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Name: Brandon James L.


Course, Year & Section: BSIT 1B

Activity #3: NSTP – CWTS

Answer the following questions:

1. What is R.A. 9275 all about?

R.A. 9275 is all about Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004. An act providing for a
comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes. This Act provides for the
abatement and control of pollution from land based sources, and lays down water quality
standards and regulations.

2. How can you help the clean water act?

By limiting the amount of fertilizer used on plants, take short showers, shutting water off
while brushing teeth and any other simple ways.

3. How does water act affect our lives?

Philippine Water Act aims to protect the country's water bodies from pollution from land-
based sources. This includes farming of crops and raising livestock, as well as fishing. If we
don’t preserve or manage our water resources, it will only take us only a few timespan to have
problems in our daily life and especially in our ecosystem.

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