy cho sé dan ngay cang gia ting, ching ta d& ting ning suat bing viéc 4p dung cae bién php tham canh, str dung réng ri phan hoa hoc va thudc tri sau. 8 dép ting nhu céu Iusng thye cho s6 din ngay céng cao, ching ta da ting néng suét bang viée ép dung cdc bign phdp canh téc chuyén séu, sir dung réng ri phan hod hoc va thud tif séu. EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 8 dp ting nhu cBu ve lung thuc khi din 6 ngay cang gia ting, ching ta d& ting sn lutgng lung thy trén mgt _dan vi din tich, ap dung céc bién phap tham canh, sir dung phan hoa hoc va thudc tr séu DE dép tg nhu cu ve long thy khi tng dén 58, chimg ta da ting san Iyong long the trén mét_don vi dién tich, 8p dung cc bién pha tham canh, sir dung phin hod hoc va thus tir sau 17. Choose the best translation for:Viéc con nguési ngay cdng mé réng su dién cla minh & noi ma duéng nhu dang trd thanh mét hanh tinh nhé bé da tao ra rat nhiéu anh hudng nghiém trong déi vdi moi mat cla dai s6ng lién quan dén sife knoe, dic vad th hod, nhu clu vé nha cif va cung cap thy phim, tiép can voi nude sach va nhigu van di kha > The continuing, repid expansion of the human footprint on what has increasingly come to seem a small planet, has serious implications for nearly all aspects of Ife which relates to health , migrations and urbanization, demand for housing and food supplies, access to safe drinking water, and so much more. ‘The continuing, rapid expansion of the human footprint on what has increasingly come to seem a small planet, has serious effects for nearly all aspects of lfe relates to health , migrations and urbanization, demand for housing and food supplies, access to safe drinking water, and so many others more. The continuing, rapid expansion of the human's presence where seems to be a small planet, has serious implications for neariy all aspects of life which relates to health , migrations and urbanization, demand for housing ‘and food supplies, access to safe drinking water, and so much more ‘The more and) more. rapid expansion of the human appearance on what has increasingly come to seem a small planet, has serious inluence for nearly all aspects of Ife which relates to health , migrations and urbanization, demand for housing and food supplies, access to safe drinking water, and so much more, 18. Choose the best translation for:Vi su phat triéf cla du lich, Sapa da trai qua mot that ky phuc hung. Dutng xa da dduge nang ep, nhiéu dung phé da duc dt tén, nhiéu khdch san mdi d3 moc len, > With the advent of tourism, Sapa has experienced a renaissance. Roads have been upgraded, many streets have been given names, countless new hotels have popped up. With the advent of tourism, Sapa has been experienced a renaissance. Roads have been upleveled, many streets have been given names, countless new hotels have popped up. With the advent of tourism, Sapa has experienced a renaissance. Bad roads have been upgraded, many streets named, countless new hotels have been popped up. With the advent of tourism, Sapa has experienced 2 renaissance. Roads have upgraded, many streets have ames, countless new hotels have popped up. 19, English is the primary language of the press: more newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language, and no matter where in the world you are, you will find some of these books and newspapers available, » Tigng ‘Anh lénaén naif chinh ciia béo chi: séch béo duoc vit b8ng tiéng Anh nhigu hon bat ky mét_ngén git nao khéc, va div ban dang & dau, ban van ob thé doc duoc vai_cuén séch va td béo b&ng tiéng Anh. Tiéng Anh léingin ngi chinh cla bao chi: cudn séch va bdo dude viét bing tiéng Anh nhiéu hon bat ky tiéng no khéc, va di: ban ¢ du, ben van cé thé tim thay mét_s6 sch va bao loainay cd sén. Ting Anh la ngén naif chinh cia béo chi: nhiéu bdo va séch duoc vit béng tiéng Anh hon bat ky ngén nit nao khéc, va di ban 6 bat ky dau, ban vin o6 thé tim thay mét_ 56 sdch va béo nay sn cb. Tiéng Anh I ngén ngif chinh cia béo chi: nhiéu bdo va séch duoc viét bing tiéng Anh hdn bat ky ngén ngit nido khéc, va di ban & bat ky dau, ban vn cé thé tim thay mét. $6 sch va béo nay. 20. If Viet Nam is serious about bringing English to the No.2 spoken language in Viet Nam, as Lee Kuan Yew did with ‘Singapore, itis important to employ a comprehensive, innovative approach and commit to responsible training, benchmark and evaluation programmes targeting students from primary school through colleges. > Néu Viet Nam thuc suv nghiém te V8 viée dura tiéng Anh tro’thanh ngén_ngif thi hal & Viet Nam, nhur Ly Quang Diéu da lam véi Singapore, digu quan trong I8 phai 4p dung céch tiép cn ton dién, sing tao vA cam Két thuic hign céc chuftng trinh d&o tao, kiém dinh v8 dnh gid cé tréch nhiém céc d6i tuting hoc sinh tif bac ti hoc dén cfc dai, hoc. N&u Viet Nam nghiém tic v8 viéc dua tiéng Anh tro'thanh ngén_ngit néi tiéng No.2 & Vigt Nam, nh Lee Kuan Yew da lmvdi Singapore, diéu quan trong I phai 8p dung cach tiép can to’n dién, séng tao va cam két thyc ign céc chuding trinh dao tao, dénh gié va dénh gif cé tréch nhiém nhim myc. téu hoc sinh tir Tiéu hoc théng qua céc trutng cao dng. Neu Vigt Nam _nghiém tic vé_vige dua tiéng Anh_vao ngén ngit néi tiéng No.2 6 Vigt Nam, hy Ly Quang Digy da lamvdi Singapore, diéu quan trong la phai 4p dung cach tigp cén toan dign, séng tao va cam kat the ign céc chung trinh dao ‘tao, kiém dinh va dénh gid cé tréch nhiém nh&m muc.tiéu vo hoc sinh tir Tid hoc EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 théng qua ede trudingdai, hoe. Néu ‘Viet Nam_nghiém tic vé_vigc dua tiéng Anh_vao ngén ngit néi tiéng thi’ hal 6 Vigt Nam, nhu’ Lee Kuan Yew a lamvdi Singapore, diéu quan trong la phai 8p dung cach tiép cén toan dién, séng tao va. cam két thyc ign céc chudng trinh dao tao, dénh gié va danh gié cé tréch nhiém nhdm myc. tiéu hoc sinh tir Tiéu hoc dén Sc truing cao dng. 21. In the sentence “Initiative recognises widespread problem of labour trafficking and aims to help women working in {garment and domestic industries”, > “Trafficking” functions as a noun “Trafficking” and “working” function as nouns “Trafficking” and “working” function as adjectives “working” functions as a noun 22. In the sentence “Instead, the initiative will seek to provide women with skis, pre-departure training and support to help them avoid being trafficked, and secure legal contracts and decent wages in destination countries" the word “support” is > a noun a pronoun, a verb an adjective 23. Look at the following sentence : Cing vei nhing né ly phat trién kinh té-x8 hi, vin d@ bao vé méitruting bn ving dang la dé tai bite xi cia cc nutéc dang phat trién, trong dé a5 Viét Nam. Choose the best translation for:van d@ bao vé moi truging bn ving Sustainable environment protection A problem to protect environment stable Stable environment protection Stable environmentpreservation 24. Look at the following sentence: Cling véi ning né lye ph trign kinh té-x8 hei, van d bio vé mai truding bn viing dang la dé tai bic xtc cla cde nutde dang phat trién, trong dé cé Viet Nam. Choose the best translation for:no Ic phat trign kinh té-x@ hot > The socio-economic development efforts The attempt to develop economy and society The economic socio development efforts The effort to develop economy and society 25. Look at the following sentence: Sy téc déng cla vige gido duc méi truting déi véi nhan thie chung cia céng déng la rmét yu t8 v6 ciing quan trong vi ring gido duc ¥ thie xay dung mét x8 hoi bn vitng vé méi trun la thufc ign mat kiéu phat trién nhdim nang cao chat lung cudc séng cia con ngut, déng théi bo vé dugc nguin tai nguyén cia dat, gin gitr duce mai truting séng cla con nguti trong mai truéing x8 héi. Choose the best translation for:chat Iuong cuéc sng cla con nguti > Human life quality Human life Human living standard Life quality of people 26. Look at the following sentence: Sy téc dng cla viée gido dyc méi truting di véi nan thie chung cia céng dng la rmét yu t6 v6 cing quan trong vi ring gido duc ¥ thi xay dung mét x8 hoi bn vitng vé méi truing la thu hién mot iu phat trién nhiim néng cao chat lueng cuéc sng cia con nuts, ng thai béo vé due nquin tal nguyén cia dat, gin gidr due mai truéing séng cia con ngudi trong mai truéing xa hdl. Choose the best translation for:mét x8 hdi bn Vitng vé mdi truding > A society of sustainable environment A Stable society about environment Stable society about environment EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 Ustainably-environmental society 27. Look at the following sentence: Sy téc dng cla vige gido dyc méi truting déi véi nan thie chung cia céng dng la rmét yu t6 v6 cing quan trong vi ring gido duc ¥ thi xay dung mét x8 hdi bn vitng vé méi truing la thufc hién mot kiGu phat trién nh’m néng cao chat luang cube séng cia con ngud, déng that bio vé dae ngun tal nguyén cia dt, gin gitr dugc mai truting séng cia con nguéi trong méi truding xa hél. Choose the best translation for:nhén thite chung cia céng dng > general awareness general awereness of people General opinion publicly general acknowledgment 28. Look at the following sentence: Sy téc déng cia viée aiéo duc mél trating di vét nh thite chung cia céng dng la imét yéu t6 v6 cing quan trong vi rng gido duc ¥ thi xy dung mét x8 hoi Ben ving v mdi trudng fa thy hién mot kigu phat trién nhdm néng cao chat lugng cuéc sng cia con nguts, déng thai bao ve duc nguin tai nguyén cia dat, gin git duge mai truéing séng cia con nguti trong mei truéng x8 héi. Choose the best translation for:thyc hién mét kigu phat trién > a development to camry out development to conduct @ development to impement development 29, Look at the following sentence: Sy téc déng cia viée gido dyc méi truting dai véi nhn thite chung cia céng dng la ‘mét yéu t6 v6 cling quan trong vi rng gido duc ¥ thie xay dymng mét x8 hdi bn vling vé mdi truéng la thytc hién mot kiéu phat trién nhiim nang cao chat lugng usc séng ca con ngudt, déng thél bio vé duvgc nguién tai nguyén cla dat, gin gift duce mi truéing séng cia con nguil trong méi trutng x héi. Choose the best translation for:yéu t6 v6 cing quan trong > Crucial factor Important thing Key word Vitality 30. Look at the following sentence: Thy ra chéng a6 ngudi Viét Nam nao mush r&t bé qué hu‘ong ban quén cia minh 8 di kim ké sinh nhai nai dat khiéch qué nguti, nhutng khéng phdi moi ngudi du duwgc huting thanh qué cia céng cue déi méi ngang nhau. Do mat tréi cua kinh t thi truting, sé néng dén mat ruéng ngay cing nhiéu thém, Choose the best translation for:dat khéch qué nguti > Faroff cities Far country Remote country Visiting country 31. Look at the following sentence: Thy ra chéng c6 nguti Vit Nam nao muéhn réi bé qué hu‘dng ban quén cia minh 4B ai kim ké sinh nai nol dat khéch qué nguéi, nhumng khéng phai moi ngudi déu duwgc huting thanh qué cia cong cube d6i méi ngang nhau. Do mat tri cua kinh té thi truéng, s6 néng dn mat rugng ngay cing nhieu thém. Choose the best translation for:kiém ké sinh nhl > To look for a job To get their food To make their food To make thelr living 32. Look at the following sentence:Before the mid-twentieth century, it was generally believed that the atmosphere was so vast, the energy bound up in the global weather systems so great and the volume of water on the planet so enormous that the impact of human activities on the face of the planetwould be at most local and short-lives.Choose the best translation for:it was generally believed > Ngudi ta tin rang EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 use tin ring néi chung N6-néi chung duge tin ring N6i chung dug tin rang 33. Look at the following sentence:Before the mid-twentieth century, it was generally believed that the atmosphere was so vast, the energy bound up in the global weather systems so great and the volume of water on the planet so enormous that the impact of human activities on the face of the planetwould be at most local and short-lives.Choose the best translation for:local and short-lives > Mang tinh dia phuong va trong thét gian ngén Chi Anh huéng mot céch cyc bd va trong mét_thél gian gin ude sng rat ngin. lai & mic gan nhat va cube séng ngén lal 34. Look at the following sentence:Before the mid-twentieth century, it was generally believed that the atmosphere was so vast, the energy bound up in the global weather systems so great and the volume of water on the planet so enormous that the impact of human activities on the face ofthe planetwould be at most local and short-lives.Choose the best translation for:the energy bound up in the global weather systems so great Nang lugng trong hé théng khi hu toan cau rat Kén Nang lugng trong céc théi tét toan cau rat Kin NNgun ning Iuong trén toan eu 8 c6 gidi han gun ning lucng trén toan cu qué 1én 35. Look at the following sentence:Before the mid-twentieth century, it was generally believed that the atmosphere was so vast, the energy bound up in the global weather systems so great and the volume of water on the planet so enormous that the impact of human activities on the face of the planetwould be at most local and short-lives.Choose the best translation for:the volume of water on the planet Luong nude trén hanh tinh Am thanh cia hanh tinh & nude ‘Am thanh cia nutéc trén hanh tinh Luong hanh tinh néi trén nuBe 36, Read the following sentence: Sy téc dng cla vige gido duc méi trading déi vat nhan thife chung cia céng dng la rt yu t6 v6 cling quan trong vi rang gido duc ¥ thite xy dung mét x8 hdl bn ving vé mai truéng la thy hign mét kiéu phat trién nhéim nang cao chat lung cuéc séing cia con ngut, déng thdi bo vé duige nguiin tai nguyén cia dt, gin gid? ducic mai truting séng cia con nguti trong méi truéing x8 hgi. Choose the best translation for:Su tac déng cua Vigc gido duc méi truing > The Impact of raising environment awareness environment education effect The influence of environment education The reaction of environment training 37. The sentence "Khu vue Béng Nam A trong dé cé Viet nam thu hut rét nhiéu du khéch quée t8 bof nén vn hod da dang va nhiéu di sah thé gidi” should be transiated as > Southeast Asia, comprising Vietnam, attracts many international visitors because of its diverse culture and many world heritages. Southeast Asia, consisting of Vietnam, attracts many_ international visitors because of its diverse culture and many word heritages. Southeast Asia, included Vietnam, attracts many international visitors because of its diverse culture and many World heritages. Southeast Asia, includes Vietnam, attracts many intemational visitors because of its diverse culture and many world heritages. 38. The auxialary verb "did" in the sentence “Farther up the beach, fishermen prepare the thatched, circular boats that they row mast evenings into the South China Sea, catching squid and prawns as their grandparents did before Vietnam won its independence from France in 1954" refers to EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 > caught prepared rowed won 39. The idiom “in a nutshell” in the sentence “In a nutshell, farmers see opium cultivation as a way to secure their Income and provide for the family," says Tom Kramer from the Transnational Institute, a Dutch organisation that has reported on the production and trade of drugs in south-east Asia” means > In brief In advance In general In return 40. The latter in the sentence "Hue and Danang are two ideal destination inspiring tourist to explore the Central Vietnam. While the former, a designated heritage site, where a preserved citadel offers glimpses into a former feudal empire stil keep its pace, the latter a coastal city that was host to a U.S. air base during the Vietnam War, is emerging as an appealing destination in its own right” refers to > Danang Hue The US Vietnam 41. The main verb in the sentence "Céc kinh nghiém vé tng truting kinh té cho thay néu céc nuéc dua ra cc ed ché knuyén khich va cdc khoan dau tu vé y té va gido duc sé dem lai thu nhép cao hon, nguéi nghéo sé duoc hung loi gp «61 théng qua ting mie tiéu thy hin tal va thu nhap cao han trong tuzang lal” is, > Cho thay Bem lai Bua a Huéng loi 42. The main verb of the sentence “In fact, Ancon's dedication to languages is so strong that it goes into local schools and teaches children about the advantages of learning, something which has seen it become one of the "language ‘champions’ of the National Centre for Languages” is, bis become goes teaches 43, The main verb of the sentence "Khi hoc ngoai ngtt, no bé sé ty’ déng tim ra cach thich ing va van hanh higu qua inhat dé chiing ta o6 thé tiép thu dé dang, nhanh chéng cac nguén kién thie méi, dit ban muén that thanh thao hos dn gin dat duoc mét s6 kj nng nat dinh sau qué trinh rén luyén" should be > Tim ra, van hanh Tim a, van hanh , tiép thu Ty déng, tim ra Van hanh, tiép thu 44, The phrase "Su thanh cng clia céc du én hé tro dng bao dan téc thiéu sé” in the sentence " Sy thanh céng cia cic dy &n hd trg dng bao dan téc thiéu s6 cho thay vai trd ngay cing quan trong clia cdc t6 chifc xa él.” should be translated as > The success of projects to support ethnic minority ‘The success inethnic minority supported projects The successful ethnic minority support projects The successful projects to support people minority EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 45. The phrase "vai tré ngay cng quan trong alia céc t6 chiic xa hi" in the sentence * Sy thanh céng olla cde dy dn hs trg déng bio dan tc thigu s6 cho thay vai trd ngay cng quan trong cia céc t6 chifc x8 hi.” should be translated as > the increasingly significant role of social organizations the increasing significant role of society organizations the more and more important role of organizations of society the role more and more important of organization society 46. The pronoun “which” in the sentence "The city’s charms include a riverfront promenade where locals sip iced coffee, and a museum displaying artifacts from the Champa kingdom, which ruled for centuries along Vietnam's central and southern coasts” refers to > The Champa kingdom artifact riverfront the city 47. The sentence “Bdi nghéo cé thé thay trén tat ca cdc chau luc vdi nhiing mife 46 khac nhau. Dac biét 6 cdc nude dang phat tin, su ddi nghéo cia din cx dang la mat vn drat cp bach pha gi quyét vel nhing chinh sch tht thu should be translated as > Poverty can be seen inall continents at different levels. specially, indeveloping countries, the population poverty isan urgent problem that must address with practical polls. Poverty can be seen inall continents at different levels. Especially, in developing countries, the population poverty isan urgent problem that must be addressed with practical poles. Poverty can see inall continents at different levels. Specially, in developing countries, the population poverty is an urgent problem that must be addressed with practical policies. Poverty can see on all continents at different levels. Especially, indeveloping countries, the population poverty is an urgent problem that must be addressed with practical policies 48. The sentence “Hang triGu tré em trén thé gidi bi di dic biét & cdc nat bi thién tai, nhigu tré em tuéi tir 6 ~ 11 khéng dugc cap sich dén truting” should be translated as > Milions of children in the world are inhunger especially in disaster-stricken areas, many from 6 - 11 can not {90 to school. Millions of children inthe world are hungry, especially in areas of disaters, many from 6 - 11 can not go to school. Millions of children inthe world are inhunger especially in disaster-stricken areas, many from 6 - 11 can not be {gone to school, Millions of children inthe world are starved especially in disaster-stricken areas, many from 6 - 11 can not be educated, 49. The sentence “There is a growing realisation that labour trafficking is a much wider, more subtle phenomenon, and, in terms of numbers, the problem affecting women from all over the world” should be translated as > Chiing ta ngdy cing nhén thay nan bun bén laodéng dang trd nén phé bién, tinh vi hon va xét vé sé luong,nd nh hung dén phy nit 6 khép noi trén thé gid." C6 mét_suf nhén thie ngay cang tng rng nen bun ban lao dng lamét ign tung rng lén, tinh t& hon, va x8t vé 96 long, mét_ van dé rng kin anh huéng dén phy nif ti khép not trén thé gid.“ 6 mét_ sur nhén thic nady cang ting réng nan buén bn laodéng lamét_hign tuigng rng Win, tinh t& hon, va xét vé 56 lugng, mét_ vin a2 réng Ién anh hung 4én phy aif tis khp nai trén thé gid.” 6 mét su’ nhén thife ngay cang tng réng nen bun ban lao déng la mét ign tung rng lén, tinh t& hon, va x8t vB 96 luong, mét_ van dé rng kin anh hung dén phy nif tirkhép not trén thé gid.“ 50. The subject of "Sau khi xem xét nhiing vn d@ lén quan dé viéc hoc ngoai ngit 6 Viet nam tir Khia canh cia ngu hngc va ngudt day "in the sentence "Sau khi xem xét nhiing van dé lién quan dé vigc hoc ngoal ngit & Vigt nam tir Khia canh cla ngudi hoc va ngudl day, mét van dé da duge cac chuyén gia dua ra is > chuyén gia Ngudi day Ngudt hoc EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 Vietnam 51. The subject of “touched” in the sentence "English is the primary language of not only countries actively touched by British imperialism, but also many business and cultural spheres dominated by those countries” is, > British. imperialism Countries, English Primary language 52. The word “although” in the sentence “Although maternal mortality may not be as immediate as disease or starvation, its the second biggest killer of women of reproductive age in the developing world” can be replaced by > Despite the fact that However Inspite Inspite of 53, The word "bao gm” in the sentence "khu vuc Béng Nam A thude khu vuc chéu A, bao gém céc nutéc phia nam Trung quéc, pia déng An 46, phia tay New Guinea va phia bac nuréc Uc" should be translated as > Consists’ of Comprise includes involves 54. The word “chung” in the the sentence “Viét nam va My da ky tuyén bé chung nhan chuyén tham cua Téfig thén Barack Obama theo Idi méi cua Chu tich nude Trén ®ai,Quang " should be translated as > joint general join 55. The word "gn" in " SB lucng ngudii nghéo d néng thén chiém gn 63% s8 nguéi nghéo trén thé gid” should be translated as > Almost Most Most of The most 56. The word "lke" in the sentence "And the central region's best-known foods, lke the noodle dish mi quang and the chicken-and-rice medley com ga, easily rival salty specialities from Hanoi and sweet ones from Ho Chi Minh City” is used to > give example ‘compare none of the answers iscorrect tomake a list 57. The word "that in the sentence "Nonindustrial farming or traditional agriculture that continues to intensify in less developed countries often involves the cultivation of fragile soils that are dificult to farm, such as drylands, highlands, and forests." refers to > fragile soils less developed countries the cultivation traditional agriculture EHOU.ONLINE - Dé cong on tap mon: EN45 - Dich nang cao 1 Bién sogn Zalo/ Telegram Thé Phong - 08 3533 8593 '58. The word "vi" in the sentence "Cn 6 nhiing giai php hgp I cho ede van dé méi truéng va khi hau vi cue séng cilia chinh ching ta va thé hé tung lai” should be translated as > for because because of 59, The word "vi" in the sentence "Moi ngudi sng tho hon vi nhiéu nguyén nbn nhu’ dich vy chim séc sife khoé duge Ci thin, dinh dung tat hon, dat séng vat chat dugc nang cao” should be translated as > due to for the sake of with the purpose 60. The word “which” in the sentence “we know of cities in low-income nations which emit less than one tonne CO2- equivalent per person per year,” says Satterthwaite.” refers to > cities countries, None of them we 61. Thw word "the former” in the sentence “Travelers arriving in Da Nang typically travel by road 29 kilometers, or 18 miles, south to the former trading port of Hoi An, which Unesco has designated a cultural heritage landmark" means > Used to be Danang Hoi an Travelers 662. What is the main verb of the sentence "While the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before"? > Allow has happened is Predict

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