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Test Builder | Headway Student's Site | Oxford University Press 06.04.

2022, 11:13

Headway Test. Created on 06/04/22

The Passive

Choose the correct answer.

1 Grapes ________________ in Scotland. [ aren't grown, aren't
grow ]
2 My car ________________ so I'll walk. [ 's being repaired, 's
repaired ]
3 The school ________________ every week. [ 's cleaned, cleaned ]
4 What? Paul ________________? [ 's been arrested, 's
arrested ]
5 I realized that my bike ________________! [ had been stolen, was
stole ]

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

6 Most toys _______________ in China. (make)
7 The post _______________ twice a day. (deliver)
8 This house _______________ 200 years ago. (build)
9 This party _______________ for months. (plan)
10 I _______________ by a dog when I was two. (bite)


Choose the correct answer.

1 She lives in ________________ large house. [ a, the ]
2 I really love ________________ meat. [ -, a ]
3 Did you like ________________ holiday? [ the, a ]
4 I live in ________________ Arnold Road. [ -, an ]
5 My brother is ________________ accountant. [ an, - ]

Complete the sentences with the correct article.

6 I prefer to live in _______________ countryside.
7 Have you got _______________ apple I gave you?
8 What's this? Is it _______________ animal?
9 This is _______________ great party. Page 1 of 2
Test Builder | Headway Student's Site | Oxford University Press 06.04.2022, 11:13

10 _______________ sun is very hot today. Copyright Oxford University Press 2010 Page 2 of 2

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